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Give you all i got de Allure


Give you all i got (Single)

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Give you all i got

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La canción "Give you all I got" interpretada por Allure nos sumerge en una narrativa de enamoramiento y devoción hacia una persona especial, cuya presencia da significado y vida al mundo del cantante. La letra refleja una intensa conexión emocional, expresando la voluntad de entregarlo todo y hacer sacrificios por esa persona amada. La historia que se narra en la canción nos habla de un encuentro casual que se convierte en algo más profundo y significativo, donde el protagonista se siente abrumado por la influencia positiva de su pareja.

A lo largo de la letra, se destaca la idea de darlo todo en una relación, preguntándose si esa entrega será correspondida por la otra persona. La letra sugiere un deseo intenso por encontrar reciprocidad en el amor y construir una relación equilibrada donde ambos se complementen mutuamente. Este tema del dar y recibir en el amor se refuerza con versos como "And if I keep you close to me, Would you give me everything I need", mostrando la importancia de la reciprocidad en una relación amorosa saludable.

Además, la canción explora la sensación de sentirse completamente cautivado por alguien nuevo en tu vida, describiendo cómo esa persona especial puede transformar tu mundo interior y hacerte sentir vivo. Los versos destacan la fascinación y el asombro que despierta este nuevo romance, brindando una sensación de felicidad e plenitud a través de palabras como "brought my world alive" o "you amaze me boy".

En términos musicales, esta canción transmite un sentimiento optimista y alegre a través de su melodía pegajosa y su ritmo animado. La combinación entre las voces melódicas del grupo Allure y los arreglos instrumentales crea un ambiente cálido y cercano que invita a los oyentes a sumergirse en esta historia romántica.

En cuanto al contexto cultural en el que se lanzó la canción, es relevante destacar que pertenece al género del R&B contemporáneo, popularizado durante los años 90s e inicios de los 2000s. Este estilo musical fusiona elementos del soul, el hip-hop y el pop para crear composiciones melódicas con letras emotivas sobre relaciones amorosas.

Para finalizar, "Give you all I got" nos sumerge en un viaje emocional mediante sus letras apasionadas y su melodía contagiosa. Es una oda al amor incondicional y a la búsqueda constante de conexión genuina en medio del caos cotidiano. Una pieza musical que evoca emotividad e invita a reflexionar sobre nuestros propios deseos de entrega total en las relaciones sentimentales.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Trackmasters, Alllure

Yo, met this piece by the name of Sharise
She had a fly 190 resting in Jones Beach
You know when we kickin' everyday cliche
Yo Boo can I poly with you
What! Make my day
She threw her chin up in the air
Said Yeah
Your style is played out black like last year
What do you mean, Ha!
You know what I mean Dunn
Calling me Dunn had me open like I's the one
What did I have on God Guard or Claiborne
You know you had that rugged type of shit on Raekwon
Maybe I'll talk a bit kick a few words and shit
But you drove off in some Nissan phat shit
Givin' me bad looks, lookin' like made crooks
If I was a purse downtown I woulda been took
Yeah from robsters, but you look like mobsters
Smokin that weed had me nauseous like Rastas

When we're together
You blow my mind, ah huh
You have a way about ya
That keeps me satisfied
(Whatcha want)
All I want to do is give you all I got

- 1 -
If I give you all I got
Would you be there for me baby
All I got
And if I keep you close to me
Would you give me everything I need
The way I want it to be
That's how it should be

I wanna be there for you boy
In every way
I just gotta tell you how
You take my breath away
Oh I wanna let you know

- 2 -
When you walked into my life
Walked into my life
I get this feeling you brought my world alive
And I'm going crazy, my head is in a daze
And you amaze me boy
Why don't you stay

Repeat 1

Yo, she's a fly fabulous bird
From out of nowhere
We bungalo dolo in lowgear
Free parole the whole year
Now acknowledge me God mentality
Fly firmality
Cut out on me I'm kidnapping half of your salary
We movin' like this, for real now
Shut down your will power, flower
Whatever you doing
Don't respect ours
Slidin' my work to the next man
Still I"m givin' you props
Now gets your karats on the next hand

Repeat 2

Repeat 1 until fade- 1 -
If I give you all I got
Would you be there for me baby
All I got
And if I keep you close to me
Would you give me everything I need
The way I want it to be
That's how it should be

I wanna be there for you boy
In every way
I just gotta tell you how
You take my breath away
Oh I wanna let you know

- 2 -
When you walked into my life
Walked into my life
I get this feeling you brought my world alive
And I'm going crazy, my head is in a daze
And you amaze me boy
Why don't you stay

Repeat 1

Yo, she's a fly fabulous bird
From out of nowhere
We bungalo dolo in lowgear
Free parole the whole year
Now acknowledge me God mentality
Fly firmality
Cut out on me I'm kidnapping half of your salary
We movin' like this, for real now
Shut down your will power, flower
Whatever you doing
Don't respect ours
Slidin' my work to the next man
Still I"m givin' you props
Now gets your karats on the next hand

Repeat 2

Repeat 1 until fade
I wanna be there for you boy
In every way
I just gotta tell you how
You take my breath away
Oh I wanna let you know

- 2 -
When you walked into my life
Walked into my life
I get this feeling you brought my world alive
And I'm going crazy, my head is in a daze
And you amaze me boy
Why don't you stay

Repeat 1

Yo, she's a fly fabulous bird
From out of nowhere
We bungalo dolo in lowgear
Free parole the whole year
Now acknowledge me God mentality
Fly firmality
Cut out on me I'm kidnapping half of your salary
We movin' like this, for real now
Shut down your will power, flower
Whatever you doing
Don't respect ours
Slidin' my work to the next man
Still I"m givin' you props
Now gets your karats on the next hand

Repeat 2

Repeat 1 until fade- 2 -
When you walked into my life
Walked into my life
I get this feeling you brought my world alive
And I'm going crazy, my head is in a daze
And you amaze me boy
Why don't you stay

Repeat 1

Yo, she's a fly fabulous bird
From out of nowhere
We bungalo dolo in lowgear
Free parole the whole year
Now acknowledge me God mentality
Fly firmality
Cut out on me I'm kidnapping half of your salary
We movin' like this, for real now
Shut down your will power, flower
Whatever you doing
Don't respect ours
Slidin' my work to the next man
Still I"m givin' you props
Now gets your karats on the next hand

Repeat 2

Repeat 1 until fade
Repeat 1

Yo, she's a fly fabulous bird
From out of nowhere
We bungalo dolo in lowgear
Free parole the whole year
Now acknowledge me God mentality
Fly firmality
Cut out on me I'm kidnapping half of your salary
We movin' like this, for real now
Shut down your will power, flower
Whatever you doing
Don't respect ours
Slidin' my work to the next man
Still I"m givin' you props
Now gets your karats on the next hand

Repeat 2

Repeat 1 until fade

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.