Dice la canción

Condition chronic de Tadpole


The medusa

14 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Condition chronic

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And you turn your head and look right past me as you do
it seems impossible to me to ignore melody as you do, as you do
as you walk on past you seem to hesitate, but you don¹t respond to my smile
and you cut my heart in ribbons round me as you do.
Oh, i am enamoured of you
oh, my condition is chronic
And will you forget my name tomorrow as you do
you have no idea how much you cause me sorrow as you do, as you do
if this moment passes you¹ll regret it always in the dark of your mind
and you turn your head and look right past me as you do.

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.