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Father figure de Q Strange


Father figure (Single)

16 de diciembre de 2011

La canción "Father figure" del artista Q Strange es una emotiva y profunda reflexión sobre las figuras paternas que han tenido un impacto significativo en la vida del protagonista. A través de las letras, se revela el profundo respeto y cariño que el narrador siente hacia su tío, identificado como "Uncle Roc", quien no solo desempeñó un papel paternal en su vida, sino que también le ofreció apoyo, amor y guía cuando más lo necesitaba.

El protagonista describe a su tío como alguien mucho más que un simple miembro de la mafia; era una figura paterna que lo acogió con amor y le brindó el apoyo familiar que necesitaba. A pesar de las acciones turbias de su tío, él siempre lo protegió de esa parte oscura y lo trató como a un verdadero hijo. El narrador expresa gratitud por todo lo que su tío hizo por él, desde ofrecerle un hogar hasta el consuelo en momentos difíciles.

La canción también menciona la figura del abuelo del protagonista, destacando la influencia positiva que tuvo en él. El abuelo fue un ejemplo de trabajo duro, honor y orgullo, transmitiendo importantes valores al protagonista y a su hermano. La pérdida tanto del tío como del abuelo deja un profundo vacío en la vida del narrador, pero agradece el impacto positivo que tuvieron en su vida.

A lo largo de la canción, se refleja el dolor por la ausencia de estas figuras paternas y se reconoce la importancia fundamental que tuvieron en la formación del narrador como persona. Se destaca el legado positivo dejado por ellos y cómo sus enseñanzas seguirán vivas en las futuras generaciones.

En términos musicales, la canción presenta una estructura reflexiva y melódica, donde la voz de Q Strange transmite emociones intensas a través de la letra sincera y personal. Los instrumentos utilizados acompañan adecuadamente el tono emocional de la canción, creando una atmósfera íntima y emotiva para transmitir el mensaje central.

En resumen, "Father figure" es una poderosa oda a las figuras paternas presentes en la vida del protagonista, que no solo cumplieron roles familiares sino que también dejaron huellas imborrables de amor, sacrificio y aprendizaje. La canción captura la esencia del agradecimiento y reconocimiento hacia aquellos seres queridos que marcaron profundamente al narrador con sus enseñanzas e influencia positiva.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

some knew my uncle roc as a mob figure
but to me he was much bigger he was like a father figure
all that crooked shit he did he never let us see
welcome me into his home givin' me family
a man to me closer than my own pops
my cousins ain't my cousins, they're my brothas and that lovin' wont stop
never wanted the come i would never throw ya name
for personal gain, too much respect in my veins
grow to me like your own and i never got to thank ya
angry when i saw what they printed in the paper
offered to take me in when i lost my mom
that's why i respect you more than any mafia don
i didn't know that man that did the federal bids
i knew a man who give the whole world to his kids
knew a man who was funny and he had a good heart
and i'ma treasure you forever i'm a miss you uncle roc

in my life i never had a dad
but you we're right there to guide me down the path
given me the things i woulda never had
even though it's hard now that 'cha passed
i still move on, try not to be sad
i had you in my life i think god for that
and i just hope that i can be
half the man you have to be

grandpa you did a better job wit me than your son
no disrespect to my father but you got the job done
taught me how to win respect that i'll never forget
working hard all your life poured blood, tears, and sweat
taught me honor and pride, and i feel hollow inside
wit out 'chu in my life i'm so sorry you died
took me from a boy to a man, and you raised me
not just for me, you did the same thing for jamie
but you were the glue that held the family together
never thought after you passed that the family would sever
all of our ties, and just stop communicatin'
but without ya love i guess we started hatin'
but we was all there around the hospital bed
we were prayin' and cryin' i said goodbye then i kissed ya forehead
watchin' my hero trying to breathe on a respirator
yesterday the pain was even greater watchin' as you fade away
right before my eyes, wishin' i could save you
right until the end you were so strong and brave too
named my son after you and you were so proud
told everyone you knew about 'cha great grandchild
you held him in ya arms broke a tear couldn't speak
if only i knew, you woulda passed the next week
i woulda told you were my world thank you for your love
i hope your lookin' down watchin' over us from above
because, you were the one who played the role model
without 'chu in my life my hearts filled with sorrow
i guess what they say no one is promised tomorrow
its true, gods mysterious ways would always follow
you taught me life lessons i'ma carry for life
pass it on to my seed, and try to bring him up right
without these influences i don't know where i'd be
in the cemetery or in the penitentiary
- 3x



Q strange

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