Dice la canción

Every step of the way de Steve Walsh



15 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Every step of the way

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La canción "Every step of the way" interpretada por Steve Walsh, pertenece al álbum "Schemer-Dreamer". Esta pieza musical se enmarca dentro del género rock y fue publicada en el año 1980.

El significado de la letra de la canción se centra en la travesía personal y los desafíos a los que se enfrenta el protagonista mientras busca su camino en la vida. La narrativa comienza con referencias a las llanuras de Kansas, sugiriendo un lugar donde las decisiones importantes han sido tomadas y donde se percibe la fuerza interior de su gente. El cantante relata su propia historia, mencionando sus años de errancia tocando en bares sin ganancias significativas, pero manteniendo su orgullo intacto. Se destaca su rebeldía al no ajustarse a lo convencionalmente enseñado en la escuela o predicado en la iglesia, optando por descubrir su propio camino en las calles.

A medida que avanza la letra, Walsh explora sus experiencias durante sus viajes solitarios por diferentes ciudades, encontrándose con realidades desesperadas y sombrías. A pesar de ello, los recuerdos de Kansas y del canto nocturno le inspiran a seguir adelante. La canción anima a perseverar frente a los sueños que pueden parecer inalcanzables, recordando que cada paso dado es un logro importante en el trayecto hacia el éxito.

En cuanto a comparaciones con otras obras de Steve Walsh, se puede observar una constante temática de superación personal y resistencia ante las adversidades en muchas de sus letras. Esto resalta su habilidad para transmitir mensajes motivadores y reflexivos a través de su música rock.

Cabe señalar que "Every step of the way" posee un tono esperanzador y alentador, instando al oyente a no abandonar sus sueños y mantenerse firme frente a los desafíos cotidianos. La voz profunda y emotiva de Walsh añade una capa extra de pasión al mensaje contenido en la canción.

En resumen, esta pieza musical combina elementos poéticos con un trasfondo emocional profundo, destacando la importancia del autoconocimiento y la determinación para alcanzar metas personales. La fuerza lírica presente invita al oyente a reflexionar sobre su propio camino y continuar avanzando cada paso del camino hacia sus aspiraciones más profundas.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Well they called the flat plains kansas a long, long time ago
when they'd seen the gates of glory and the fire down below
the many great decisions of the people in this place
you could tell the strength within them, you could see it their face
Well it's been 9 or 10 years since i started my ramblin' round
and from hand to mouth i was livin' playing every bar in town
though a dollar a day didn't go too far i could never deny my pride
i couldn't lay back and be taken care of while the world went by outside
So i went to school to learn but i didn't like what they'd teach
and i went to church to pray but i didn't like what they'd preach
i was hard-headed, young and angry, and i felt i could take the heat
and i had to find out my own way how to live out on the street
So i packed my bags and i left here to peruse the streets alone
and i saw that side of midnight where the beggars howl and groan
places filled with desperation where the future ain't so bright
but i remember back in kansas when we sang a song at night
We sang every step of the way
though your dreams can be real don't let them slip slide away
doesn't matter at all, let them do as they will
someday you'll hear them call for you
Goin' around and round from town to town i tried to make my way
i believed that all my searching and struggling would payoff bug some day
as a teenager i was rowdy and i played for good and bad
though i knew my songs had meaning at times it made me mad
And i'd fight the wars of nations if it brought somebody peace
yes i'd fight the wars of madmen if i knew the fight would cease
but this ol' world never stopped turning when my mind was full of doubt
so i went on and played for a dollar a day and i sang this song straight out
Hey hey, every step of the way
though your dreams can be real, don't let them slip slide away
doesn't matter at all, let them do as they will
someday you'll hear them call for you
oh yeah , for you
when they call out your name say it loud and clear
come on, come on
You must have seen me traveling' around you must have seen me there
tryin' to find out where i was heading you could have tossed to care
well, i had all the questions, i wanted the answers
i knew in my heart it was all part of the game
but every step was so much harder, every step of the way
i knew that time would beat me someday
Hey hey, every step of the way
though your dreams can be real, don't let them slip slide away
doesn't matter at all, let them do as they will
someday you'll hear them call for you
oh yeah, for you

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.