Dice la canción

Don’t Check On Me de Chris Brown


Don’t Check On Me - Single

25 de junio de 2019

Significado de Don’t Check On Me

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"Don't Check On Me" es una canción del artista Chris Brown, lanzada como sencillo. La canción combina los géneros de pop, R&B, hip hop y rap en un estilo característico del artista. Las letras profundizan en la idea de superar una relación pasada y seguir adelante, estableciendo límites claros para mantener la distancia emocional.

La letra de la canción explora el tema de dejar ir a una persona del pasado y seguir adelante sin necesidad de verificar constantemente cómo está esa persona. Se destacan versos como "Don't check on me, if we're not together, then it's probably for a reason" que reflejan la importancia de respetar los límites establecidos después de una separación.

En cuanto a detalles curiosos sobre la canción, se destaca el mensaje directo y honesto que transmite Chris Brown a través de las letras. La canción recibió críticas positivas por su ritmo pegajoso y su mensaje empoderador sobre la importancia del autocuidado emocional.

A lo largo de la canción, se observa un proceso de sanación personal por parte del cantante, quien reconoce haber pasado por momentos difíciles pero ahora se encuentra en un lugar emocional más estable y liberado de cargas pasadas. Las referencias a dejar atrás el sufrimiento y enfocarse en el presente son evidentes en versos como "My heart is back in one piece, it ain't skipped a beat".

La canción también refleja un cambio hacia la positividad y el crecimiento personal al mencionar que ha encontrado la felicidad después del desamor: "At times I used to cry, wouldn't know when I was laughing / But I act like I didn't notice". Esto resalta la importancia de continuar avanzando y no quedarse estancado en el dolor del pasado.

En resumen, "Don't Check On Me" es una melodía reflexiva que aborda temas universales como superar relaciones pasadas, establecer límites saludables y priorizar el bienestar emocional propio. A través de sus letras sinceras e íntimas, Chris Brown logra conectar con sus oyentes y transmitir un mensaje poderoso sobre la importancia de seguir adelante incluso cuando las cosas parecen difíciles.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

If I'm out at the bar havin' a night on the town
Life of the party, pourin' shots of the brown
And you see me from the street but I don't turn around
Would you say, "Hi"? Would you keep going?
If I told your family that you didn't mean nothing
If you posted about it and I didn't even comment
If the songs weren't true, but you still feel something
Would you still come looking for me?

Oh, don't go reaching out
'Cause you can't have everything
Your head and your heart won't feel the same
Even if it feels like it every time

Don't check on me
If we're not together, then it's probably for a reason
Every heartbreak has its season
It ain't always summer in June

Might run across your mind but don't worry 'bout me, no
My heart is back in one piece, it ain't skipped a beat, no
Feeling rested up, I ain't missing sleep, no-oh
Don't take it personal if I can't reply now
I'm distant 'cause I don't wanna be reached now
Won't let the ghosts of our past weigh my future down
I'm liberated
Energy's like a circle, it comes back around
Don't shed no more tears
Won't gain no empathy from me
In the upcoming years
Oh, I don't need your pity

Don't check on me
Oh, don't check on me
If we're not together, then it's probably for a reason
Every heartbreak has its season
And it looks like winter for you

Ain't call you back 'cause I let it go
I had to focus energy and just let it flow
And when we ride low, we were already gone
It wouldn't mean anymore to me now
I know it hurts you so bad just to see me happy
That I finally moved on, and you thought it wouldn't happen
At times I used to cry, wouldn't know when I was laughing
But I act like I didn't notice

Oh, don't go reaching out
'Cause you can't have everything
You can't kill a flame with gasoline
Even if it feels like it every time
No matter how hard you try

Don't check on me
If we're not together, then it's probably for a reason
Every heartbreak has its season
It ain't always summer in June
Don't check on me
If we're not together, then it's probably for a reason
Every heartbreak has its season
It ain't always summer in June

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.