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Build and destroy de Boogie Down Productions


Sex and violence

14 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Build and destroy

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La canción "Build and Destroy" es interpretada por Boogie Down Productions, un grupo legendario en la historia del hip-hop. Pertenece al álbum "Sex and Violence", que refleja su compromiso con un mensaje consciente y poderoso a lo largo de su carrera. Este tema se encuentra dentro del género del oldskool hip-hop, caracterizado por líricas intensas y profundas.

La letra de la canción "Build and Destroy" es una reflexión sobre la identidad, el activismo y la responsabilidad en la comunidad afroamericana. KRS-One, líder del grupo, aborda temas de progresión personal y social a través de sus agudas rimas. En primer lugar, destaca su rechazo a las críticas externas, defendiendo su trabajo incansable y creativo frente a quienes lo cuestionan sin fundamentos sólidos.

En un tono desafiante pero reflexivo, KRS-One habla sobre crear organizaciones para construir una nación negra sólida y unida. Critica a aquellos que promueven mensajes anti-humanistas en su música, llamando la atención sobre la importancia de contribuir positivamente a la sociedad afroamericana en lugar de perpetuar divisiones e ideologías dañinas.

El rapero compara ideas tradicionales sobre religión e historia con una mentalidad más abierta y crítica. Invita a explorar diversas fuentes espirituales como el Qu'ran, Torah o Bhagavad Gita para expandir el conocimiento más allá de los límites impuestos por la sociedad dominante. Su búsqueda incansable de sabiduría y verdad impregna cada verso de la canción con una sensación de urgencia intelectual.

Además, KRS-One desafía las nociones preconcebidas sobre identidad racial y legado histórico. Cuestiona qué significa ser verdaderamente humano en un mundo lleno de contradicciones e injusticias sistémicas. A través del poderoso refrán "I build and destroy" (Yo construyo y destruyo), resalta el papel dinámico que juega en su música y en su vida como agente de cambio cultural.

La canción "Build and Destroy" es un recordatorio poderoso del compromiso inquebrantable de Boogie Down Productions con la autenticidad artística y el activismo social. Su legado perdura como ejemplo inspirador para generaciones futuras tanto en el hip-hop como en otras formas de expresión creativa.

Cabe destacar que Boogie Down Productions fue pionero en abordar temas sociales relevantes dentro del hip-hop durante los años 80 y 90, influyendo a numerosos artistas posteriores que siguieron sus pasos hacia una conciencia más elevada a través de la música.

En resumen, "Build and Destroy" encapsula no solo el talento lírico excepcional del grupo sino también su profundo compromiso con provocar reflexiones significativas sobre cuestiones vitales para la comunidad afroamericana y más allá. Es una pieza musical que trasciende las fronteras del género hip-hop para convertirse en un testimonio perdurable del poder transformador del arte comprometido con causas justas e igualitarias.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

whoo Aiyyo Will?
Whassup Kenny?
I got a serious problem man
What's the problem?
Yo after all these years of rippin shit
These suckers still try to front
But check this out we've been on tour
with everybody so I don't know why they frontin
Y'all be in every party I be in every jam
I see they faces and they look at me and front
They come to every show and know we
break shit up all the time
You know yo Kris, what's your opinion?

Yo, I love the way I am and can't nobody out here change me
Rearrange me, tame me, try to game me, you don't play me
When I grab the mic then SHOCK the party spot
Your rhymes are flip-flop, I'll rock, hip-hop
Non-stop, me nah stop rock
You CAN touch this, but you'll get shot
Now what's this all about? Kris and humanity
In my face you're happy, on vinyl you're mad at me
Yo, pro-blackness is your solution
But I don't really know about that style you using yo
Too many Teachers in the class spoil the class
After awhile you got blabbering fucking fools
That's worse than always talking about sex, let's build
It ain't enough to study Clarence 13X
The white man ain't the devil I promise
You want to see the devil take a look at Clarence Thomas
Now you're saying, "Who?" like you a owl
Throw in the towel, the devil is Colin Powell
You talk about being African and being black
Colin Powell's black, but Libya he'll attack
Libya's in Africa, but a black man
will lead a black man, to fight against his homeland
An accomplice to the devil is a devil too

The devil is anti-human, who the hell are you?
I lecture and rap without rehearsal
I manifest as a black man but I'm universal
The capital K, small R-I-S
Capital P, small A-R, capital K, small E-R
We are, the star
Without the use of a car we go far
I build and destroy
Yeah Kris, serve em man, serve em
Yo why're they so jealous of BDP?
I don't know yo don't get mad, get fresh man
Don't ever try to challenge BDP
just shut the fuck up and listen

This shit is crazy Your remarks don't faze me
People have a problem with me, cause I ain't lazy
I talk on vinyl then I act
What have you done, besides critique KRS-One?
I create organizations
Without organization, there'll be no black nation
What the fuck are you really saying?
You ain't a human while your music's boomin anti-human
I'm assumin -- if you ain't human you're a beast
The white man could be the devil all the day, that's the least
What are you doing for yourself black man?
Trying hard to be the original man - who?
The first man, with the first tan, on the first land
with the first clan, who gives a damn???
In history KRS is WELL advised
But it's something that my brain won't memorize
I don't base my whole life on memory
I base my life on my spirit and body chemistry
Africa is the home of humanity
Which makes the African a humanist, challenge me
You gotta learn not to be so concerned
with the original man, and see the criminal man, yeah
The now man, with the now plan, with the now tan
with the right now genocide master plan
Damn We gotta think about stopping this
God is not any black man on the land; God is conciousness
When you understand this you'll see Kris
Until then, you can get dissed
I'm not your prophet, messiah, minister, or savior
Chill with that ill behavior
I zero in like a laser
You're cuttin your wrists with a razor
I got all type of flavors
Yes I am the original teacher
You gotta study the Qu'ran, Torah, Bahavaghita
The Bible, Five Baskets of Buddha Zen
And when you've read them shits, READ them shits again
But watch what you're repeatin
If you don't know the history of the author
you don't know what you're reading
Yeah I'm still the original
Leaving MC's lyrically miserable
Their criminal syllables are minimal, show me respect BOY
Cause I build and destroy
after all that
if anybody out there STILL got beef, check it out
We rip the lecture tours, we rip the beats
we rip the jams, we'll straight up rip that ass
knowhatI'msayin Will?
Yeah it seems they all forgot
On the mic you'll get fucked up
In the clubs you'll get fucked up
Anywhere Bronx Brooklyn Queens Manhattan
Jersey Japan Staten yo anywhere you'll get fucked up
Don't you know we live for the battle?
I'm outta here
Yo cut that beat off

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.