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Lies de Wild Orchid


Lies (Single)

11 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Lies

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La canción "Lies" interpretada por Wild Orchid es una pieza musical que aborda el tema de la mentira y la traición en una relación amorosa. La letra de la canción narra la historia de una persona que descubre que su pareja le ha estado engañando, saliendo con otras personas a sus espaldas y mintiéndole sobre su fidelidad.

El protagonista expresa su decepción al descubrir las mentiras de su pareja, mencionando que desde el principio sospechaba de su infidelidad. A través de metáforas como "Every time that you went out, I knew what you were about" y "I see all those other girls", se evidencia el dolor causado por la deslealtad del otro.

La canción transmite emociones de incredulidad, decepción y resignación ante la revelación de los engaños. La narrativa se centra en el proceso de darse cuenta de las mentiras y en confrontar al causante del dolor emocional. La protagonista demuestra tener claridad mental al identificar las señales de engaño, cuestionando a su pareja con frases como "Who you think you're fooling?".

A nivel temático, "Lies" destaca la importancia de la honestidad y la confianza en una relación, mostrando las consecuencias devastadoras que pueden surgir cuando se rompe ese vínculo fundamental. El tono emocional es fuerte y directo, transmitiendo la angustia y el desengaño sentidos por quien descubre las mentiras del ser amado.

En cuanto al contexto cultural en el que fue lanzada la canción, podemos situarnos en un entorno social donde la honestidad y la transparencia son valores fundamentales en las relaciones interpersonales. El impacto de esta canción radica en su capacidad para conectar con audiencias que han experimentado situaciones similares de falsedad y traición en sus propias vidas amorosas.

En resumen, "Lies" es una poderosa balada que aborda un tema universal como lo es el engaño en una relación amorosa. A través de sus letras emotivas y crudas, Wild Orchid logra transmitir la complejidad emocional asociada con descubrir las mentiras de un ser querido.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.



Boy it comes as no surprise (no no)
Cause when I look into your eyes (your eyes)
I could see all those (oh) other girls
You've been caught telling those lies
Boy I knew it from (oh oh) the start
So you could never break my heart
Didn't think I was this wise (yeah yeah)
You've been caught telling those lies

Tried to play me
Babe you must have been crazy, yeah
You're running around having your fun
When all the while (all the while)
Thought you had it easy, yeah (easy)
You're saying that I'm the only one

But . . .

I know what you're doing
Who you think you're fooling?
Did you think I couldn't see?
I wasn't home watching TV

Boy it comes as no surprise (oh oh oh)
Cause when I look into your eyes (yeah yeah)
I could see all those other girls
You've been caught telling those lies
Boy I knew it from the start
So you could never break my heart
Didnt think I was this wise
You've been caught telling those lies

Let's get straight to the point
Every time that you went out
I knew what you were about
Wondering how I found out
That you were cheating on me
How could you be so cruel? (so cruel)
You tried to hide the truth behind the one.
But . . .

I know what you're doing
Who you think you're fooling?
Did you think I couldn't see?
I wasn't home watching TV

Boy it comes as no surprise.
Cause when I look into your eyes (oh oh yeah).
I see all those other girls.
You've been caught telling those lies (babe).
Boy I knew it from the start (the start).
So you could never break my heart (my heart)
Didn't think I was this wise
You've been caught telling those lies

You've been caught telling those lies, babe
You've been caught telling those lies
You've been caught telling those lies
You've been caught telling those lies
You've been caught telling those lies, babe

I wasn't at home waiting
Baby, I was out there playing you (yeah yeah yeah yeah)
When you're out there
When you're playing
I wasn't home (at home, at home waiting)

Sitting, waiting
You were out there (oh)
You were playing (yeah)
I wasn't home (at home, at home waiting)
Sitting, waiting

Boy it comes as no surprise (oh no)
Cause when I look into your eyes (I see it in your eyes)
I could see all those other girls
You've been caught telling those lies
Boy I knew it from the start (the start)
So you could never break my heart (my heart, yeah)
Didn't think I was this wise
You've been caught telling those lies

Boy it comes as no surprise (caught telling those lies)
Cause when I look into your eyes
I could see all those other girls (ooh ooh, no no no no no)

You've been caught telling those lies
Boy I knew it from the start (oh the start)
So you could never break my heart (break my heart)
Didn't think I was this wise
You've been caught telling those lies

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.