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Fields of illusion de Snapcase


Fields of illusion (Single)

16 de diciembre de 2011

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Caught as i run
i question my existence
i put myself on trial
confronting my values
deciding my verdict
accepting my fate
fields of illusion
i - fear - the - path - that - has - yet - to - come
surrounded by the fire
the flames that hinder my for knowledge
abstract shadows haunt me as the dark clouds block the light of truth
All i see
are these images
as the spctres of ignorance dance around me
refusing my mind to be free
fields of illusion
Sitting there in the darkness wondering if the sun will ever rise again
All i see
are these images
as the spctres of ignorance dance around me
refusing my mind to be free
fields of illusion
One day these shackles that dind me will fall to the ground
my search for knowledge is too strong

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.