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Down once more/track down this murderer de Andrew Lloyd Webber


Down once more/track down this murderer (Single)

15 de diciembre de 2011

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La canción "Down Once More/Track Down This Murderer" pertenece al género musical y proviene de la famosa obra teatral "El Fantasma de la Ópera", compuesta por Andrew Lloyd Webber. En esta pieza, el Phantom canta sobre su desesperación y angustia mientras se ve acorralado por la multitud enfurecida que busca descubrir su identidad. La letra refleja un profundo conflicto interno del protagonista, quien se siente rechazado y condenado por su aspecto físico, llevándolo a buscar venganza y redención en medio de una red de pasiones encontradas.

El significado de la letra de esta canción es bastante complejo y rico en matices emocionales. Se puede apreciar cómo el Phantom, a pesar de ser perseguido como un villano por la sociedad que lo margina debido a su apariencia, todavía experimenta sentimientos intensos hacia Christine, manifestando una mezcla de amor, deseo y dolor. Pone en evidencia la dualidad entre su naturaleza monstruosa y su anhelo de ser amado y aceptado.

La presencia del tema religioso queda subyacente en diversas frases como "Christine, Christine" o referencias a ángeles y demonios que marcan una atmósfera sobrenatural en la narrativa. La estrategia escénica está cargada de simbolismo, mostrando el enfrentamiento entre los protagonistas en un sentido más amplio que va más allá del simple combate físico.

Este segmento musical es sin duda uno de los momentos claves dentro del musical "El Fantasma de la Ópera", donde se revelan las verdaderas motivaciones y conflictos internos de los personajes. La lucha entre el amor, el egoísmo, el resentimiento y la redención se entrelazan en una trama fascinante que atrapa al público mediante una combinación única de música excepcional e interpretaciones intensas.

Además, es interesante comparar esta canción con otros números musicales del mismo musical para apreciar cómo se desarrolla la trama a lo largo de toda la obra. La evolución emocional del Phantom y sus interacciones con Christine son fundamentales para entender sus motivaciones y decisiones a lo largo del espectáculo.

En resumen, "Down Once More/Track Down This Murderer" es una poderosa canción que explora las profundidades emocionales y psicológicas de sus personajes principales de una manera magistral. A través de metáforas religiosas, simbolismos oscuros e intensidad dramática, esta pieza logra transmitir al oyente toda la complejidad del argumento mientras lo sumerge en un torbellino emocional inolvidable.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

down once more
to the dungeon
of my black despair
down we plunge
to the prison
of my mind
down that path
into darkness
deep as hell
Why, you ask,
was i bound and chained
in this cold and dismal place?
not for any
mortal sin, but the
wickedness of
my abhorrent face
track down this murderer
he must be found
hounded out by
met with hatred
no kind word from
no compassion
Christine, christine
why, why?
your hand at the level of your eyes
at the level of your eyes
your hand at the level of your eyes
track down this
murderer -
he must be found
hunt out this
who runs to ground
too long he's
preyed on us -
but now we know:
the phantom of the opera
is there
deep down below
He's here: the phantom of the opera
have you gorged yourself
at last, in your
lust for blood?
am i now to be
prey to your
lust for flesh?
Phantom (coldly)
that fate, which
condemns me
to wallow in blood
has also
denied me
the joys of the flesh
this face -
the infection
which poisons our love
This face,
which earned
a mother's fear
and loathing
a mask,
my first
unfeeling scrap
of clothing
Pity comes
too late -
turn around
and face your fate:
an eternity of this
before your eyes
this haunted face
holds no horror
for me now
it's in your soul
that the true
distortion lies
wait i think, my dear,
we have a guest
sir, this is indeed
an unparalleled delight
i had rather hoped
that you would come.
and now my wish comes true -
you have truly made my night
free her
do what you like
only free her
have you no pity?
Phantom (to christine, dryly)
your lover makes
a passionate plea
please, raoul, it's useless
i love her
does that mean nothing?
i love her
show some compassion
Phantom (snarls furiously at raoul)
the world showed no
compassion to me
(to phantom)
Let me see her
Phantom (drily)
be my guest, sir
Monsieur, i
bid you welcome
did you think that
i would harm her?
why should i make
her pay
for the sins which
are yours?
Order your fine horses now
raise up your hand to the level of your eyes
nothing can save you now -
except perhaps christine
Start a new life with me -
buy his freedom with your love
refuse me, and you send your lover to his
this is the choice -
this is the point of no return
Christine (to the phantom)
the tears i might have shed
for your dark fate
grow cold, and turn to tears
of hate
christine, forgive
me please forgive me
i did it all
for you, and all for
my fallen idol
and false friend
one by one
i've watched
illusions shattered
past all hope
of cries for help:
no point in fighting -
either way
you choose,
he has to win
for either way
you choose,
you cannot win
So, do you end
your days with me,
or do you send
him to his grave?
Raoul (to phantom)
why make her lie
to you, to save
angel of music
past the point
of no return -
for pity's sake,
christine, say no
why this torment?
the final threshold
don't throw your life
away for my sake
when will you see
his life is now the prize
which you must earn
i fought so hard
to free you
angel of music
you've passed the point
of no return
you deceived me -
i gave my mind
Phantom (to christine)
you try my patience -
make your choice
pitiful creature
of darkness
what kind of life
have you known?
God give me courage
to show you
you are not
track down this
murderer -
he must be found
hunt out this
who runs to ground
Too long he's
preyed on us -
but now we know:
the phantom of the opera
is there
deep down below
who is this monster,
this murdering beast?
revenge for piangi
revenge for buquet
this creature
must never go free
take her - forget me - forget all of this
leave me alone - forget all you've seen
go now - don't let them find you
take the boat - leave me here - go now,
don't wait
just take her and go - before it's too late
go now - go now and leave me
paper faces on parade
hide your face
so the world will
never find you
Christine i love you
Christine (to raoul)
say you'll share with
me, one
love, one lifetime
say the word
and i will follow you
share each day with me
each night
each morning
you alone
can make my song take flight -
it's over now, the music of the night

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.