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Goodbye Ft. Fat Joe de Slaughterhouse



5 de septiembre de 2012

Significado de Goodbye Ft. Fat Joe

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La canción "Goodbye" interpretada por Slaughterhouse presenta una profundidad emocional importante a lo largo de su letra. La colaboración con Fat Joe añade capas adicionales de sentimiento y nostalgia a la canción, creando un ambiente reflexivo y melancólico.

La letra de la canción comienza con una introspección sobre la vida del cantante, recordando momentos difíciles en los que casi pierde la vida. Agradece a una figura clave, posiblemente Chris, por haberlo salvado en aquellos momentos críticos. Este reconocimiento de gratitud se convierte en un hilo conductor a lo largo de la canción, destacando el impacto que ciertas personas tienen en nuestras vidas sin que siempre seamos conscientes de ello.

El análisis también revela una profunda tristeza ante la pérdida de seres queridos, como se aprecia en las líneas que describen cómo el narrador recibe la noticia de una tragedia mientras estaba ocupado haciendo una entrevista. Esta conexión entre los altos y bajos de la vida se entrelaza hábilmente con sentimientos encontrados de felicidad y dolor.

A medida que avanza la canción, el cantante explora diversas relaciones personales marcadas por desafíos y adversidades. Desde el conflicto inicial hasta la esperanza inspirada por futuras generaciones, las letras transmiten un mensaje poderoso sobre enfrentar desafíos inesperados y aprender a aceptar situaciones fuera de nuestro control.

La metáfora del adiós presente a lo largo de toda la canción evoca un sentido persistente de cambio y transformación, recordándonos que formar parte del ciclo constante de bienvenida y despedida es parte integral de nuestra existencia. La idea recurrente del "adiós" subraya las complejidades inherentes al proceso de dejar ir lo conocido para dar paso a lo desconocido.

En cuanto al contexto cultural en el que surge esta pieza musical, probablemente refleje las experiencias universales compartidas por muchos oyentes. La música hip hop tiene una larga historia como narradora de historias personales y sociales complejas, ofreciendo un espacio para explorar temas profundos y significativos.

Desde un punto puramente musical, destaca el uso efectivo del ritmo hip hop para complementar las letras emotivas y poéticas. Los instrumentos utilizados contribuyen al ambiente reflexivo creado por la canción, enfatizando su contenido lírico rico en emociones crudas y vulnerables.

En resumen, "Goodbye" es mucho más que una simple canción; es un viaje emocional completo que invita al oyente a reflexionar sobre sus propias experiencias emocionales. A través del talento lírico e interpretativo mostrado por Slaughterhouse y Fat Joe, esta colaboración logra conectar con audiencias diversas mediante su autenticidad emocional e impacto duradero. ¡Hasta pronto!

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

You know he saved my life you know?

I got pictures on 42nd street with 20 people in it
Everybody dead but me
If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t be here

I signed my first deal at my dope spot
That’s why the streets named me after coke rock
50 others 49 course 7 5
That’s why I say the nigga Chris saved my life
I’m a violator so don’t violate
Work the chi ali, walk for God's sake
What this man had to take his life
Now his kids gotta pay the price
I always loved you if I never told you
And can’t describe in words how much a nigga owe you
I know you couldn’t stop the fifty shit
But I ain’t never look at you no different Chris
You was my mentor, you started me
That’s why you’ll forever be a part of me
I pray to God to forgive him
And when you get to heaven tell Pun we miss him

Goodbye, goodbye, so long farewell
But it’s not the end of the chapter
Goodbye, goodbye, so long farewell
I’ll see you again in the after life

I got the news while doing the interview
And had to stop talking
It’s not often somebody gives you a shot wanting
Nothing in return but to see you pop often
Who’s next to the stage I remember I hopped off and
The first person I saw had red hair
And thick glasses, he said congrats Joe you kicked asses
I can’t believe I’m really writing this verse
Man we was just laughing at the sea port with the click maggin
Sorry Addison, I’m sorry Coltrane, sorry Hot 97 i’m feeling your pain
Sorry I had to slide though
That slide show made them slide down my face yeah I cried too
Thanks for believing I could be a sick rapper
This is the farewell, Yaowa to Chris Nadler
And I know you summer jammin' in the sky
But from everybody down here, goodbye


I remember it like it just happened
I could've sworn it was a dream
But in reality it hit me like a nightmare
Or at least that's how it seemed
I just got a grip on our relationship
We was ironing things out, started picking up steam
And when we didn't need it is when it all got heated
And we both said some things that we probably didn't mean
Then God intervened, guess more was at stake
Thought we left nothing over, He put more on the plate
She came home from the doctor with news I've been wanting
Says family was incoming, she's pregnant, twins coming
But that's gotta be a lie
She sighed, couldn't stop the tears coming from her eyes
That birth control she on, for them it's suicide
As long as it's still inside, two of them wouldn't survive
Hard turn from memorable to cynical
Picturing clothes for what would've been identical
Similar outfits, similar names
My deceased kids' ultrasound in a frame
So I'm deprived of my chance to be a better dad
Staring at my twins that I never had
I shed a tear, looking up in the sky
Even though y'all just got here, goodbye

My biological sperm donor, didn't wanna be a daddy
So he hopped in his Caddy and turned corners on us
Turned on us out the clear blue
His last memory of his son is seeing me through his rearview
I still love him yo, but I love his brother more
My uncle showed me love no one could know
Young and poor with a tougher road
To suffer hunger was nothing but Unc' would hold
Us down, help moms lift the motherload
I got grown and
I used to wonder what it would be like to speak to pops as a grown man
He provided that feeling, told me to take my career into my own hands
He was there when I had no fans
My cellphone rings, and after I answer
A voice says "Your uncle's been diagnosed with cancer"
Worst news in my life
Him and chemo going 12 rounds with a disease and they both losing the fight
I'm rushing up to Cedars-Sinai
Praying for a miracle, I don't wanna see my idol die
Before he did, the look in his eyes
Said "Even though you just got here, goodbye"

Goodbye, goodbye, so long farewell
But it’s not the end of the chapter
Goodbye, goodbye, so long farewell
I’ll see you again in the after life
I’ll see you again in the after life
Someday in heaven we will reunite
The flesh disappears but the soul survives
Till next time my friend, farewell goodbye

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.