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Running (dying to live) de 2pac


Running (dying to live) (Single)

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Running (dying to live)

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La canción "Running (dying to live)" interpretada por 2pac es una profunda reflexión sobre la lucha constante entre la vida y la muerte, el propósito y la adversidad. A través de sus letras, Tupac Shakur nos sumerge en un viaje emocional donde cuestiona su existencia, su entorno y las circunstancias que lo rodean.

Desde el principio, se percibe una atmósfera de conflicto personal y social. Se menciona una especie de "elección" entre él y Biggie, reflejando rivalidades y tensiones en la industria musical. La letra revela un sentimiento de confusión e injusticia ante las situaciones que enfrenta, desde traiciones hasta intentos contra su vida.

El coro de la canción plantea preguntas existenciales profundas: Por qué lucho por vivir si solo vivo para luchar? Por qué intento ver cuando no hay nada a la vista? Estos interrogantes reflejan la búsqueda de significado en medio del caos. Tupac explora temas como el desencanto, la desconfianza y la constante lucha por sobrevivir en un entorno hostil.

En cuanto a la estructura musical, la canción presenta un ritmo intenso y emotivo, con letras cargadas de honestidad y pasión. La combinación de rap crudo y reflexiones introspectivas crea una experiencia auditiva poderosa que invita a la reflexión.

En términos contextuales, "Running (dying to live)" fue lanzada originalmente en 2003 como parte de la banda sonora de una película sobre la vida del propio Tupac Shakur. La influencia del artista se extiende más allá del mundo musical, siendo considerado un ícono cultural y una voz importante para las comunidades marginadas.

En conclusión, esta canción captura magistralmente las luchas internas y externas de Tupac Shakur, ofreciendo una mirada íntima a sus pensamientos más profundos. A través de sus letras sinceras y emotivas, 2pac nos invita a reflexionar sobre nuestras propias batallas emocionales y existenciales. Es un testimonio poderoso que trasciende el tiempo y sigue resonando en la audiencia actual.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Between you and Biggie, it was like,
Who's gon', who's gon'..
Who rules the nigga kingdom and shit, basically
You know what I'm sayin'...
I was like, this is like a fucking election!
It is an election and shit,
You know what I'm saying?

It is that, It is that!
Me and Biggie's situation is smarter than that,
Me and Biggie's situation is

Central, we got a black male

You know I wonder if they'll laugh when I am

Tupac Shakur got shot 7

While i'm in jail, strangers is telling me:
You don't know?
Biggie homeboy shot you!
And they braggin'!
And thats why what I'm
I don't know what I'm doing,
I'm screaming, i'm

You know I wonder if they'll laugh when I am
Why am I fighting to live
If I'm just living to fight?
Why am I trying to see
When there ain't nothing in sight?
Why am I trying to give
When no one gives me a try?
Why am I dying to live
If I'm just living to die?

Check it, I grew up, a fuckin screw-up
Got introduced to the game,
Got a ounce and fuckin blew up
Choppin rocks overnight
The nigga Biggie Smalls
Tryin to turn into the black Frank White
We had to grow dreads
To change our description
Two cops is on the milk box, Missing
Show they toes, you know they got stepped on
A fist full of bullets, a chest full of teflon
Run from the police, picture that
Nigga i'm too fat
I fuck around and catch a asthma attack
That's why i bust back, it don't phase me
When he drop, take his glock
And i'm swayze
Celebrate my escape
Sold the glock, bought some weight
Laid back, i got some money to make,

You know I wonder if they'll laugh when I am
Why am I fighting to live
If I'm just living to fight?
Why am I trying to see
When there ain't nothing in sight?
Why am I trying to give
When no one gives me a try?
Why am I dying to live
If I'm just living to die?

Tupac's still dead, you know what i'm
don't feed into it
If you feed into it, it's going up and escalate
You know what i'm
I know about the
I know what people would believe that was the truth

It's on
But still i'm havin memories
Of high speed when the cops crashed,
As i laughed
Pushin the gas when my Glocks blast
We was young and we was dumb but we had heart
In the dark, where we survived through the bad parts
Many dreams is what i had, and plenty wishes,
No hesitation in extermination of these snitches
And these bitches, they still continue to persue me
A couple o' movies,
Now the whole world is tryin to screw me
Even the cops tried to sue me
So what can I do, but stay true,
Sippin 22's of brew
And now the media is trying to test me,
Got the press asking questions, tryin' to stress me
Misery is all I see, thats my mind state
My history with the police
Would shake the crimerate
My main man had two strikes slipped,
Got arrested and flipped,
He screamed Thug Life! and emptied the clip,
Got tired of running from the

Why am I fighting to live
If I'm just living to fight?
Why am I trying to see
When there ain't nothing in sight?
Why am I trying to give
When no one gives me a try?
Why am I dying to live
If I'm just living to die?

I was shocked and everything, you know what I'm sayin'
But i wasn't more shocked of him dying,
I was more shocked of (*ding*)
Pac is a strong dude yo, i know dudes,
You know what I'm sayin'...
He is real strong,
So when they was like He got shot!,
I was more like Again?,
You know what I'm sayin',
He always gettin' shot or shot at,
He gon' pull through this one again,
Make a few records about it,
And it's gonna be over, you know what I'm sayin'?
But when he, when he died, i was like Whoa!
You know what I'm sayin', it kinda took me
And even though we was going through our drama,
I would never wish death on nobody,
You know what I'm sayin'...
Cause there ani't no coming back from that!

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.