Dice la canción

A day of sooperman lover de Redman


Whut thee album

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de A day of sooperman lover

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La canción "A Day of Sooperman Lover" interpretada por Redman es una pieza emblemática del hip-hop de la era dorada que captura la creatividad y la narrativa única de este artista. La letra nos sumerge en la vida de Sooperman Lover, un superhéroe urbano con una actitud despreocupada y un estilo callejero inigualable. A través de rimas ingeniosas y humorísticas, Redman nos presenta a este personaje extravagante que se mueve entre salvar gatos de los árboles y coquetear con mujeres agradecidas.

En el verso inicial, Redman nos introduce al día cotidiano del Sooperman Lover, quien disfruta de un almuerzo relajado y se dispone a realizar sus hazañas heroicas mientras disfruta de su walkman. Con una mezcla de arrogancia y diversión, el protagonista se presenta como un superhéroe peculiar y poco convencional, cuyo poder radica en su capacidad para resolver situaciones cotidianas con atención al detalle y determinación.

El uso de metáforas e imágenes vívidas en la letra refleja el humor característico de Redman y su habilidad para contar historias a través del rap. El encuentro con el gato atrapado en el árbol sirve como punto culminante de la narrativa, mostrando la combinación única de valentía y desenfado que define al Sooperman Lover. La interacción con la dueña del gato revela un lado más humano del personaje, destacando su sentido del humor e inteligencia emocional.

A lo largo de la canción, Redman juega con las expectativas del oyente al presentar situaciones absurdas pero entretenidas que desafían las convenciones tradicionales del rap. El contraste entre la aparente seriedad del superhéroe urbano y su comportamiento irreverente añade profundidad a la caracterización del personaje, creando una complejidad intrigante en torno a su identidad.

El ritmo contagioso y los beats característicos del hip-hop clásico complementan magistralmente la lírica ingeniosa de Redman, creando una experiencia auditiva envolvente y memorable. Con referencias a elementos culturales propios de los años 90s, "A Day of Sooperman Lover" se destaca como un tributo vibrante a una época dorada del rap americano.

En resumen, "A Day of Sooperman Lover" es mucho más que una simple canción; es una oda a la creatividad desbordante de Redman como artista y un ejemplo único del potencial narrativo que puede alcanzar el género hip-hop cuando se ejecuta con maestría. Esta pieza atemporal continúa resonando en los corazones de los fans aficionados al hip-hop clásico y representa un legado duradero en la historia musical americana.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Look! up in the sky!
it's a
it's a plane!
hee hee hee hee naw! it's sooperman lover baby!

daddy daddy!
would you please read us a story?
alright get over here and sit yo big ass down
Lemme tell you about the sooperman

Verse 1

Ayo i was out to lunch and shit
Puffin' on a blunt to get my head read(y)
Boogie'n to my walkman
With an "s" on my chest
(bust a move!)
Yes i'm a superhero, don't forget
I smoke mad niggas
So to hell with cigarettes
But anyway,
Let's get back to this skit
You know who the fuck i am
So git off that ol' bull-shucks
Lunchtime was up, (fuck!!)
Let me jet, or i'll collect unemployment bucks
On the way back, black,
I spotted this object, a stray cat
Stuck in a tree
With a tag that says that:
"if found,
Please return to this address"
(how did you see it)?
Nigga! wit my x-ray eye set!
Like "pchoooooooww"!
I jetted to the closest phone-booth
Quick fast,
I dipped into my sooperlover

(i can leap,
Tall buildings
In a single )

Right through the fuckin' phone-booth ceiling!
(it's a plane!)
Naw, sooperman lover's the name
I can slam king-kong
And pick up freight trains
On a mission,
To save this cat/that was wishin'
He was in his litter

Watchin' fritz on channel 6'n
Feet cocked-up/ just a little
With a cod cocktail
And a bowl, of tender vittles
I snatched, him
Took off through the air like a pigeon
Quick so he won't start
Meowin' and bitchin'
The letter in cat's tag address (?)
Said the projects
(elevator's broke!)
So i had to take the back steps
(knock, knock)
The door opened
Then my eyes swole
From this badass dame (damn!)
Sippin' a quart of "old gold"
-"yo, is this your cat?"
-"awww, yes! where'd you find him at?"
-"he was stuck in a tree,
Around uptown manhattan"
-"well how the hell did you save him?
Are you police/undercover?"
-"naw baby,
The "s" on my chest stands for:"

Chorus: sooperman lover (yeah!)
Baby call him the sooperman lover
Something wrong, indeed
Something wrong. yes, yes

Verse 2

She was grateful
Lookin' for ways to repay me
No money,
A donut, and coffee maybe?
Of course
What kind of sauce(?) did i take?
Make my donut jelly
And my coffee sanka
We sat,
Unhooked the cape from the back
She felt my arms
'cause my pythons looked stacked
"goddamn, sooperlover!
Yo shit looks thick
Tell me, how strong are you
With muscles like this? (you bad motherfucker!)"

(i'm stronger than a locomotive)

I'll keep hittin ya like rocky
She ran to the room
And came back with a (?)
Negligee, high-heeled shoes,
Wit' a blunt in her mouth
Ready to roll up,
Hey hold up/ she had the dollar fold(ed) up
To mix the coke with the smoke
Yo, she was no joke
She took a sniff,
Some got on her top lip
That bitch stuck out her tounge
And gave her top lip a lick
And said: -"here baby, hit ;
-"naw baby, i ain't wit' it
You'd need more than a body
To make me wanna hit that shit!"
But i'll hit the blunt
So she took out her fronts
Cracked the philly
Opened the bag and laid out the skunk
Then i took a long pull
It was hype/ outtasite
We ran into the bedroom
So i cracked my pants for head room
Later, tossed the covers
And oh, brother! i was wit' it
Ready to hit it
Asked my dick, "yo, whassup gee?"
"yo man, shit's thick"
Licked her down her belly
And kissed her on her back
Stuck my hands betewwn the legs
And i felt the bozack(!)
As big as mine (yo!)
This bitch must be craze,
So i threw my suit on
And i was
'cause i'm the:


Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.