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Camouflage de Stan Ridgeway


Big heat

14 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Camouflage

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La canción "Camouflage" interpretada por Stan Ridgway nos sumerge en una historia narrada desde la perspectiva de un soldado durante la guerra de Vietnam en 1965. A través de la letra, somos testigos del encuentro del protagonista con un misterioso marine apodado Camouflage, quien aparece misteriosamente en momentos críticos para proteger y guiar al soldado a través de situaciones peligrosas.

La letra detalla cómo el soldado se encuentra atrapado y solo en medio de la selva vietnamita cuando, de repente, este gran marine con ojos amigables llamado Camouflage se le acerca prometiéndole protección. A lo largo de la canción, vemos cómo ambos luchan juntos contra el enemigo, con el marine demostrando una naturaleza sobrenatural al esquivar las balas y utilizar un árbol como arma contra los vietnamitas.

El maravilloso elemento surrealista introducido por el personaje de Camouflage añade una capa fascinante al relato, sugiriendo que este marine puede tener un origen divino o sobrenatural. En medio del caos y la violencia, el soldado encuentra consuelo y compañía en la presencia reconfortante de este misterioso protector.

El mensaje subyacente de la canción parece transmitir la idea de que incluso en los momentos más oscuros y desesperados, podemos encontrar apoyo inesperado y ayuda providencial. La figura mitológica o fantasmagórica del marine Camouflage simboliza esa fuerza invisible que nos acompaña y nos protege en nuestros momentos más difíciles.

En cuanto al contexto cultural en el que se lanzó la canción, debemos considerar que los años 80 fueron una época marcada por el resurgimiento del conflicto político relacionado con Vietnam. Muchas canciones y películas abordaron temas vinculados a esta guerra y sus efectos duraderos en quienes participaron en ella. "Camouflage" puede interpretarse como una forma poética de procesar las experiencias traumáticas vividas durante ese período histórico.

En términos musicales, la canción exhibe influencias del rock clásico de los años 80 con toques melódicos nostálgicos. La voz única e inconfundible de Stan Ridgway contribuye a crear un ambiente emotivo y envolvente que transporta al oyente a esa jungla inhóspita donde se desarrolla la historia.

En conclusión, "Camouflage" es mucho más que una simple narración bélica; es una reflexión sobre la amistad improbable, el heroísmo inesperado y las fuerzas invisibles que pueden intervenir para cambiar el rumbo de nuestras vidas en los momentos más críticos. Es a través de letras como estas que la música logra trascender lo meramente superficial para explorar aspectos profundos e universales de la condición humana.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

I was a pfc on a search patrol huntin' charlie down
it was in the jungle wars of '65
my weapon jammed and i got stuck way out and all alone
and i could hear the enemy movin' in close outside
just then i heard a twig snap and i grabbed my empty gun
and i dug in scared while i counted down my fate
and then a big marine, a giant with a pair of friendly eyes
appeared there at my shoulder and said "wait"
when he came in close beside me he said "don't worry, son, i'm here"
"if charlie wants to tangle now they'll have two to dodge"
i said "well, thanks a lot", i told him my name and asked him his
and he said "the boys just call me camouflage"
Whoa camouflage, things are never quite the way they seem
whoa camouflage, i was awfully glad to see this big marine
Well, i was gonna ask him where he came from
when we heard the bullets fly
comin' through the brush and all around our ears
and then i saw that big marine light a fire in his eye
and it was strange, but suddenly i forgot my fears
Well we fought all night and side by side, we took our battle stance
and i wondered how the bullets missed this man
'cause they seemed to go right through him just as if he wasn't there
and in the mornin' we both took a chance and ran
and it was here the river bank when the ambush came on top of us
and i'd thought it was the end and we were had
then a bullet with my name on it came buzzin' through a bush
and that big marine, he just swat it with his hands
just like it was a fly
Whoa camouflage, things are never quite the way they seem
whoa camouflage, this was an awfully strange marine
And i knew there was something weird about him
'cause when i turned around he was pullin' a big palm tree
right up out of the ground
and swattin' those charlies with it from here to kingdom come
When he led me out of danger, i saw my camp and waved goodbye
but he just winked at me from the jungle and then was gone
and when i got back to my hq i told 'em about my night
and the battle i'd spent with a big marine named camouflage
when i said his name a soldier gulped and the medic took my arm
and led me to a green tent on the right
he said "you may be tellin' true boy, but this here is camouflage"
"and he's been right here since he passed away last night"
"in fact he's been here all week long"
"but before he went he said 'semper fi' and said his only wish"
"was to save a young marine caught in a barrage"
"so here, take his dog tag son, i know, he'd want you to have it now"
and we both said a prayer for a big marine named camouflage
Whoa camouflage, things are never quite the way they seem
whoa camouflage, this was an awfully big marine
So, next time, you're in a jungle fight
and you feel a presence near
or hear a voice that in your mind will lodge
just be thankful that you're not alone
and you've got some company from a big marine
the boys call camouflage
Whoa camouflage, things are never quite the way they seem
whoa camouflage, this was an awfully big marine
Whoa camouflage, things are never quite the way they seem
whoa camouflage, this was an awfully big marine
Whoa camouflage

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.