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Annalillia de Aceyalone


Annalillia (Single)

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Annalillia

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La canción "Annalillia" interpretada por Aceyalone nos sumerge en la historia de un encuentro casual en un bar con una misteriosa mujer llamada Annalillia. A lo largo de la letra, el narrador revela su atracción instantánea hacia ella y su intento por entablar una conversación, aunque inicialmente no obtiene la respuesta que esperaba.

Desde el comienzo, el narrador se siente atraído por la presencia de Annalillia y su interacción comienza con cierta torpeza al tratar de ganarse su atención. La historia se desarrolla con humor y ligereza, mostrando la personalidad simpática y confiada del narrador mientras intenta conectar con esta enigmática mujer.

A través de las líneas de la canción, podemos percibir cómo el narrador busca impresionar a Annalillia con charlas divertidas y amigables, aunque sus esfuerzos parecen desviarse en diferentes direcciones. La sorpresiva revelación sobre el estado sentimental de Annalillia añade un giro inesperado, amplificando la sensación de frustración o decepción por parte del narrador al descubrir que su interés amoroso ya tiene pareja e hijos.

El uso del nombre "Annalillia" como elemento recurrente en la canción destaca la importancia simbólica que adquiere esta figura femenina en la mente del narrador. Más allá del simple coqueteo, hay una exploración de las dinámicas sociales y emocionales presentes en este encuentro fugaz, donde los deseos personales chocan con la realidad cotidiana.

En cuanto a la producción musical, encontramos un ritmo envolvente que acompaña las letras fluidas y dinámicas. Los sonidos melódicos complementan el tono relajado y introspectivo de la composición, creando una atmósfera íntima que invita a reflexionar sobre las complejidades del amor y las interacciones humanas.

En resumen, "Annalillia" es mucho más que una simple canción sobre un encuentro casual; es un relato emocionalmente cargado sobre las expectativas frustradas y las imperfecciones inherentes a nuestras relaciones interpersonales. A través de su letra ingeniosa e irónica, Aceyalone nos invita a reflexionar sobre los desafíos y las sorpresas que surgen en nuestro camino hacia el amor verdadero.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Yo i met this queen yo i met this queen named annalillia
annalillia oh annalillia
annalillia oh annalillia
annalillia oh annalillia
i bet you think i'm silly huh annalillia
annalillia oh annalillia
annalillia oh annalillia
annalillia oh annalillia
i bet you think i'm silly huh annalillia
now i was in a bar when i met annalillia
drunk and high drinkin' shots of tequillia
chasin' it w/genuine draft
tellin' wack jokes as the bartender laughed
i was about one drink away from my limit
in came a black dress w/a black body in it
she looked so timid
it took me a minute
to get her in focus
he said what'll it be
and just so she could notice acey i said yo this one's on me
and she stormed
i don't even know who you are fool
keepin' that barstool warm like norm
then it hit me
right there center in my heartbeat
shot down but i loved it
i was talkin' out the bottom of a shot glass anyways
i says i insist that i pays
by the ways
what your mama name you what they call you
can i call you and soon claim you
i was diggin' a hole i knew i'd fall through
but i aimed to just understand her
a woman that not many men knows
she looked me in my windows and said annalillia
annalillia oh annalillia
annalillia oh annalillia
annalillia oh annalillia
i mean well really uh annalillia
annalillia oh annalillia
annalillia oh annalillia
annalillia oh annalillia
you wanna smoke this philly huh annalillia
now once i broke the ice on the lake the water felt cold
but nevertheless it was water
my conversation caught her
some daddy's daughter and my mama's son
said i'm acey de uno and i do know how to have fun
i comes from the hills
1 in a mil
2 out of 3 ain't bad
4 a 5 dollar bill
and a half a dozen thrills
just see how it feels
7 8 9
now he pre-10's (pretends) he's real
and she thought that was so funny
and she put her drink away went to pay w/her money and squirted
all because a brother just flirted
and didn't know how to word it
i blurted out the door but she never heard it
then annalillia deserted
annalillia oh annalillia
annalillia oh annalillia
annalillia oh annalillia
i bet you think i'm silly huh annalillia
annalillia oh annalillia
annalillia oh annalillia
annalillia oh annalillia
i mean well really uh annalillia
now i was in my car when i seen annalillia again
hmm w/her friend
yo haven't we met before
of course we have
we crossed paths at a local pub
and i was like a lickle drunk on everything i love
i didn't mean to run you off but i did
i must have put too much on it to make you pop your lid
but you did
but what you did for me physically and mentally
got my chemistry just like goin' you just not knowin'
well anyway ok let's try this again
we might as well be friends and do what friends do
foxy lady brown sugar mama karma queen you
don't think i'm a fiend
just give me your number and i'll give you a ring
she said first of all i got a boyfriend
and a girlfriend
and a couple of rugrats and a cat
ooh she threw me all out of my game
she was open like a (...?...)
so i asked myself the what and the why
so i said self what are you doin'
why are you canoeing when you could have a motorboat instead
then i told her hold her head peace
this ain't what i wanted
but right before i shook the spot i said let me tell you somethin'
annalillia i'm proud to announce
that all balls don't bounce
and that's all that counts
i'm out
annalillia oh annalillia
annalillia oh annalillia
annalillia oh annalillia
i mean well really uh annalillia

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.




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