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Strong enough de Cher


The Best Of Cher

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Strong enough

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La canción "Strong Enough" interpretada por Cher, forma parte del álbum "The Best Of Cher" y pertenece al género pop-dance. Fue lanzada en la década de los 90, específicamente en el año 1998. La letra de esta pieza musical aborda temas de independencia, fuerza emocional y superación personal frente a una relación tóxica.

En cuanto al significado de la letra, se puede percibir un mensaje de empoderamiento y autoafirmación por parte del personaje protagonista que rechaza la compasión o la búsqueda de milagros por parte de su pareja. Se destaca una actitud decidida al reconocer que ya ha sufrido lo suficiente y que es capaz de seguir adelante sin esa persona en su vida. La repetición del verso "I'm strong enough to know you've got to go" refuerza esta determinación en cortar lazos con una relación dañina.

La letra también hace referencia a sentimientos de frustración y desengaño por haber sido utilizada emocionalmente, como se aprecia en los versos: "On being used I could write a book / But you don't want to hear about it". Existe una sensación de menosprecio hacia la otra persona al compararla con el valor propio, indicando que no vale la pena permanecer en una situación nociva.

A lo largo de la canción, Cher transmite un tono fuerte y seguro que subraya su capacidad para enfrentar desafíos emocionales sin debilitarse. La elección repetitiva del coro enfatiza la idea principal de liberarse del peso emocional negativo que representa esa relación conflictiva.

Un dato interesante sobre esta canción es que logró destacarse en las listas internacionales durante los años 90, ganando popularidad por su mensaje claro y directo sobre el amor propio y las relaciones destructivas. Además, evidencia la versatilidad artística de Cher al explorar diferentes géneros musicales sin perder su identidad única.

En resumen, "Strong Enough" es más que una simple canción pop-dance; es un himno personal a la independencia emocional y a tener el coraje necesario para alejarse de situaciones perjudiciales. Su mensaje inspirador resuena con muchos oyentes alrededor del mundo que pueden identificarse con la fortaleza interior necesaria para dejar atrás relaciones tóxicas en busca de una mayor felicidad y bienestar personal.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

I don't want your sympathy
There's nothing you can say or do for me
And I don't want a miracle
You'll never change for no-one
And I hear you reasons why
Where did you sleep last night
And was she worth it
Was she worth it?

Cause I'm strong enough to life without you
Strong enough, and I quit crying long enough
Now I'm strong enough to know you've got to go
There's no more to say
So save your breath and walk away
No matter what I hear you say
I'm strong enough to know
You've got to go

I don't want your sympathy
There's nothing you can say or do for me
And I don't want a miracle
You'll never change for no-one
And I hear you reasons why
Where did you sleep last night
And was she worth it
Was she worth it?

So you feel misunderstood
Baby have I got news for you
On being used I could write a book
But you don't want to hear about it
'Cause I've been going cheap
And she ain't worth half of me
It's true now I'm telling you

Cause I'm strong enough to life without you
Strong enough, and I quit crying long enough
Now I'm strong enough to know you've got to go
There's no more to say
So save your breath and walk away
No matter what I hear you say
I'm strong enough to know
You've got to go

That I'm strong enough to live without you
Strong enough, an I quit crying long enough
Now I'm stong enough to know
You've got to go

Come hell, Oh waters high
You've never seen me cry
This is a lost goodbye it's true
I'm telling you

Cause I'm strong enough to life without you
Strong enough, and I quit crying long enough
Now I'm strong enough to know you've got to go
There's no more to say
So save your breath and walk away
No matter what I hear you say
I'm strong enough to know
You've got to go

Cause I'm strong enough to life without you
Strong enough, and I quit crying long enough
Now I'm strong enough to know you've got to go
There's no more to say
So save your breath and walk away
No matter what I hear you say
I'm strong enough to know
You've got to go

Cause I'm strong enough to life without you
Strong enough, and I quit crying long enough
Now I'm strong enough to know you've got to go
There's no more to say
So save your breath and walk away
No matter what I hear you say
I'm strong enough to know
You've got to go

I don't want your sympathy
There's nothing you can say or do for me
And I don't want a miracle
You'll never change for no-one
And I hear you reasons why
Where did you sleep last night
And was she worth it
Was she worth it?

So you feel misunderstood
Baby have I got news for you
On being used I could write a book
But you don't want to hear about it
'Cause I've been going cheap
And she ain't worth half of me
It's true now I'm telling you

Cause I'm strong enough to life without you
Strong enough, and I quit crying long enough
Now I'm strong enough to know you've got to go
There's no more to say
So save your breath and walk away
No matter what I hear you say
I'm strong enough to know
You've got to go

That I'm strong enough to live without you
Strong enough, an I quit crying long enough
Now I'm stong enough to know
You've got to go

Come hell, Oh waters high
You've never seen me cry
This is a lost goodbye it's true
I'm telling you

Come hell, Oh waters high
You've never seen me cry
This is a lost goodbye it's true
I'm telling you

Cause I'm strong enough to life without you
Strong enough, and I quit crying long enough
Now I'm strong enough to know you've got to go
There's no more to say
So save your breath and walk away
No matter what I hear you say
I'm strong enough to know
You've got to go

Cause I'm strong enough to life without you
Strong enough, and I quit crying long enough
Now I'm strong enough to know you've got to go
There's no more to say
So save your breath and walk away
No matter what I hear you say
I'm strong enough to know
You've got to go

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.