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Arhythamaticulas de Aceyalone


All balls don't bounce revisited

14 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Arhythamaticulas

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La canción "Arhythamaticulas" de Aceyalone es una pieza que nos sumerge en el mundo del hiphop desde una perspectiva creativa y desafiante. El artista nos invita a sumergirnos en el mundo del ritmo y la métrica, tomando un enfoque casi académico al plantearnos la importancia de entender y explorar diferentes patrones rítmicos.

Desde el comienzo, Aceyalone nos introduce al concepto de "arhythamaticulas", un término que parece surgir de la conjunción entre "rhythm" (ritmo) y "mathematical". A lo largo de la letra, desarrolla la idea de que el rap puede ir más allá de simples loops o estructuras fijas, invitándonos a explorar la diversidad musical que puede existir dentro del género.

El artista critica sutilmente la falta de creatividad en muchos raperos contemporáneos, señalando cómo muchos se aferran a métodos predecibles y poco innovadores en lugar de arriesgarse con nuevos enfoques. Aceyalone destaca su habilidad para jugar con las palabras, creando rimas complejas y variadas que demuestran su destreza lírica.

En cuanto a su estilo vocal, Aceyalone se presenta como un MC seguro y autoconsciente, destacando su versatilidad y originalidad. Se muestra comprometido con llevar el rap a nuevos niveles, desafiando las convenciones establecidas para revitalizar el arte.

La canción también aborda temas más profundos relacionados con la responsabilidad social del artista. Aceyalone critica a aquellos raperos que no consideran el impacto de sus palabras en la sociedad, instándolos a ser más conscientes y reflexivos sobre el mensaje que transmiten.

En términos musicales, "Arhythamaticulas" presenta una estructura dinámica y fluida, marcada por cambios inesperados en los patrones rítmicos y una variedad de flows que mantienen al escucha atento. Los productores logran crear una atmósfera única que complementa perfectamente las letras introspectivas del artista.

En cuanto al contexto cultural en el que se lanzó la canción, debemos tener en cuenta el impacto del hip-hop underground en la escena musical urbana. Este tipo de música suele servir como plataforma para artistas independientes que buscan expandir los límites del género y alejarse de las corrientes comerciales más convencionales.

En resumen, "Arhythamaticulas" es mucho más que una simple canción de hiphop; es un canto a la creatividad, la innovación y la conciencia social dentro del género. Aceyalone nos invita a explorar nuevos horizontes musicales mientras reflexiona sobre nuestra responsabilidad como artistas hacia nuestra audiencia y nuestra comunidad. Una obra maestra que desafía los límites establecidos y nos invita a pensar más allá de lo convencional.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Oh yes welcome to hiphology please open up your workbooks to page
and break out your pads and pens and your calculators
for the first lesson of today is
arhythamatic arhythamaticulas
this rhythm is sick this rhythm's ridiculous
arhythamatic arhythamaticulas
this rhythm is sick this rhythm's ridiculous
well up until now your only concept of rhythm is a four by four loop
square as a pool table
with no dynamics implanted but you couldn't understand
why all of your gigantic rap sounded so bland
but the answer was right in your hand
couldn't believe you were so naive to
arrangements changes different time signatures
the freedom of your imagination that must have been a fixation with
like tryin to make a wheel out of rock
like tryin to make a puppet out of sock
see i got that private stock the personal vat with the broth and gravy
and the electrons to pass on so the world don't seem so wavy
oh everybody hollerin save me save yourself before it's too late into
when you go because my wig got weight i gotta concentrate on
arhythamatic arhythamaticulas
this rhythm is sick this rhythm's ridiculous
arhythamatic arhythamaticulas
this rhythm is sick this rhythm is outta control
yeah now everybody in here check your head and make sure that it's
and open up the middle just a millimeter more for the style that is
you really wanna know who the ace is
ace is the face that's seldom sighted
i'm divided into two parts i got two hearts
two heads i'm a head ahead one of the better bred
know you're thinkin i'm gonna be i got the remedy to turn you out
i got the fiery styles that'll burn you out if you don't learn that
now i been there done that did it committed to run that
talk to it do it right
me and this mic gonna take flight to end your mental plight
hip hop is more than yes y'all
throw your hands in the air say ho
and give up the w cause i'm from the west y'all
and you know i got mad fat flow
coming in the house through the back door out the front door
cross the frontyard into the street
we could do it right here better yet i got a better idea
i'm a get you up off your feet with that
arhythamaticulas arhythamatic
this rhythm's ridiculous this rhythm is sick
arhythamaticulas arhythamatic
this rhythm's ridiculous this rhythm is sick
now the problem with you mc's today is you're too emotional
you have no devotion to the social bug spread
by the words you said to the public
you have no regard for the masses how you effect them
and how they view you
now you know you knew you were open wide for the
whole wide world to do you
now i propose those who chose their flows
irresponsible and irrationally
be exhausted from the face of the earth and be forced to deal w/me
me i'd rather be undefined not underestimated or undermined
i'm underlined as the underdog under the influence of time
now i know you're sick of that same old same old
lame old running man dance style
niggas screamin' and yellin' and tellin' lies about what they do
brother i say to you but don't you believe or be deceived
by the hip hop that you breath
i am multidirectional i move randomly and professional
intellectual with perpetual
first in motion bustin' you open
now you are exposed to the rap and closed in the mind trap i find that
hilarious and mysterious every area gets a dose
full of malaria and asbestos from the west coast
breath in and coat your lungs
arhythamatic arhythamaticulas
this rhythm is sick this rhythm's ridiculous
arhythamatic arhythamaticulas
this rhythm is sick this rhythm's ridiculous
tic tic tic
arhythamatic arhythamaticulas
this rhythm is sick sick sick

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.




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