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Churning the maelstrom de Nile


In their darkened shrines

14 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Churning the maelstrom

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La canción "Churning the Maelstrom" de Nile es una composición que sumerge al oyente en un oscuro y misterioso mundo mitológico. Las letras, llenas de referencias a las divinidades egipcias y a la lucha entre el bien y el mal, evocan imágenes de poder y caos primordial. En un tono apocalíptico y ritualista, el cantante se presenta como un dios no creado que recoge el poder de cada lugar y persona, incluso más rápido que la luz misma.

Las metáforas utilizadas en la canción revelan una intensa exploración de temas como la fuerza, la oscuridad y la creación divina. La referencia al Duat, un reino subterráneo en la mitología egipcia donde los muertos eran juzgados por Osiris, agrega una capa adicional de significado religioso y espiritual a la letra.

El autor también menciona a Apophis, conocido como Apep, una serpiente monstruosa que representaba la oscuridad suprema en la cosmogonía egipcia. Apep era considerado el antagonista de Ra, el dios sol, y su derrota todas las noches simbolizaba el triunfo de la luz sobre las tinieblas. Esta referencia añade un elemento de conflicto cósmico entre fuerzas opuestas al mensaje general de la canción.

El contexto histórico detrás de las letras revela una profundidad aún mayor en su significado. Se describe cómo ciertas tradiciones e influencias culturales antiguas pueden haber inspirado tanto la letra como los motivos del cantante para abordar estos temas específicos. La conexión con Apophis/Apep y las relaciones políticas fracturadas en Egipto durante períodos tumultuosos proporcionan un trasfondo fascinante para esta obra musical.

"Churning the Maelstrom" se encuentra dentro del álbum "In Their Darkened Shrines" lanzado en 2002 por Nile. Este álbum es aclamado por su brutalidad sonora y su complejidad técnica dentro del género del death metal. La estructura musical es intensa y caótica, reflejando quizás las fuerzas primordiales evocadas en las letras.

En resumen, "Churning the Maelstrom" es mucho más que una simple canción; es una exploración profunda de temas mitológicos antiguos imbuidos con un sentido moderno de brutalidad sonora. Su riqueza lírica invita a múltiples interpretaciones e incita al oyente a sumergirse en un universo oscuro pero fascinante donde los dioses chocan con monstruos ancestrales en una batalla eterna entre el orden y el caos.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Am the uncreated god
before me the dwellers in chaos are dogs
their masters merely wolves
i gather the power
from every place
from every person
faster than light itself
hail to he who is in the duat
who is strong
even before the servants of serpents
he gathers the power
from every pit of torment
from they who hath burnt in flames
from words of power uttered by the
darkness itself
Hail to he in the pit
who is strong
even before the terrors of the abyss
who gathers the power
from the wailing and lamentations
of the shades chained therein
from he who createth gods from
the silence alone
[last year, after the release of black seeds of vengeance, i received e-mails containing the text of a work whose origins had until then been completely unknown to me. entitled, "the chapter for bringing heka to those who burn," the author claimed it was part of a larger collection of works known as "the book of resurrection ; in egyptian methology, apophis is also known as apep, the terrible monster serpent who, in dynastic times, was a personification of the darkness of the darkest hour of night. apeop is the dreaded embodiment of utter evil in the form of a giant snake that arises anew each night to struggle against the sun god, ra. against apep, ra must not only fight, but must succesfully conquer morning sun, lest darkness and chaos engulf the entire earth during the day as well. apep was both crafty and evil doing, and, like ra, possessed many names, to destroy him it was necessary to curse him by each and every name by which he as known. in egyptian papyri, apep is also represented in the form of an enormous serpent, into each undulation of which a knife is stuck. in the book of gates, we see him fastened by the neck with a chain (along which is fastened the goddess, serqet), the end of which is in the hands of a god, and also chained to the ground with five chains. coincidentally (or perhaps not), apophis is also the name the hyskos king aussere adopted during his reign over the conquered and subjugated egypt of 1570 the hyskos had invaded egypt and established their new political and religious capical city, avaris, in the delta region of egypt. avaris is also the site of the original temple of set. set (or sutekh, to the hyskos) wa the chief god of the hyskos at that time, but in egyptian mythology since pre-dynastic times, set was the murderous brother of osiris, and the original ultimate embodiment of the forces of darkness, chaos and evil, at whose command was te monster serpent, apep. during the early period of the hyskos occupation, the hyskos faced little significant opposition. but during the reign of apophis i, the theban princes of egypt rose up to drive the hyskos back out of egypt, a feat that is recounted on two large stelae set up by kamose in the temple of amun at karnak. the text which i received was in three languages - egyptian, greek and modern Inglés-English, along with rubric instructions for the proper recitation of the chants, which are to be memorized and repeated as a sort of mantra, and as such should be spoken in egyptian rather than Inglés-English. the translations were given only to throw light upon the meanings of the spell. upon closer examination of the text, it seems to bear superficial resemblance to chapter 24 of the papyrus of ani, "the chapter for bringing magick to ani," (which is also known in some books of the dead as "the chapter for gaining power," and in modern ritualmagick as "the gathering of ;) but the similarities go immediately astray, for "the chapter for bringing heka to those who burn" seems as though it is, in this incarnation, a blasphemous underworld perversion of the chapters contained in the theban recension of the book of the dead. perhaps it was intended for use by ancient cultists who would be intent upon using the darker forces of chaos and the spiritual energy of those souls burning in the fiery pits of torment in the underworld for their own cultist ambitions of the upsetting the orderer structure of the ancient egyptian world. more likely, their goal was probably to alter the political balance of rival religious factions in the turmoil of those tumultuous intermediate times. by the end of the 14th dynasty, egypt's once considerable might as a nation had eroded due to internal political struggles, so that it was unable to defent itself against invaders. the hyskos overwhelmed the dynasty, remaining in power until being expelled during the 17th dynasty ina great war, which lasted, according to manetbo, about a quarter of a century

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.