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Adjust de Atmosphere



10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Adjust

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La canción "Adjust" interpretada por Atmosphere, incluida en su álbum "Overcast", nos sumerge en un viaje introspectivo a través de las letras detalladas y la entrega emotiva del rapero. En esta pieza, Atmosphere reflexiona sobre la lucha interna y las complejidades de la vida diaria. La letra retrata un día caótico desde el momento en que se despierta "on the wrong side of my head", resaltando la sensación de desconexión y desorientación que a menudo experimentamos.

Atmosphere describe una serie de situaciones conflictivas, desde perderse al conducir hasta sentir una creciente presión en sus relaciones personales. A lo largo de la canción, se aborda el tema del autoajuste y adaptación necesaria para sobrevivir en un mundo cada vez más complicado. Las metáforas como "adjustments- they need to be constructed" refuerzan la idea de que las modificaciones constantes son cruciales para encontrar equilibrio y coherencia en medio del caos.

El artista utiliza una narrativa personal para transmitir este mensaje universal de búsqueda constante de ajuste y superación personal. La referencia a las drogas como un obstáculo para el amor ("and you've been fuckin' with nasal drugs renders love obsolete") añade capas de complejidad al análisis, sugiriendo un conflicto interno entre autodestrucción y crecimiento emocional.

A nivel musical, los acordes sombríos acompañan perfectamente el tono melancólico de la letra, sumergiendo al oyente en la atmósfera introspectiva creada por Atmosphere. La combinación de beats hip-hop con letras poéticas crea una experiencia auditiva única que invita a reflexionar sobre nuestras propias luchas internas.

En comparación con otras obras del artista, "Adjust" destaca por su profundidad lírica y su exploración detallada de temas emocionales complejos. A través de su estilo único, Atmosphere logra capturar la angustia existencial y las tensiones cotidianas con una honestidad brutal que resuena con muchos oyentes.

En definitiva, "Adjust" es mucho más que una simple canción; es un testimonio emotivo sobre la necesidad constante de adaptarnos y evolucionar en un mundo impredecible. Atmosphere nos invita a reflexionar sobre nuestras propias luchas internas y a encontrar fuerza en medio del caos para seguir adelante construyendo nuestro propio camino hacia la estabilidad emocional. Con este análisis profundo e íntimo, podemos apreciar mejor tanto el arte como el mensaje detrás de esta poderosa pieza musical.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

i woke up on the wrong side of my head
converts the day into search for awake until i go to bed
i drove up, but misplaced the directions they learned
ignored the arrows and the signs
just follow the sense
i don't know whether or not you can comprehend
levers and knobs got stripped and that was just within the launch of it
they found me up in up to my neck
all they saw was his head on top the ocean
it didn't stop the motion,
they kept goin'
perfect, didn't recognize slug
or the effects he'd have when he disrupts the class
mission bound, twisting around my realm of lost
cash is expensive, i think o can smell the cost
decomposure, something died right behind that wall
tv gave me all i needed
it only took a phone call
paid by the minute
85%'s a second coming
all over the breasts of she who left the water running
flood the basement, drowned the mc's and centipedes
filed complaints, civil suits and try to sue the sidle tendancies
energy drained, drain plugged -- hence the flood
find the fault line, shift plate, take blame off of slug

adjustments - they need to be constructed,
adjustments - they need to be constructed,
adjustments - they need to be constructed,
adjustments - they need to be constructed,

aiyo money lets sit down if you've got the time
cuz if can take the time i've got some substance on my mind
no i don't really know you, but i know who you are
we've spoke a few times, joked a few times
we even toked a few times
i can remember one time purchasing weed from you once
yeah it was worth it
one time we even discussed maybe hooking up and workin'
it didn't happen, but that's not the reason for this
i know i should just get to the point
so lets all get to the point
but lets all get to the point
you may get pissed at what i'm about to spit
bottom line is mad or not somebody needs to say this shit
when i'm finished, you might wanna fight
but i don't wanna fight, i've seen you fight
go ahead get wild, and i'll still smile for bein' right
see me and mics are like marriage -- make's life complete
and you've been fuckin' with nasal drugs renders love obsolete
i dare to speak upon you, not to front on you
but i'd rather address this here matter
than have to duck and shun you
it's getting close to harvest, time to count your livestock
all i've got for a hype is a 5 spots to shovel my sidewalk
it's still within you, i can see it, i think it froze
'cuz you keep cooling it off putting winter in your nose

man, i don't know about you no more kid
i mean look at your shit, i mean your shits all off balance
i mean i don't know, your fucking with these drugs and shit
i just don't know, i don't know
Adjustments - they need to be constructed
adjustments - they need to be constructed

adjustments they remain, but not just for the purpose of adaption
cuz that's natural, i'm trying to stay alert to actions
surroundings became more dangerous
the more familar i've became with strangers
and the more i've focused on they strangeness
strain with this, but i guess that's out of choice,
he pinned me down, gave me the right to shut up after i used my voice
well guess what? fuck you
and that's all i wanted to say
go tell your kids about my crew and the next venue we're gonna play
stressed out, but that's nothing new everyone is
and it's gonna stay that way cuz nowadays that's how we're running shit
punishment: that's just another fancy way to say it's time to wake up
fuck your fame i'm trying to build some game for my man jacob
that's my son
some say spittin' image
same smile different grimace
when grown i hope he's never prone to heed the limits
of life, life probably the biggest word i've ever said,
that says alot cuz there's a whole lot of words inside my head
death almost a quarter deep, still ain't learned to cope
i struggle to see the horizon while i'm hanging from this rope

adjustments - they needed to be constructed
adjustments - they needed to be constructed
adjustments - they needed to be constructed
adjustments - they needed to be constructed
adjustments - they needed to be constructed
adjustments - they needed to be constructed
adjustments - they needed to be constructed
adjustments - they needed to be constructed
adjustments - they needed to be constructed
adjustments - they needed to be constructed

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.