Dice la canción

Deck of cards de Wink Martindale


Us - 1959 - top 50

15 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Deck of cards

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La canción "Deck of cards" interpretada por Wink Martindale es un relato narrativo con una historia profunda y significativa detrás de la letra. La narración se desarrolla durante la campaña del norte de África, donde un grupo de soldados llega a un pequeño pueblo llamado Casino. En este contexto, se narra cómo uno de los soldados es llevado ante el mariscal por jugar a las cartas en la iglesia, ya que no tenía ni una Biblia ni un libro de oraciones, solo un mazo de cartas.

El soldado, en su defensa, explica el significado simbólico que encuentra en cada carta del mazo. Desde recordarle la unidad de Dios al ver el as, pasando por citas bíblicas como los dos testamentos representados en el dos, hasta reflexiones sobre la creación del mundo en seis días o las lecciones morales contenidas en los diez mandamientos representados por el diez. Cada carta del mazo se convierte así en una herramienta para recordar principios religiosos y morales fundamentales.

Este relato ilustra cómo incluso en circunstancias adversas y sin recursos aparentes, la fe y la conexión espiritual pueden permanecer intactas. El soldado demuestra su profundo entendimiento y respeto por los principios religiosos a través de esta sencilla pero poderosa analogía entre las cartas y valores esenciales.

La canción "Deck of cards" destaca por su mensaje edificante y su capacidad para transmitir lecciones profundas a través de una historia aparentemente simple. Al emplear metáforas visuales utilizando las cartas como medio para conectar con principios religiosos fundamentales, logra transmitir esa idea universal de encontrar significado incluso en situaciones cotidianas y aparentemente mundanas.

En cuanto al contexto cultural, esta canción lanzada originalmente en 1959 refleja valores religiosos arraigados y una época donde la moralidad era un tema importante en la sociedad. La influencia del cristianismo se ve claramente reflejada en la letra y cómo el soldado utiliza su mazo de cartas como una referencia simbólica para mantener sus creencias e inspirarse espiritualmente.

En términos musicales, "Deck of cards" presenta un estilo hablado único dentro del género pop de los años 50. La instrumentación puede ser minimalista para resaltar el relato detallado que se cuenta a lo largo de la canción.

En resumen, "Deck of cards" no es solo una canción típica, sino una narrativa emocionante que invita a reflexionar sobre la fe, los valores morales y la capacidad humana para encontrar significado incluso en las circunstancias más inesperadas. A través del simbolismo presente en cada carta del mazo, se construye un relato lleno de profundidad que perdura más allá de las notas musicales.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Deck of cardswink martindale dot 45-15968(t. texas tyler) american music bminarrative: during the north african campaign, a bunch of soldier boys had been on a long hike and they arrived in a little town called casino. the next morning being sunday, several of the boys went to church. a sergeant commanded the boys in church and after the chaplain had read the prayer, the text was taken up next. those of the boys who had a prayer book took them out, but this one boy had only a deck of cards, and so he spread them out. the sergeant saw the cards and said, "soldier, put away those ; after the services was over, the soldier was taken prisoner and brought before the provost marshall. the marshall said, "sergeant, why have you brought this man here?" "for playing cards in church, ; "and what have you to say for yourself, son?" "much, sir," replied the soldier. the marshall said, "i hope so, for if not i shall punish you more than any man was ever ; the soldier said, "sir, i have been on the march for about six days. i have neither a bible nor a prayer book, but i hope to satisfy you, sir, with the purity of my ; and with that, the boy started his story: "you see sir, when i look at the ace, it reminds me that there is but one god. and the deuce reminds me that the bible is divided into two parts, the old and the new testaments. when i see the trey, i think of the father, the son, and the holy ghost. and when i see the four, i think of the four evangelists who preached the gospel; there was matthew, mark, luke and john. and when i see the five, it reminds me of the five wise virgins who trimmed their lamps; there were ten of them: five were wise and were saved, five were foolish and were shut out. when i see the six, it reminds me that in six days, god made this great heaven and earth. when i see the seven, it reminds me that on the seventh day, god rested from his great work. and when i see the eight, i think of the eight righteous persons god saved when he destroyed this earth; there was noah, his wife, their sons and their wives. and when i see the nine, i think of the lepers our savior cleansed, and nine out of the ten didn't even thank him. when i see the ten, i think of the ten commandments god handed down to moses on a table of stone. when i see the king, it reminds me that there is but one king of heaven, god almighty. and when i see the queen, i think of the blessed virgin mary, who is queen of heaven. and the jack or knave is the devil. when i count the number of spots on a deck of cards, i find 365, the number of days in a year. there are 52 cards, the number of weeks in a year. there are 4 suits, the number of weeks in a month. there are 12 picture cards, the number of months in a year. there are 13 tricks, the number of weeks in a quarter. so you see, sir, my pack of cards serves me as a bible, an almanac and a prayer ;"and friends, the story is true. i know, i was that ;lyrics downloaded from another site and verified by little lyrics are for the specific recording referenced above,and are for personal use and research interest only.

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.