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Friends de Whodini


Greatest hits

16 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Friends

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La canción "Friends" interpretada por Whodini es un clásico del hip-hop y el rap de la década de los 80. Forma parte del álbum recopilatorio "Greatest Hits", que reúne los mejores temas del grupo.

En cuanto al significado de la letra, la canción habla sobre la importancia de la amistad y cómo a veces puede ser difícil diferenciar quiénes son realmente amigos verdaderos. Se plantea la pregunta "How many of us have them?" haciendo una reflexión sobre cuántos amigos reales tenemos en nuestras vidas. Se menciona que el término "amigo" se utiliza frecuentemente, pero en muchas ocasiones de manera incorrecta. La letra explora las diferentes facetas de la amistad, desde aquellos amigos leales en quienes puedes confiar hasta aquellos que solo buscan beneficios personales.

Se destaca la idea de que un amigo es alguien a quien juzgas por ti mismo, es decir, cada persona tiene su propia percepción sobre quién es un amigo verdadero. Se menciona cómo algunas personas pueden confundir la bondad con ser ingenuo, o cómo otros solo se acercan cuando necesitan algo.

El verso narra una historia personal donde se describe cómo una relación romántica nace antes que una verdadera amistad, lo cual lleva al fracaso de la misma. Se manifiesta el error de convertirse en amantes antes que en amigos sólidos y confiables.

Además, se relata un caso donde una amiga traiciona a otra al robarle a su pareja, evidenciando las complicaciones y desconfianzas que pueden surgir entre amigos cercanos. La canción señala cómo esos actos inesperados pueden cambiar nuestra percepción sobre las personas que creíamos nuestros amigos.

En resumen, "Friends" trata temas profundos como la lealtad, la confianza y las decepciones dentro de las relaciones interpersonales. Reflexiona sobre cómo elegimos a quienes consideramos nuestros amigos y pone en tela de juicio si realmente conocemos a las personas que nos rodean.

Es interesante comparar esta canción con otras obras del grupo Whodini para apreciar su evolución musical y lírica a lo largo de su carrera en el hip-hop. Es importante destacar también el impacto cultural y social que tuvieron sus letras en su época.

En conclusión, "Friends" es mucho más que una simple canción; es un análisis profundo sobre la complejidad de las relaciones humanas y el significado verdadero de la amistad en un mundo lleno de incertidumbres y desafíos emocionales.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

How many of us have them?
Ones we can depend on
How many of us have them?
Before we go any further, lets be

Is a word we use everyday
Most the time we use it in the wrong way
Now you can look the word up, again and again
But the dictionary doesnt know the meaning of friends

And if you ask me, you know, i couldnt be much help
Because a friend is somebody you judge for yourself
Some are ok, and they treat you real cool
But some mistake kindness for bein a fool

We like to be with some, because they're funny
Others come around when they need some money
Some you grew up with, around the way
And you're still real close too this very day

Homeboys through the summer, winter, spring and fall
And then there's some we wish we never knew at all
And this list goes on, again and again
But these are the people that we call friends

When we first went out together, we barely knew each other
We had no intentions, on becoming lovers
But in no time at all, you became my girl
Me and you, one on one, against the world
Talkin on the telephone for hours at a time
Or else i was at your house, or you was at mine
Then came the arguements and all kinds of problems
Besides making love, we had nothing in common
It couldnt last long because it started out strong
But i guess we went about the whole thing wrong
Cause out of nowhere it just came to an end
Because we became lovers before we were friends

How many of us have them?
Ones we can depend on
How many of us have them?
Before we go any further, let's be

You say you and your girlfriend were so tight
You took her out with you and your guy one night
She even had a set of keys to your home
And you shared mostly everything you owned

But as she shook your hand, she stole your man
And it was done so swift, it had to be a plan
Couldn't trust her with cheese, let alone your keys
With friends like that you dont need enemies

You wonder how long it was all going on
And your still not sure if your man is gone
You say, well if she took him he was never mine
But deep inside you know thats just another lie

And now you're kinda cold to the people you meet
Cause of something that was done to you by some creep
But nevertheless, i'll say it again
That these are the people that we call friends

How many of us have them?
Before we go any further, lets be

How many of us have them?
One's we can depend on
How many of us have them?
Before we go any further, lets be

How many of us have them?
One's we can depend on
How many of us have them?
Before we go any further, lets be

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.