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Conspiracy de Onyx


Shut 'em down

14 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Conspiracy

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La canción "Conspiracy" interpretada por Onyx es una mirada cruda y realista a la dura realidad de las calles y la vida en entornos urbanos conflictivos. Desde el principio, se puede sentir un tono de paranoia y desconfianza en las letras, donde el narrador expresa sentirse atrapado en un entorno peligroso y violento. La colaboración con X-1 Clay the Raider añade capas de complejidad a la narrativa, brindando diferentes perspectivas sobre las luchas internas y externas que enfrentan.

El coro interpretado por Onyx enfatiza la idea central de que las calles están intentando acabar con ellos, describiendo cómo un amigo cercano podría convertirse en su peor enemigo y lo letal que puede ser el entorno urbano. La posibilidad de ser asesinado o encarcelado de por vida plantea un panorama desolador e implacable.

En el primer verso, X-1 detalla los aspectos más oscuros del crimen callejero, desde la violencia hasta la búsqueda desesperada de dinero fácil. Las referencias a robos, asaltos y traiciones ilustran el ambiente hostil en el que opera el narrador, mostrando una mentalidad de supervivencia extrema impulsada por circunstancias difíciles.

En el segundo verso, Sonsee profundiza en la amenaza constante que representa vivir inmerso en un mundo criminal donde todos son potenciales adversarios. La sensación de conspiración y se mezcla con pensamientos sobre la brutalidad policial y las traiciones personales esperadas entre amigos y amantes.

En el tercer verso a cargo de Clay the Raider y Sticky Fingaz se narra una escena violenta donde la vida del narrador pende de un hilo tras un tiroteo fatal. Los temas recurrentes son la lealtad, la venganza y la inevitabilidad del destino trágico para aquellos sumergidos en este estilo de vida.

Finalmente, Fredro Starr cierra con un cuarto verso cargado de resignación frente a un mundo indiferente y cruel donde solo prevalece la ley del más fuerte. La autocuestionamiento personal también juega un papel relevante al reflexionar sobre decisiones pasadas y consecuencias presentes.

A nivel musical, "Conspiracy" es representativa del rap underground duro típico del East Coast hardcore hip hop. El álbum "Shut 'em down" sirve como plataforma para transmitir historias impactantes y sinceras sobre las duras realidades urbanas que rara vez se ven reflejadas en medios convencionales.

En resumen, "Conspiracy" es mucho más que una simple canción; es una ventana cruda al lado oscuro de las calles llenas de violencia, traición e incertidumbre. Impactante tanto lírica como musicalmente, esta pista destaca por su franqueza brutal al presentar una realidad despiadada donde sobrevivientes es todo lo alcanzable.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Featuring x 1 clay the raider

yo yo but that shit ain't mine nigga
you know what? get on the floor alright
yo man get the fuck off me
get down on the ground and spread em out alright
yo aight aight man
get the fuck down on the ground man
aight man
now keep your ass on the

yo who the fuck can i trust man?
you can trust me man
everywhere i turn there's danger god
yo i feel like the walls is closin in on me man
ay, i am stress
buggin arrrrgh
yeah, i got you where i want you
word up man
ain't got nowhere to go son
no you don't


Chorus: onyx

These streets is tryin to kill me
My best friend, could be my worst enemy, this game is deadly
This ghetto might murder me, or lock me up
Twenty-five to life, throw the key


Verse one: x-1

Yo, yo
You know what happens in the actions of the inner city tale
When your thoughts fail and have you scared to death
Biting off your fingernails, not enough, numbers on the weight scale
Got, niggaz cuttin throat just to make sales
Even if it take the last of me i'ma fill my pockets to capacity
Anything that takes cash, fuck job huntin
Put on a face mask kid, i'm out to rob sum'in
If you home or not, i put the chrome to your knot
One shot to the side of your face, let me up inside of your place
Gimme the funds up out of the safe
Hit the fire escape, high-divin gates
Flyin from jakes, i'm dyin for paint


Verse two: sonsee

Yo, i'm caught up, stuck in the tangled web
Where they'd love to see me dead, mail my mom's my head
So the tricolored silenced rugar stay off safe
To take off a face, just in case, a quiet lace
Plottin, for your knot-and, your spot-and, your block-and
Anything else, you got-ten, hopefully you snake and rotten
So eyes open, don't sleep
Cause once you do you goin deep, mo' money mo' heat
Police, wanna brutalize me to death
And my foes wanna see me lose all my breath
Maybe friends, come wanna merk me for my beans
And bitches that gave me skins, wanna watch my end
Cut open my chest, and see my heart
Pump the last ounce of life -- for livin, it's a price
Til then, when it's over, kamikaze
Strictly, i'm takin all you motherfuckers with me


Verse three: clay the raider, sticky fingaz

When i die, i don't want none of my niggaz to cry
Just dress me in a black suit, and a black tie
Pass me by to the darkest cloud in the sky
No time to waste, we got the drugs in the briefcase
We stickin up the whorehouse, we takin everything
We want the pussies to the diamond rings
You want the sun to shine? we want the rain to pour
Official nast' to put your body on the floor
blam blam blam

Oh shit i'm hit i'm hit they just shot me in the stomach
Unnngggggghhhhh blam blam blam blam blam who want it who want it?
Niggaz trying to kill me, and they caught me by surprise
That's when i blacked out, my life flashed before my eyes glass breaking

My whole life i ain't never give a shit
My mentality was clip cocked into gun get shot or gimme a gam
If the gun ain't jam, i woulda bust you
I don't trust my own mother, how the fuck i'ma trust you?
I did some things that i sorta regret
But i can't bring them niggaz back kid they already wet
As a kid i went to jail cause i sold crack
I'm holdin trial in the streets cause i ain't tryin to go back

Oh shit what happened? wait, now i 'member
And where my gun?? i musta dropped it when i jumped out that window
broken glass ahh, my stomach, where them niggaz i don't see em
I gotta make it to the b-m, and try to stop this bleeding
I ain't trying to die, i got mad blood spilt
("aiyyo there that nigga go kill him") oh shit blam

I left behind a widow and a bastard kid
The streets was tryin to kill me, and it did

Verse four/modified chorus: fredro starr

These streets is tryin to kill me
That's why i keep a mac-mil this shit is real to me
This shit is deadly, this ghetto might murder me
Or lock me up for twenty five to life throw the key, i'm low key
So niggaz don't notice me, a half a key is worth
More than a pound of weed, i die for my seed
Kill for my family, fuck this world
Cause this world don't understand me, i'm sick mentally
I'm drinkin hennessy, mixed with tennessee
Shit is stressing me, niggaz praying for the death of me
But til they bury me
When sixteen shots enter me
Remember me your worst enemy


Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.