Dice la canción

Umbrella de The Baseballs



10 de enero de 2012

La canción "Umbrella" interpretada por The Baseballs es una pieza musical incluida en su álbum "Strike!" y pertenece al género de rockabilly, rock and roll. La letra de la canción habla sobre un apoyo incondicional y duradero entre dos personas, ofreciendo protección y consuelo en momentos difíciles.

El verso inicial refleja la conexión profunda entre dos individuos: "You had my heart / And we'll never be worlds apart." Esta frase muestra un vínculo emocional significativo que no puede ser separado. Las siguientes líneas resaltan que, a pesar de las circunstancias externas o materiales, el amor sigue siendo constante y valioso.

La metáfora del paraguas se utiliza para simbolizar la protección y el apoyo mutuo en medio de las adversidades: "Now that it's raining more than ever, / Know that we'll still have each other." Esta imagen evoca la idea de refugiarse bajo un mismo cobijo incluso cuando todo parece estar en contra, fortaleciendo así la relación.

El coro de la canción enfatiza la promesa de lealtad y compañerismo eterno: "Told you I'll be here forever, / That I'll always be your friend." Esta declaración resalta el compromiso de permanecer al lado del otro sin importar las circunstancias cambiantes. El mensaje general es uno de solidaridad y confianza en el vínculo compartido.

En cuanto a comparaciones con otras obras del mismo grupo o artistas similares, otros temas recurrentes en las canciones de The Baseballs incluyen el amor, las relaciones personales y la nostalgia por el pasado. Sus versiones rockabilly y rock and roll de éxitos contemporáneos les han ganado reconocimiento por su estilo único y energético.

En conclusión, "Umbrella" es una canción que resalta la importancia de tener un apoyo inquebrantable en una relación. A través de metáforas poéticas y emotivas, transmite un mensaje reconfortante sobre la fuerza del amor verdadero ante cualquier adversidad.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

You had my heartk
And we'll never be worlds apart,
Oh Maybe in magazines,
But you'll still be my star.
Baby 'cause in the dark,
You can't see shiny cars,
And that's when you need me there,
With you I'll always share,

When the sun shines, we'll shine together,
Told you I'll be here forever,
That I'll always be your friend,
Took an oath I'm a stick it out 'till the end,
Now that it's raining more than ever,
Know that we'll still have each other,
You can stand under my own umbrella (x3)

Hey, hey, hey, hey...

These fancy things,
Will never come in between,
You're part of my entity,
Here for infinity.
When the war has took it's part,
When the world has dealt it's cards,
If the hand is hard,
Together we'll mend your heart,

When the sun shines, we'll shine together,
Told you I'll be here forever,
That I'll always be your friend,
Took an oath I'm a stick it out 'till the end,
Now that it's raining more than ever,
Know that we'll still have each other,
You can stand under my own umbrella (x3)

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey...

You can run into my arms,
It's okay, don't be alarmed,
Come into me,
There's no distance in between our love,
So Gonna let the rain pour,
I'll be all you need and more.

You can stand, you can stand,
You can stand, you can stand,
You can you can, stand stand.

When the sun shines, we'll shine together,
Told you I'll be here forever,
That I'll always be your friend,
Took an oath I'm a stick it out 'till the end,
Now that it's raining more than ever,
Know that we'll still have each other,
You can stand under my own umbrella (x3)

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey...

When the sun shines, we'll shine together,
Told you I'll be here forever,
That I'll always be your friend,
Took an oath I'm a stick it out 'till the end,
Now that it's raining more than ever,
Know that we'll still have each other,
You can stand under my own umbrella (x3)

You can stand... (x8)

Oh, oh, oh, oh (Oh you can stand) You can stand,
you can stand, you can stand (Oh you can stand) (x2)

You can stand, you can stand, you can stand.

Under my umbrella!

You can stand, you can stand, you can stand.




The Baseballs

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