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Breakdown de Bone Thugs N Harmony


Breakdown (Single)

14 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Breakdown

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La canción "Breakdown" interpretada por Bone Thugs n Harmony es una balada emocional que explora la dolorosa experiencia de ser abandonado por alguien a quien amas profundamente. La letra narra el conflicto interno de tratar de mantener la compostura frente a la pérdida de un amor, mientras se oculta el sufrimiento detrás de una sonrisa falsa. Mariah canta sobre recibir una llamada en la que le dicen que se preocupan por ella, pero ya no la aman, lo cual le causa un profundo dolor al tener que fingir indiferencia para protegerse.

El tema central de la canción gira en torno a cómo enfrentar el rechazo cuando la persona a la que estás dedicado deja de amarte repentinamente. Mariah se cuestiona si debes aferrarte a tu orgullo y pretender que estás bien o enfrentar el dolor con honestidad y vulnerabilidad. La letra refleja la lucha interna por mantener las apariencias externas mientras se desmorona interiormente, mostrando una dualidad entre lo que los demás ven y lo que realmente se siente.

En el verso cantado por Krayzie, se percibe un sentido de liberación y aceptación del final de una relación, reconociendo las presiones pero decidido a seguir adelante. Layzie agrega otra capa al hablar sobre las pruebas diarias y los momentos difíciles que lo hacen sentir desgarrado pero pide fuerza para superarlo.

La canción también toca temas como el autodescubrimiento, la fortaleza emocional y la necesidad de apoyo en tiempos difíciles. Los integrantes del grupo expresan sus sentimientos más profundos a través de letras intensas y emotivas, tocando fibras sensibles en aquellos que han experimentado decepciones amorosas.

En cuanto a comparaciones con otras canciones del grupo Bone Thugs n Harmony, podemos ver similitudes en su estilo lírico introspectivo mezclado con ritmos melódicos característicos del hip-hop. "Breakdown" destaca por su vulnerabilidad emocional y sinceridad en abordar temas universales como el amor perdido y el dolor del corazón roto.

En resumen, "Breakdown" es una canción que resonará con aquellos que han pasado por rupturas amorosas y enfrentan el desafío de seguir adelante mientras procesan sus emociones internas. Con letras poderosas y una interpretación emotiva, resalta las complejidades del amor y cómo lidiar con la angustia cuando todo parece desmoronarse.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Over, over. don't break down yet, it's over.
Over, over. don't break down yet, it's over.
Over, over.

Steady breakin' me on down.
Break, breakdown. steady breakin' me on down.
Break, breakdown. steady breakin' me on down.

You called yesterday to basically say that you care for me, but that you're just not in love.
Immediately, i pretended to be feeling similarly, and led you to believe i was to just walk away from the one thing that's
Unyeilding and sacred to me.

Well, i guess i'm trying to be nonchalant about it, and i'm going to
Extremes to prove i'm fine without you, but in reality i'm slowly losing my mind underneath the guise of a smile. gradually, i'm
Dying inside. friends ask me how i feel, and i lie convincingly, 'cause i don't want to reveal the fact that i'm suffering, so i wear
My disguise 'til i go home at night, and turn down all the lights, and then i break down and cry.

So what do you do when somebody you're so devoted to suddenly just stops loving you? and it seems they haven't got a clue
Of the pain that rejection is putting you through. do you cling to your pride and sing "i will survive?" do you lash out and say, "how dare you leave this way?" do you hold on in vain as they just slip

Well, i guess i'm trying to be nonchalant about it, and i'm going to
Extremes to prove i'm fine without you, but in reality i'm slowly losing my mind underneath the guise of a smile. gradually, i'm
Dying inside. friends ask me how i feel, and i lie convincingly, 'cause i don't want to reveal the fact that i'm suffering, so i wear
My disguise 'til i go home at night, and turn down all the lights, and then i break down and cry.

Gonna break ya down, down, down, only if ya let it . everyday crazy situations rockin' my mind tryin' to break me
Down, but i won't let it. forget it. if ya feel the same way that i do, then let me help y'all, all singin' tunes, sayin' "it's all right,
It's all right, it's all right, ; hopin' for the sun, but it looks like rain, b-o-n-e, but it's still the same. came far, but it's been
A long road. trouble's gonna come but we gotta stay strong. hold on.

Aw, yeah, i often feel the pressures, y'all, but nevertheless krayzie won't fall. it's over. it's endin' here . i said it's over.
It's endin' here , so i'll be on my way, and maybe we can meet up in the future one day, but for now i'm bailin', bailin'.
Bailin', baby, gotta get up, can't take no more. i'm headed for the door, come and take a look into a thug humble eye. tell me:
If we lived a lie, would our souls unite?

Every new day is a test for me, so i just pray the lord for him to bless me, please. there's struggles i'm goin' through lately,
Breaks me down, set me free. let me be. let me be. who else do i have to rely on? whose shoulder can a thug go cry on?
Can i get my vibe on? while you look into my eyes, you won't underestimate, and this soldier story, i'm'a tell you right now
I'm fed up. wrong if i let my lead bust? hard to keep your head up. don't let this world get the best of you, i'm a stress you
Through it, if it's over, over, over. don't breakdown yet, it's over.

Well, i guess i'm trying to be nonchalant about it, and i'm going to extremes to prove i'm fine without you, but in reality i'm
Slowly losing my mind underneath the guise of a smile. gradually, i'm dying inside. friends ask me how i feel, and i lie
Convincingly, 'cause i don't want to reveal the fact that i'm suffering, so i wear my disguise 'til i go home at night, and turn down
All the lights, and then i break down and cry.

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.