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Drama de Blackstreet


Drama (Single)

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Drama

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La canción "Drama" interpretada por Blackstreet nos sumerge en una historia de amor complicada y llena de traición. La letra comienza con un mensaje de voz dejado por una persona ausente, prometiendo sorpresas y expresando amor hacia su pareja. Sin embargo, la trama se torna dramática cuando la pareja llega a la casa y descubre la infidelidad del otro.

El narrador se siente traicionado al descubrir que su pareja ha encontrado a alguien más que le ofrece lo que él solía darle. La decepción y el dolor se reflejan en la letra cuando la pareja decide alejarse, cortando los lazos de amor que una vez compartieron. Los mensajes pronunciados en tono arrepentido contrastan con las acusaciones mutuas de traición y engaño.

La canción transmite emociones intensas de desamor, resentimiento y dolor por parte del narrador herido. El uso de metáforas como "my move" (mi movida) sugiere un cambio radical en la vida del narrador al decidir dejar atrás un amor que ya no es correspondido.

En cuanto a la estructura musical, "Drama" presenta un ritmo dinámico característico del R&B contemporáneo. La combinación de voces soulful y letras emotivas dan vida a esta historia de desamor, resaltando los altibajos emocionales entre los personajes.

En el contexto cultural en el que se lanzó la canción el impacto emocional fue significativo para aquellos oyentes que podían identificarse con las experiencias turbulentas del amor juvenil o adulto. La narrativa sobre relaciones complicadas resonó con audiencias que han enfrentado situaciones similares en sus propias vidas.

Es interesante notar cómo la canción expone la fragilidad de las relaciones humanas y cómo a veces el amor puede convertirse en drama cuando fallamos en mantenerlo firme. Blackstreet logra transmitir estas complejas emociones a través de su música envolvente y letras llenas de honestidad emocional.

En conclusión, "Drama" es mucho más que una simple canción sobre desamor; es un testimonio poderoso sobre las batallas internas y externas que enfrentamos al navegar por las complejidades del amor y las relaciones humanas.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

(Phone dialing)

(Phone ringing)

Yo, I know it's you.
I had to run out for a minute to take care a few things.
I ain't gon' be long
But if you get to the crib before I get back, you know
What to do. The crib is yours. So, um, just cool out.
I'll be there in a few.
Got a suprise for you, too. It's real sweet.
See you soon. I miss you. I love
you. I'm

Well, here I go in my lead, about to face rockin' on my sounds
Got the phone in my hand
My baby hit me two times, gotta hit her back
She said she's flyin' in tonight, see, my baby's been gone for so long
She's back in town, this time we get it on
She told me she would meet me at my spot at about eight
That gives me two whole hours to get my shit straight, yeah
Hit my case about six, it's almost time to see her
Almost time to get my fix, I just can't wait to see her pretty face
She's not like all these others on the paper chase
She's the kind of girl that you wanna stay true to
There's nothing that this girl wouldn't do for you, you know
I think I hear her in my driveway, opened up the door
This is what she had to say

(S. Gary])
I found someone to do what you use to
Boy, you thought you were deceiving me with your infidelity
I found someone who really deserves me
He's all I need
I'm makin' my move
I found someone new
Ain't got no more love for you, ooo

How could you go and do this to me, baby?
Since you hit town, you had me runnin' round actin' crazy
Had I known you'd treat me this way
We'd have to swing the shower so, another day, baby
This was your night, ringers off, beepers off
My shit was tight, you blew it baby, word is born
And after all I've done for you
You messed around and blew the best thing that ever happened to you, baby

Now don't go and put this all on me
Since I left town, you've been tryin' to run down
On every girl you see
I can't believe you do this to me, ooo, baby
I know about your friend with the red Benz (say what?)
Now why you wanna go and a play a game you can't win?
You didn't know she was my best friend (DAMN!)
Now we all up in your pockets for your Benjamins, Benjamins, what

I'm so sorry
I need you, baby
I love you, baby
Don't go away

I'm makin' my move
I found someone new
I got no more love for you, ooo

Right here with me

I'm makin' my move (I love you)
I found someone new (I need you)
Ain't got no more love for you, ooo

Please stay, forever

I'm makin' my move
I found someone new
Ain't got no more love for you, ooo

Don't leave me here

I'm makin' my move
I found someone new (I need you)
Ain't got no more love for you, ooo

Don't leave me baby

I'm makin' my move (Girl, I love you)
I found someone new (I need you)
Ain't got no more love for you, ooo

Forever, and ever baby
Don't leave me
Don't leave me, baby
I love you

I'm so sorry
I need you, baby
I love you, baby
Don't go away

I'm makin' my move
I found someone new
I got no more love for you, ooo

Right here with me

I'm makin' my move (I love you)
I found someone new (I need you)
Ain't got no more love for you, ooo

Please stay, forever

I'm makin' my move
I found someone new
Ain't got no more love for you, ooo

Don't leave me here

I'm makin' my move
I found someone new (I need you)
Ain't got no more love for you, ooo

Don't leave me baby

I'm makin' my move (Girl, I love you)
I found someone new (I need you)
Ain't got no more love for you, ooo

Forever, and ever baby
Don't leave me
Don't leave me, baby
I love you

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.