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For the love of you de Sole' Featuring Tamar


For the love of you (Single)

16 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de For the love of you

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La canción "For the Love of You" interpretada por Sole' featuring Tamar, lanzada en 2011, es una poderosa narración de una historia de amor que se convierte en dolor y decepción. Las letras exploran las complejidades de una relación que comienza con promesas de devoción y termina en resentimiento y desamor.

El protagonista reflexiona sobre cómo creía que no podría vivir sin su pareja en un momento dado, pero ahora se da cuenta de que la vida era más difícil estando con ella. Se siente traicionado por las mentiras y juegos emocionales de su pareja, quien aparentemente le hacía sentir especial mientras mantenía relaciones paralelas.

La protagonista describe cómo intentó darlo todo por amor, incluso llegando a sacrificar su propia dignidad al seguir junto a alguien que claramente no valoraba su compromiso. A medida que avanza la canción, se revela el cambio en sus sentimientos hacia la persona amada, pasando de la idealización inicial a la decepción y eventual liberación.

Las metáforas utilizadas en la canción reflejan el proceso emocional por el que pasa el protagonista, desde los momentos felices compartidos hasta la explosión de ira y frustración que lleva al distanciamiento definitivo. El coro repite la afirmación de haber tomado decisiones difíciles "por el amor" hacia esa persona, subrayando la complejidad del sacrificio personal en nombre del afecto mal correspondido.

A nivel musical, la canción combina elementos contemporáneos con influencias del R&B y el hip-hop, lo cual enfatiza las emociones intensas transmitidas en las letras. La mezcla de voces entre Sole' y Tamar añade capas de profundidad a la narrativa emocional de la canción, creando un contraste entre las armonías melódicas y las letras cargadas de desengaño.

En resumen, "For the Love of You" es una exploración cruda y honesta sobre los altibajos del amor romántico, mostrando cómo una relación aparentemente perfecta puede transformarse en una experiencia dolorosa e inolvidable. A través de sus letras emotivas y su estilo musical distintivo, esta canción resuena con aquellos que han experimentado la complejidad de los sentimientos encontrados en una relación complicada.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

yeah, at one point, i thought i couldn't live without you
but now, i don't how the fuck i lived with you
but i just take that shit as a lesson learned
that what goes around, comes around
and yours is comin' muthafucka, believe that

nightmares of love gone wrong
got me writin' this song
played it out, back in my mind and heart you used to belong
rewind it back, thought it was nice when 2 became 1
bet you never thought sole' would turn and leave you with none
woulda thought i gave you life, had me bent like a comma
love turned to hate for fillin' my life with bullshit and drama
played games, told me lies, steady pullin' these strings
and put me up in fly ass cribs and had my flossin' them things
while you was runnin' wild, had me busy shoppin' and shit
hittin' the clubs with my girls, wasn't no stoppin' a bitch
throwin' bills like i'm mickey, i was spendin' it fast
sure money nice but sure as hell don't make relationships last
gave my all, did it all, tryin' to make sure it worked
while you ran the streets and even had me doin' your dirt
dumb tricks and dumb skits i was pullin' for you
a dumb bitch and dumb shit i went through
for the love of you
1 -
and you know
i didn't wanna live without you babe
never thought i would throw your love away
now i'm gone and you're lonely, it's a shame
but i did it for the love of you, babe
Repeat 1

woulda gave my life to save yours, nigga
push came to shove
a bullet with your name i'd change to mine
and nigga, that's love
prayers that you'd be spared from wickedness that lived in the streets
and when them niggas you was beefin' wit start bringin' da heat
i got involved in dumb shit that didn't involve me at all
had bitches scratchin' up my car and then you havin' the gall
to say it wasn't your fault and that you wasn't to blame
thought you would come home after drama, have me screamin' your name
young and dumb, i took you back pretendin' i couldn't see
you havin' babies on the side while you still fuckin' wit me
things was never right, forever fight that's what we would do
then i saw the light my game was tight from runnin' wit you
you had me stressed out and thinkin' that its time that i quit
so i wouldn't leave, had me believe i wasn't worth shit
it's crazy, yo it amaze me, these afairs of the heart
i look back and realize it wasn't love from the start
Repeat 1 (4x)

how things can change, one day infatuated, washin' your drawls
another day, it's screams and fightin' dishes breakin' on walls
walk in relationship, i'm sane thinkin' that you were too
a year later, i'm fuckin' crazy, throwin' glasses at you
and scratchin' up yo car, i take it far, i'm cuttin' yo tires
don't understand it, why my heart is steady playin' wit fire
i turned psychotic, you got it, in this sick relationship
i'm tryin' to run you off the road, you and that broke-down bitch
i'm too fly for that shit, i'm lookin' back in disgust
the nights i cried, the times you lied all blown away with a gust
things i did for your love, they was never returned
gave all the jewelry to my moms and then your pictures i burned
you can't turn no little boy into no grown ass man
so change yo game and get it tight, if that's your previous plan
boots is made for walkin', finally learned what life was about
pulled it together, grabbed my gucci boots and stepped the fuck out
Repeat 1 to fade

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.