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Confessions part 2 (remix) de Usher Featuring Jd, Kanye West, Shyne, Twista


Confessions part 2 (remix) (Single)

14 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Confessions part 2 (remix)

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"Confessions Part 2 (remix)" es una canción interpretada por Usher en colaboración con jd, Kanye West, Shyne y Twista. Esta remezcla fue lanzada como parte de su álbum "Confessions" en el año 2004. El género musical de la canción se podría clasificar dentro del R&B contemporáneo.

En cuanto al significado de la letra de la canción, encontramos un relato confesional que aborda temas como la infidelidad, las consecuencias de actos pasados y la asunción de responsabilidades. El protagonista narra sus confesiones, admitiendo sus errores y expiando su culpa a través de sus palabras. Se enfrenta a situaciones complicadas como descubrir que tiene un hijo con su amante y las repercusiones emocionales y personales que esto conlleva.

El tono emocional de la canción es introspectivo y reflexivo, con una carga de arrepentimiento y deseo de redención por parte del protagonista. Las confesiones son presentadas como una forma de liberación personal y un acto final para enfrentar las consecuencias de sus acciones pasadas.

En el contexto cultural en el que se lanzó la canción, Usher ya era conocido como uno de los principales exponentes del R&B contemporáneo, lo cual impactó positivamente en la recepción del público. La temática sobre relaciones amorosas complicadas es recurrente en muchas canciones del artista, añadiendo profundidad emocional a su música.

La estructura narrativa de la canción permite a cada artista involucrado compartir su propia versión o confesión, agregando capas al relato general. Cada verso ofrece una perspectiva única sobre el tema central, contribuyendo a la complejidad emocional del mensaje global.

En conclusión, "Confessions Part 2 (remix)" es una profundización del universo emocional explorado en el álbum "Confessions" de Usher. A través de confesiones honestas y vulnerables, los artistas colaboradores se unen para crear una pieza musical que resuena con sinceridad e intensidad emocional. Un testimonio único sobre las luchas internas y las dificultades para reconciliar el pasado con el presente en el contexto turbulento de las relaciones interpersonales.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

(feat. jd, kanye west, shyne, twista)

uh, listen up listen up listen up world
listen up listen up listen up world, uh, i gotta confess
this the hottest remix i ever did in my life so so def

sittin in my cell, had to buck to buck some
would it be allowed if i didn't shoot first
had it made, sorry for the ricochet
would i be here today if i didn't let it spray
i never said that i was perfect
nobody walkin on this earth is
at night, i would've gotten murdered
if i ain't grab the hatchet and let them cowards have it
(ohh, that's the boy shyne y'all
it's ya boy on his way home man, the boy on his way home man)

these are my confessions
just when i thought i said all i can say
my chick on the side, said she got one on the way
these are my confessions, man i'm throwed and i don't know what to do
i guess i gotta give part 2 of my confessions
if i'm gonna tell it then i gotta tell it all, (all yeah, yeah)
damn near cried when i got that phone call (call)
i'm so throwed and i don't know what to do
but to give you part 2 of my confessions

yeah kanye to tha college dropout
man, how does she bring it up how does she break it down
man you at the clinic, dawg slow down that's yo child
but if you keep it, then you gotta tell your girl you was cheatin
and you went raw dog when you beat it
that's when she gon' tell you to beat it
you know it ain't y'all little secret
you famous you can't go nowhere 'cause everytime you go there
there's hoes there so basiclly you and your girl over
i know when she broke the news you told her "man don't say that"
matter fact like pat don't say, that
everytime a nigga sittin on paychecks
things come up from way way way back i confess

these are my confessions, just when i thought i said all i can say
my chick on the side, said she got one on the way (yeah)
these are my confessions, man i'm throwed and i don't know what to do
i guess i gotta give part 2 of my confessions
if i'm gonna tell it then i gotta tell it all, (all)
damn near cried when i got that phone call (call)
i'm so throwed and i don't know what to do
but to give you part 2 of my confession

if you got something to confess to right now step to the mic twista

i confess about the incident when i was with a shorty in the lexus coupe
ya homie said she saw me but she didn't have proof
but i knew i really should've just been tellin' you the truth
and i confess about the days i was rollin' my seville with the custom gold grill
i was in the field still lookin' for a thrill
and i knew it was bogus i should've kept it real
and i confess that, just when i thought i could really try to get away
while havin other women on the side
but i never knew that it would catch up wit' a nigga one day
you gotta hear me girl, i done learned a lesson'
if you stay with me then it'll be a blessin', no stressing
it'll never be no guessin'
cause i pulled one out my heart and these are my confessions

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.