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Dream team de Spearhead



15 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Dream team

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La canción "Dream Team" interpretada por Spearhead es una pieza musical que combina elementos del hip hop, soul, funk y rock. Esta canción forma parte del álbum "Home". Publicada originalmente en **año desconocido**.

La letra de la canción "Dream Team" narra la creación de un equipo imaginario compuesto por figuras históricas afroamericanas, activistas y líderes culturales que simbolizan poder y resistencia. El narrador expresa su deseo de formar este equipo ideal, incorporando a Malcolm X como el entrenador estratégico y a figuras icónicas como Nat Turner y Angela Davis en roles de juego. A lo largo de la letra se hace referencia a eventos históricos importantes para la comunidad afroamericana, como el caso Rodney King y el poderoso movimiento por los derechos civiles liderado por personalidades como Huey Newton.

A través de metáforas deportivas, el artista resalta la importancia de unir fuerzas para combatir las injusticias y desigualdades sociales. La canción destaca cómo a lo largo de la historia, figuras emblemáticas han luchado contra la opresión y han desafiado el status quo en busca de equidad y justicia. Este tema trasciende el ámbito deportivo para convertirse en un homenaje a aquellos que han luchado por la igualdad racial y social.

La elección del término "Dream Team" juega con la idea popularizada en el ámbito deportivo, pero le da un giro significativo al emparejarlo con personajes históricos revolucionarios. Esto recalca que no solo se trata de lograr victorias en un campo de juego, sino también de alcanzar triunfos significativos en la lucha por los derechos humanos y la inclusión.

Uno de los aspectos más interesantes de esta canción es cómo fusiona elementos musicales diversos con una temática profundamente política e histórica. En este sentido, se puede comparar con otras obras del género hip hop que también abordan temas sociales y políticos, destacando el compromiso artístico con la denuncia social.

En conclusión, "Dream Team" es mucho más que una simple canción sobre un equipo deportivo; es un himno a la resistencia, al empoderamiento y a la lucha por una sociedad más justa e igualitaria. La combinación única entre música vibrante y contenido político hace que esta pieza sea tanto estimulante como reflexiva, mostrando cómo el arte puede ser una poderosa herramienta para inspirar cambio social.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Red black green red gold green
Dat's how we know we a fe we dream team

The other day
A friend gave me a call
He said that the dream team was playin basketball
Was so excited / that i hadda get a witness
The first time the nba was in the 'lympics
Players from the east/ players from the west
And you can bet that they took the very best
("except they left tim hardaway at home"
"yeah that was hella fucked up")
But anyway
I tuned in because i was hella psyched
To see magic johnson on the same team as mike

Gettin crazy / havin lots of fun
Makin sure that they got the job done
Fans were wavin the red white end blue
It seemed strange to me / was it strange to you?
Brotha's on the street / and everyone is scared a ya
So how could ten africans represent america?
Bullshit / it didn't mean a thing
'cause in the same year / we saw rodney king
So i thought / that i would put a team together
A team that i have been waitin for forever
Some a you / may know what i mean
But if you don't then / lemme introduce you
My dream team
"spearhead in the area"

This is my dream team, my dream team
My dream team, my dream team

Well chuck d'sannouncin'/ flava's doin' color
Halftime enterntainment by dre and ed lover
Malcolm x is the coach he's drawin' up the strategy
He's choppin up america's anatomy
'cause they're the ones/ we're up against of course
Are general manager is chief crazy horse
Huey newton/ 'cause he was extra hard
He's the one/ who would be playin at the shootin' guard
I dreamed charles barkley would be
Played by marcus garvey
He'd be throwin people off his back and makin
Sure they never got a rebound rebound / and
He'd throw it to the outlet
Nat turner/ 'cause he can turn the corner when
He's out there
He be flyin through the air/ throwin passes like
He really doesn't care/behind the back /and in
Between the legs
He's handlin the rock /as gently as an egg
He's throwin it in/ to angela davis's neighborhood
She's postin up down in the extra hard wood
She grabs the pill/ and then she puts her shoulder down
Get out the way/ 'cause she's gonna throw down now
Boom /oh my god i just can't believe it
Get anotha backboard or bettah yet leave it.
We always play for fun /but we always play for keeps
The game is over and the loser's gotta sweep.
Up the glass/ that we busted in the ass

Set the record straight /about america's past
This is my dream team
"spearhead in the area"

Dream team's in the house
Dream team's in the house

Well after doin that /we be headin for the ceremony

Hand on the heart /is a bunch of baloney
The spirit of/ the '68 olympics
Black power people/ can i get a witness
Fist in the air/ this is proper manners
While jimi hendrix/ is fuckin' up the spangled banner
Up into the sky/ miles davis blows a horn
Look into the bleachers/ it's bill clinton sellin popcorn
So now we jump and we have a celebration
Shaquille 0'neal would provide the entertainment
To some of you this is a far fetched scheme
But to i'll tell you what it
This is my dream
"spearhead in the area"

Yeah sista rosa perks she gets the first seat
On the bench
And dr. king, webring him in in a pinch.

Because i like to shoot hoops not brothas
Beceuse i like to shoot hoops not brothas
Because i like to shoot hoops not brothas
Because i like to shoot hoops not brothas

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.