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Dead weight de The Terrorists


Full scale attack

15 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Dead weight

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La canción "Dead Weight" interpretada por The Terrorists es una poderosa pieza que explora la lucha por la supervivencia en un entorno difícil y violento. La letra refleja un ambiente urbano turbulento, donde la violencia y la necesidad de protegerse a uno mismo son temas recurrentes. A través de versos crudos y directos, el artista expresa su determinación para enfrentar los desafíos de su vida cotidiana.

El contenido lírico de la canción se sumerge en la realidad del sur de Houston, destacando las tensiones sociales y económicas presentes en la zona. Se mencionan referencias a armas, seguridad personal y situaciones peligrosas que evocan un sentimiento de cautela constante. La letra revela una mentalidad defensiva ante un entorno hostil, donde la violencia parece ser una respuesta inevitable a las circunstancias adversas.

A lo largo de la canción, se observa un tono desafiante y valiente por parte del cantante, quien afirma estar dispuesto a enfrentar cualquier amenaza con determinación. Las referencias a nombres individuales o grupos sugieren una atmósfera de camaradería y solidaridad dentro de esta comunidad musical underground. La colaboración con otros artistas resalta la conexión entre individuos que comparten experiencias similares y encuentran apoyo mutuo en medio de dificultades.

El título "Dead Weight" puede interpretarse como una metáfora del peso emocional o material que el protagonista siente que debe dejar atrás para poder avanzar. El acto simbólico de liberarse del peso muerto representa un proceso de desapego necesario para sobrevivir y prosperar en un entorno hostil.

En cuanto al contexto cultural en el que se lanzó la canción, es importante considerar el impacto de la música rap gangsta en comunidades urbanas marginadas. Este género ha sido históricamente una forma de expresión para aquellos que enfrentan desafíos socioeconómicos significativos y buscan dar voz a sus realidades cotidianas.

Desde el punto de vista musical, "Dead Weight" presenta una producción intensa y cruda, característica del estilo gangsta rap asociado con el sur de Houston. Los ritmos pesados ​​y las letras agresivas se combinan para crear una atmósfera poderosa que refleja el mundo violento retratado en la canción.

En resumen, "Dead Weight" es mucho más que una simple canción; es un testimonio honesto sobre las luchas y desafíos enfrentados por aquellos que viven en entornos difíciles. A través de su narrativa sincera y directa, The Terrorists ofrece una visión penetrante de la vida urbana marcada por violencia e incertidumbre, pero también impregnada con determinación y resistencia ante las adversidades omnipresentes.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

K-rino is down with the (the )

Klondike kat is down with the (lyrical )

Section a, they down with the (dbx, )

Aftamath is down with the (my brotha )

chill is down with the (what's up, kim?)

Tech-9 is down with the (what's up?)

Murder one is down with the (murder )

First degree, they down with the

(yeah, )

Felony is down with the (what's up, felony?)

The messiahs, they down with the

(rasheed, )

bass is down with the (what's up, jason?)

Rapper k is down with the (what's up, keith?)

The game boys, they down with the

(nice to meet, )

Maestro from philly is down with the

A step beyond, they down with the

Joe will is down with the (what's up, joe?)

Point blank is down with the

(what's up, reggie?)

Triple-x is down with the (what's up, anthony?)

Street military, they down with the

(what's up, gees?)

Grim and the latin sectors is down with the

Everybody know i don't go out that much

But when i go out i hear so much stuff

About dope, about this, about that

About egypt-e, about rap-a-lot and my contract

All in my life, jocking what i do

I got my knife, my clock ain't that few

I got my 9, my .38 and my beringer

I'm ready to go to war with lyrics and i'm daring you

You step to dope with a rhyme

Any line, any kind, you little punks, i don't mind

Because i'm mentally gifted

Now watch me shift it and uplift it

Can i kick it with a swift kick?

Like a pander but i'm a panther, a hunter

A grand slam home run hitter not a bunner

Been hurt too many times to trust you so i go for the gusto

Don't even attempt to stop my flow

Cause my lyrics bust your game in half

You wanna battle? go get your royalty check and put up half

You jocking on me, leeching on me, looking for a piggy bag

I'm locing up cause there ain't gonna be none of

Dead weight, when i'm releasing dead weight

Two shots to the back of your head is all it's gonna

Dead weight, when i'm releasing dead weight

Two shots to the back of your head is all it's gonna

Dead weight, when i'm releasing dead weight

Two shots to the back of your head is all it's gonna

Dead weight, when i'm releasing dead weight, two


A brotha gotta pack his peace

I see, just to get self peace bullets gotta release

And no, i wasn't raised like that but you gotta survive

In south park your life is on lease

Watch your back, how many times have i said it?

And books and magazines don't lie, i know you read it

It will happen so fast, it will happen so quick

Brothas looking for a strong come-up, a major lick

I'm in it to win it

I'm telling you i'm in this rap game to end

But how can i save more money

And all that money i need to spend

I hooked up with egypt and we make terror beats

Then i'm flat broke searching for money

In between our concerts

Barely making it and still it's allah's thang

I have just enough to put 94 cents in my gas tank

See, everything be cool when

I'm producing your souvenir song free

Now you wanna pull out your gun and fight

When landmine's charging a fee

Hmmm, i see how you are, a conman, self centered solo star

You jocking on me, leeching on me, looking for a piggy bag

I'm locing up cause there ain't gonna be none of

Dead weight, when i'm releasing dead weight

Two shots to the back of your head is all it's gonna

Dead weight, when i'm releasing dead weight

Two shots to the back of your head is all it's gonna

Dead weight, when i'm releasing dead weight

Two shots to the back of your head is all it's gonna

Dead weight, when i'm releasing dead weight, two


Yo, straight, straight love shouts to k-rino

Klondike kat, aftamath, geylan

Yeah, bass, rasheed the messiah, what's up?

Yeah, maestro from philly

my friend indeed, point blank, triple-x, street military, grimm and the latin sectors

My mom, my dad, my sister atrece and my niece ariel


Dead weight, when i'm releasing dead weight

Two shots to the back of your head is all it's gonna

Dead weight, when i'm releasing dead weight

Two shots to the back of your head is all it's gonna

Dead weight, when i'm releasing dead weight

Two shots to the back of your head is all it's gonna

Dead weight, when i'm releasing dead weight, two


Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.



The terrorists

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