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Come de Prince


Deposition (disc 2)

14 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Come

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La canción "Come" de Prince es una pieza musical que se adentra en temas de sexualidad, deseo y pasión de una manera provocativa y directa. A lo largo de la letra, Prince invita a su amante a entregarse por completo a la experiencia sensual y liberarse de inhibiciones. Las referencias a actos sexuales explícitos y al placer físico están presentes a lo largo de la canción, creando una atmósfera intensamente erótica.

El título mismo, "Come", sugiere una invitación seductora hacia el éxtasis carnal y el abandono total al deseo. Prince desafía las convenciones sociales y propone un encuentro íntimo sin restricciones ni tabúes. La letra revela una actitud audazmente lasciva, donde el cantante expresa su voluntad de satisfacer los deseos más profundos de su pareja con total entrega y devoción.

A través de metáforas sensuales y descripciones detalladas, Prince crea un ambiente cargado de erotismo y lujuria. Su voz seductora se entrelaza con los ritmos funk característicos de su estilo musical, creando una sinergia entre la sensualidad vocal y la instrumentación vibrante. La estructura musical refleja el desenfreno emocional presente en la letra, con cambios dinámicos que intensifican la atmósfera pasional de la canción.

En cuanto al contexto cultural en el que se lanzó la canción, Prince era conocido por desafiar las normas establecidas en cuanto a sexualidad y género en la industria musical. Su estética provocativa y su actitud transgresora hicieron que fuera un ícono icónico tanto en términos musicales como visuales. "Come", con su temática sexual explícita, representa esa valentía artística y ese compromiso con romper barreras en favor de la expresión auténtica e irreverente.

En comparación con otras obras de Prince, "Come" se destaca por su atrevimiento extremo y su carácter lascivo sin ambages. Mientras que otras canciones del artista exploran diferentes facetas del amor y las relaciones humanas, esta pieza específica se enfoca exclusivamente en la pasión física e íntima entre dos amantes. Es un testimonio tanto del talento musical de Prince como de su capacidad para sorprender y desafiar las expectativas del público.

En resumen, "Come" es una canción que encarna el espíritu audaz y sin restricciones del artista Prince, invitando a sus oyentes a sumergirse en un mundo de placer sensorial y entrega total al deseo. A través de metáforas sugerentes e imágenes vívidas, la letra evoca una sensación embriagadora de lujuria irresistible que cautiva al oyente desde el primer acorde hasta el último gemido vocal. Con esta canción provocativa e intensamente erótica, Prince deja una marca imborrable en la historia musical contemporánea como un iconoclasta visionario dispuesto a explorar los límites del arte y lo prohibido.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

If u're 18 and over, come here
i got something 4 your mind
u should do that baby
no more will u cry
the spirit is calling
here's a reason why
if u had a chance 2 see the future would u try?
if u will, so will i

when i call u up, i wanna tell u what 2 wear
don't be surprised if i tell u 2 go bare
long as u wash between your soul and through your hair (i'm gonna do it)
i'll do my duty there
u should do that baby
no more will u cry
the spirit's calling
here's a reason why
if u had a chance (come) 2 see the future would u try?
(if u had a chance 2 see the future would u try?)
if u will, so will i
(if u will, so will i)
(when u) when i lay u down i'm gonna tell u what 2 feel
(don't u) don't be surprised if i make u my daily meal
(lickin' u inside) lickin' u inside, outside
(outside) all sides (all sides), up and down (up and down)
with my tongue in the crease, baby i go 'round
when i go down, down, down, (come) down, down, down, da-da-down
(when i do, no more)
no more will u cry
spirit's calling
here's a reason why
if u had the chance 2 see the future would u try?
(if u had the chance 2 see the future would u try?)
if u will, so will i
(if u will, so will i)
so will i
u should do that baby
u should do that girl
u should do that baby
u should do that girl
when i suck u there
i don't wanna hear u scream (don't wanna hear u scream)
don't talk or breathe
don't cough or sneeze
oh, just dream, dream, dream
baby, my tongue's gonna do things that u never seen (seen)
(when i) when i blow that mind baby
i'm gonna drive u crazy
U should do that girl (no more will u cry)
u should do that baby (here's a reason why)
(if u had the chance 2 see the future would u try?)
do that girl, do that girl
u should do that baby (if u will, so will i)
(come on, come on, come on)
(no more will u cry)
(here's a reason why)
(if u had the chance 2 see the future would u try?)
(if u will so will i)
now break it down
(when i blow that mind baby)
(i'm gonna drive u crazy)
Can i suck u baby?
can i fuck u baby?
i wanna suck u baby
Shout it (come) ou-ou-out
(no more will u cry)
(here's a reason why)
and if u had a chance 2 see the future would u try?
oh, (come)
if u will, (so will i) if u will, so will i (so will i)
Like a (come) splendid, open ended
celibate friend (no more will u cry), pretending
not 2 know (come) it (know it) when i blow it (blow it)
in your eyes (here's a reason why)
like a strawberry (come), chocolate
fender jazz, mashed potato, fuzztone (come)
all over your thighs
Oh baby
that's the only (come) come i know
when i'm deep inside that
yeah, that's the only (come) time
the only time u go
"ooh, baby u're so good"
"ooh, baby u're so good"
aw, shut up (come)
this is just so u come
no more will u cry
It's no wonder there's a puddle there
holding it in 4 so long
u know u can let it go
it won't be wrong
it's just u and me baby
tonight and 4ever more
u should do that baby
fuck it
on the floor
Or better yet, why don't u do it on the chair?
u should get that shit started
u can change your underwear
yeah, u can always change your underwear
It don't mean your rep cuz u kiss in a restaurant
it don't mean your rep just cuz me tallywhacker suckin' is all u want
all it means it that the 1 that come before me never made u come
u should do that baby
Should do that baby
do that baby do that baby
let me suck u
don't scream
don't talk
don't breathe
just lay back
just lay back
just lay back and dream
dream (come)
dream (come)
(come, come, come, come, come)
(come, come, come, come, come)
(come, come, come, come, come)
oh yeah
oh love
did u come, come, come, come
i wanna know
(u should do that baby) u should do that baby
oh yes (oh yes)
oh yes
u should do that baby
(do that girl)
(oh yeah)
No more, no more (no more will u cry)
will u cry, cry, cry, cry (here's a reason why)
if u had the chance
(if u had the chance) 2 see the future would u try?
if u will, if u will, so will i
(if u will, so will i)
come, come, come
when i blow that mind baby
i'm gonna drive u crazy
u should do that baby

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.