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One mic de Brainpower


The box pure sessions

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de One mic

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La canción "One Mic" es interpretada por Brainpower y forma parte del álbum "The Box Pure Sessions". La pieza musical pertenece al género hip-hop, un estilo que se caracteriza por la poesía rimada y el ritmo marcado. La letra de la canción está repleta de metáforas intensas y fuertes imágenes que abordan temas como la violencia, la supervivencia y la redención.

En cuanto al significado de la letra, podemos observar que se centra en la lucha constante por sobrevivir en un entorno hostil y peligroso. El narrador expresa su deseo de tener una oportunidad para demostrar su valía con solo un micrófono, una oportunidad para ser escuchado y expresarse a través de su música. A lo largo de la canción, se pueden apreciar referencias a situaciones violentas y conflictivas en las calles, destacando la violencia armada, la falta de oportunidades y los desafíos personales.

El tema de la redención también es central en la letra, ya que el narrador busca superar sus errores del pasado y encontrar un camino hacia una vida mejor. Se menciona el perdón divino y se reflexiona sobre los errores cometidos, con una sensación de urgencia por corregir el rumbo antes de que sea demasiado tarde. A través de las letras crudas y directas, el artista transmite un mensaje poderoso sobre la importancia de mantenerse fiel a uno mismo y luchar por un futuro mejor.

En cuanto a comparaciones con otras obras del mismo artista o del género en general, "One Mic" destaca por su intensidad lírica y su capacidad para evocar emociones profundas en el oyente. El uso creativo del lenguaje y las imágenes impactantes hacen que esta canción sea memorable e icónica dentro del mundo del hip-hop.

En resumen, "One Mic" es una canción poderosa que explora temas universales como el amor, el sacrificio y la esperanza a través de letras emotivas y apasionadas. Con su estilo distintivo y su mensaje inspirador, esta pieza musical continúa resonando entre los fanáticos del hip-hop debido a su honestidad y autenticidad. Sin duda, Brainpower logra transmitir un mensaje profundo a través de su música, conectando con audiencias diversas a nivel emocional e intelectual.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

One yea yea

Yo all I need is one mic, one beat
one stage, one nigga front my face or in the front page
only if I had one gun, one girl and one crib
one God to show me how to do things his son did
pure, like a cup of virgin blood
mixed with 151, 1 sip will make a nigga flip
writing names on my hollow tips, plotting shit
mad violence who I'm gon body this hood politics
acknowledge it, leave bodies chopped up in garbages
seeds watch us grow up and try to follow us
police watch us, roll up and try knocking us
one knee I ducked, could it be my times up
with my luck I got up, the cops shot again
bus stop glass bursts a fiend drops his Heineken
ricochetin between the spots that I'm hiding in
blacking out as I shoot back fuck gettin hit
this is my hood Ima rep till the death of it
til everybody come home little niggas is grown
hood rats don't abortion your womb
we need more warriors soon
sent from the stars, sun, and the moon
and its like a police chase, street sweepers and coppers
sick of kids with no conscience leaving victims with doctors
if your really think your ready to die when 9'z out
this is what Nas is bout, nigga the time is now

yo all I need is one mic
all I need is one mic
all I need is one mic
all I need is one mic

all I need one blunt, one page, and one pen
one prayer, tell God to forgive me for 1 sin
matter fact maybe more then one
look back at all the hatred against me
fuck all of them, Jesus died at age 33
that's 33 shots from twin glocks 16 a piece, that's 32
which means, one my of guns was holdin 17
27 hit your crew 6 went into you
everybody gotta die sometime
hope your funeral never get shot up
bullets tear through the innocent
nothing is fair niggas roll up
shooting from wheel chairs my heart is racing
tasting revenge in the air
I let this shit slide for too many years
too many times now I'm strapped with a couple of mac'z
too many 9'z if y'all niggas really wit me
get busy load up the semi'z
do more then just hold it explode the clip until you empty
there's nothing in our way
they bust we bust, they rust we rust
led flying, feel it? I feel it in my gut
now we take these bitches to war
Lie em down cause we stronger now
my nigga the time is now

all I need is one mic
all I need is one mic
all I need is one mic
all I need is one mic

all I need is one life, one try, one breath in one man
what I stand for speaks for itself
they don't understand don't wanna see me on top
too egotistical, talking all that slick shit
the same way these bitches do
wonder what's my secrets is
niggas will move on you only if they know what your weakness is
I have none, too late to grab guns I blast them
cause I ma cool nigga, thought I wouldn't have that ass done
fooled you niggas, what you call a infinite brawl
eternal souls clashing, war gets deep
some beef is everlasting, complete with thick scars
brothers knifing each other, up in prison yards
drama, where does it start
you know the block was ill as a youngster
every night it was like a cop would get killed
body found in the dumpster
for real a hustler purchased my range
niggas throwing dirt on my name
jealous cause fiends got their work and complain
bitches left me cause they thought I was finished
shoulda knew she wasn t true
she came to me when her man caught a sentence
Diamonds are blindin , I never make the same mistakes
moving with the change of pace
lighter load, see now the king is straight
swelling my melon cause none of these niggas real
heard he was, telling police, how can a kingpin squeal?
this is crazy I m on the right track
I m finally found you need some soul searching
the time is now

all I need is one mic
all I need is one mic
all I need is one mic
all I need is one mic

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.