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Game of life de Cocoa Brovaz


Game of life (Single)

16 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Game of life

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La canción "Game of Life" interpretada por Cocoa Brovaz es una indagación profunda en las realidades de la vida cotidiana, con un enfoque en las luchas y desafíos que enfrentan aquellos que viven en entornos urbanos duros. A través de sus letras, el artista aborda temas como la supervivencia, la presión social, la violencia y la necesidad de mantenerse fuerte frente a la adversidad.

Desde el principio, se establece un tono reflexivo con versos que contienen referencias a la fe ("Jah rastafarai"), solidaridad ("Greetings to my soldiers and soldierettes") y resistencia ("Hold my head up, try to keep it movin'"). La narrativa se adentra profundamente en las complejidades de la vida callejera, mostrando cómo se ven obligados a adaptarse a circunstancias extremas mientras luchan por sobrevivir. Se destacan los sentimientos de vulnerabilidad y tensión constante, reflejados en líneas como "Damned I haven't worked since I was 'bout 17" o "Demon's tryin' to take my soul away".

El coro resalta la determinación del protagonista de mantenerse firme a pesar de los desafíos que enfrenta: "Will I get locked up or blown away? Just stayin' strong is a price to pay". Esta frase encapsula perfectamente el tema central de la canción, que es la idea de resistencia ante situaciones adversas y mantenerse fiel a uno mismo a pesar de las dificultades.

En términos musicales, "Game of Life" presenta un ritmo oscuro y envolvente que complementa perfectamente las poderosas letras. La producción inmersiva y los beats contundentes agregan una capa adicional de intensidad a la narrativa lírica del artista.

En cuanto al contexto más amplio de la canción, podemos compararla con otras obras dentro del género del hip hop underground para comprender mejor su impacto e influencia. Cocoa Brovaz se destaca por su habilidad para combinar letras poéticas con experiencias personales auténticas, lo que le ha valido reconocimiento en la escena musical.

En resumen, "Game of Life" es mucho más que una canción convencional: es una cruda exploración de los desafíos y luchas diarias que enfrentan muchos individuos en entornos urbanos difíciles. A través de su ingeniosa escritura y emotiva interpretación, Cocoa Brovaz logra crear una pieza musical impactante que resuena con quienes han experimentado situaciones similares en sus propias vidas.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Yeah after dah shinin it all became clear to me
I knew things would be different son
I knew it'd come time for a change
Seems like the time is now
Jah rastafarai
Greetings to my soldiers and soldierettes
Jewel on the world make the earth sink
On the brink of divinity defying gravity
Reachin' for infinity
Can he be incarcerated by the limits
Stuck they can't function
Caught up in the scrimage
This game called life only lasts minutes
Once you in it, be in it to win it to the finish
As the sun heats, i put my feet to the concrete
Hard to sleep so i take it to the streets
Hold my head up, try to keep it movin'
Fed up with losin'
I need some air
I think i take a cruise with you
I'm using, what little know how i posess
To keep our familia down to rest
Now i stress defensive tactics
'cause police seem active
Got me in the crib sleepin' with heat under the mattress
In case of home intrusion:
First the dogs go "bark"
Then about five sparks bringin' light to the dark
Like ? does his movement when he's dealin' with math
Or the boss tell his workers where he's keepin' the stash
When that gun blast, better have jah on your side
Or an act of devine intervention from the most high
I know guys that get a thrill from the kill
And other niggaz, who hold the greed to sling ?frills?
Demon's tryin' to take my soul away
But they won't get my soul today
Will i get locked up or blown away?
Just stayin' strong is a price to pay
Damn i haven't worked since i was 'bout 17
They had time busy hangin' out being a drama fiend
I had to run the streets, see what the night brought out
Sneak in the crib
Hear my moms prayin' to god that i sprout
Take all responsibilities like a man would do
'cause she know that the streets can bring the worst out of you
She told me concentrate on school but what i do about loot?
I wanna push the fat ride, have bitches sweatin' me too
But you know you need dough so you can do the do
And going to class everyday dont bring in no loot
Plus i just been told that i was cold by club bouncers
Standing there hot headed bout to set it while they denounce us
Crab niggaz still beggin for cds
While brothaz careers is stuck on halt and freeze
About to face extinction ?pockets dead is thinkin?
Something aint peace and suicides part of my thinkin
Even god dont hear my prayer or him just not care
Got a son in this world, stressed out losin my hair
Its time to take the struggle to the pavement
Let the people know the mayor sent the ok for enslavement
Orders from the government
Official stubborn men with egos runnin shit
They put the hit out on whoever try to get out
And they are the directors who are dead and ?
Even down south in atlanta
Police play the pawn for their master
Its a disaster, practicing who can kill us faster
For less than nothin like they did bobby huton
Corruption got me clutchin my rifle for gun bustin
Somethins cookin
Look at the way some faces be lookin
Cross the bank rock on to brooklyn, texas
Even in houston ps be shootin us like sitting ducks in groups
And i cant trust who or what
That will explain the way i watch you, plus,
I know the chosen are few
Many come around to proclaim things they know not
Let alone maintain
Shame, some of my worst enemies
Live right around me and look just like me
I see that its time to intensify the movements in front of my eyes
Cant rely on a seeing dog they got me
Or lay and wait for the devil to surprise me, nah g
Chorus (twice)
It only takes a line to make the mind think
Drop a jewel on the world make the earth sink
Im on the brink of divinity, defying gravity
Reaching for infinity
Plenty be incarcerated by the limits
Stuck they cant function caught up in the scrimage

This game called life only lasts minutes
Once you in it, be in it to win it till the finish

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.



Cocoa brovaz

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