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Fly Away ft. Jessica Care Moore de Talib Kweli


Fly Away - Single

29 de agosto de 2012

La canción "Fly Away" de Talib Kweli en colaboración con Jessica Care Moore es una pieza musical que aborda temas profundos y significativos a través de su letra. La canción narra la historia de una mujer decidida a buscar su libertad y volar lejos, enfrentándose a las dificultades y presiones externas que intentan detenerla en su camino.

En la primera parte de la canción, se destaca la determinación y valentía de la protagonista para seguir adelante, a pesar de las adversidades que se interponen en su camino. Se menciona la presión social por cumplir con estándares de perfección y belleza, así como las limitaciones impuestas por la sociedad. La crítica a los roles preestablecidos y las expectativas injustas hacia las mujeres se hacen evidentes en esta parte de la letra.

A lo largo de la canción, se exploran temas como el amor, el sacrificio, la lucha por encontrar el propio camino y el empoderamiento femenino. La protagonista busca romper con los estereotipos y roles asignados, emprendiendo un viaje hacia la libertad y el autodescubrimiento. Se hace referencia a situaciones difíciles que ha tenido que superar, mostrando su fuerza interior y resiliencia frente a las adversidades.

El impacto cultural de esta canción puede ser interpretado como una crítica a las estructuras patriarcales y opresivas que limitan la autonomía e independencia de las mujeres. Se resalta el valor de la libertad individual y el derecho a tomar decisiones propias sin ser coaccionadas por normas restrictivas impuestas por la sociedad.

Desde el punto de vista musical, "Fly Away" combina elementos del hip hop, rap, r&b y pop para crear una atmósfera envolvente que acompaña magistralmente la poderosa narrativa de la letra. La colaboración con Jessica Care Moore añade un contraste interesante a la voz principal de Talib Kweli, enriqueciendo aún más la experiencia auditiva para el oyente.

En conclusión, "Fly Away" es una canción profunda e inspiradora que invita a reflexionar sobre temas como el empoderamiento femenino, la búsqueda de libertad y autenticidad personal. A través de metáforas emotivas e imágenes evocadoras, Talib Kweli logra transmitir un mensaje poderoso que resuena con aquellos dispuestos a escuchar con atención.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

She's got that ticket I think she's gonna use it
and she's gone to fly away
where you're going
No one shouldn't try and stop her
persuade it with that power
she's a damn her mind is name.

This is story off

Yeah we all tryin to live worry free
pretty young things perfection is like currency
talking bout a country girl living in a city though
searching but she get her more
count us from this video,
girl you'll be killing and searching your faith or new tears
girl you're tryin to fire especially after a few beers
already broke the resolution for a new year
they blushin 'cause they sayin it's nothing inside a few years
until I game across the state I used to baby sit
at the club looking for this lame she had a baby with
wait a minute you're only 17 and she said to me
my baby get this strength to lead the city life ain't meant for m
five the kent bother man and meet my piece
so often this the money 'cause she started the jade to me
I through you in bed I slay this niggas faithfully
I don't need you to pay for me, I just need to pray for me

She's got that ticket I think she's gonna use it
and she's gone to fly away
where you're going
No one shouldn't try and stop her
persuade it with that power
she's a damn her mind is name.
Girl can change your mind

When you call up and captain say that ain't no hero
what you really ring to the table let's keep the real dough
no matter where you're going if you don't get your mind right
first choose between two..like this is twilight
she up in the kitchen tonight cooking the..
gotta take you to right the Peter Pan plus
she gotta take it to..she got a grant..
she gotta take it to fly she had a lan and she try
she tryin to avoid the trap is like the cancer
the love and money runnin the.. that she a dancer
not the blow going in oh to keep her dancin
the high is the only escape, she like a phantom
a ghost just to sell of herself packing them ass tense
closer to selling herself who's in the access
ain't nothing left to shake let's break it all down
got then sign the vein she takin all now

She's got that ticket I think she's gonna use it
and she's gone to fly away
where you're going
No one shouldn't try and stop her
persuade it with that power
she's a damn her mind is name.

Fly high, fly fly
sky high, yeah
hole up, where you're going girl
where you're going, hole up
where you're going girl
where you're going, hole up
where you're going girl
where you're going, hole up
where you're going, damn.

Damn, I'll found her later that she don't know who her father was
I'm like this crazy and baby ain't gotta start the kids
she never met the real..foe they try to steal the goodies
and breaking into a candy store
we all in pistols and willy wanka for soldier system
'cause when we're taking the gold and taking the coldest winter
statistic and give me the true is pitchin
and out of youth the visionary gonna mission for new beginning
it's hard enough for you..and it's twenty block radio
it's wondering who the father of the baby is
to pay relationships to her like sound fiction out to table
and public you write a buy you and provide it with the title
body of a woman with the eyes of a child
driven that she could..is it now
want the future to be write us a smile she like the..
I see and spin it that, well a fortune is by vow

She's got that ticket I think she's gonna use it
and she's gone to fly away
where you're going
No one shouldn't try and stop her
persuade it with that power
she's a damn her mind is name.

Hole up,
I realized early that black girl is carrying universe inside their bodies
writing to be named whole continent
land masters that were once connected
flow through her arms fingers, chest, legs, stomach
feet and head
Ghanna is her heart, her lungs charity
her tongue I'm.., her bones massai
her breath..her skin the color of Moroccan
sand in south african sky lines
her blue blood separates the land fro our riversand great legs
the place where we shit and drink
the place that we love and hate
colonize and liberate
conquer and rebuilt right and so up
escape and imprisoned
the place where questions like if you a woman
raise your hand will get you killed