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Have you seen her de Donell Jones


Where I Wanna Be

10 de diciembre de 2011

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La canción "Have You Seen Her" del artista Donell Jones, presente en su álbum "Where I Wanna Be", se sumerge en el género musical soul y slow jams característico de su estilo. La letra de la canción narra la intensa búsqueda de una misteriosa mujer que ha capturado la atención del protagonista. A lo largo de la canción, el narrador describe los esfuerzos constantes por encontrar a esta mujer que le ha impactado profundamente con su belleza y carisma.

El significado de la letra se centra en la fascinación y obsesión que experimenta el personaje principal hacia esta mujer enigmática. A través de metáforas visuales como "Shining by the thunder floss pieces around her neck", se resalta la imagen deslumbrante y atractiva que esta mujer proyecta. Además, la repetición constante de preguntar "Have you seen her?" refleja la urgencia y determinación del narrador por encontrarla, mostrando un anhelo profundo por establecer conexión con esta figura desconocida.

En cuanto al contexto emocional, la canción transmite un sentido de deseo ardiente y determinación inquebrantable por parte del protagonista para descubrir el paradero de esta persona misteriosa. La persistencia y dedicación expresadas a lo largo de la canción revelan un sentimiento intenso de atracción y admiración hacia la mujer en cuestión, generando una búsqueda constante impulsada por emociones apasionadas.

En comparación con otras obras del artista Donell Jones, "Have You Seen Her" se alinea con su estilo distintivo de baladas soulful e introspectivas que exploran temas emocionales profundos. Su habilidad para combinar letras melodiosas con arreglos musicales suaves resalta su talento dentro del género R&B contemporáneo.

Con una producción impecable y una interpretación vocal emotiva, Donell Jones logra transmitir las complejidades emocionales asociadas con el amor y la atracción irresistible. La inspiración detrás de esta canción podría derivar de experiencias personales o situaciones cotidianas donde lo desconocido despierta un deseo ferviente por descubrirlo.

En definitiva, "Have You Seen Her" es una composición musical que captura magistralmente el sentimiento palpable de búsqueda implacable mezclado con una fuerte dosis de romance idealizado. La combinación entre letras evocativas y melodías melancólicas establece una atmósfera nostálgica pero esperanzadora que resuena con los oyentes aficionados al soul y R&B más reflexivo.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Well, well, well, well, well,

Check it out

Sitting at the light she pulled up for my right
Looking in the mirror making sure her shit was tight
I know she felt me watching, looking scared to look my way
I know she wants to look, but I think I've got her shook
Under pressure, you don't know what to do
She's got two cuties with her and I got my peoples, too
She put it in one, stepped on the gun and made me yield
Looked inside, gave me a smile, then she moved
What am I gonna do?

Tell me which way did she go
Pretty young thing in a GS4
Love was so bangin' had me open from the door
Tell me have you seen her
She had a smile that I couldn't forget
Shining by the thunder floss pieces around her neck
The girl was so fine
I just gotta make her mine
Tell me have you seen her
Have you seen her?

It's been awhile now
And I'm steady on the case
Everyday I'm looking for her face
Is like a dream to me
And I gotta make it real
Gotta let her know just how I feel
Now there she goes again
Driving by, I hit my horn, she throws her beams on high
I put my joint in gear
And I tried to give chase
She dissappears again without a trace
Tell me have you seen her?

Tell me which way did she go
Pretty young thing in a GS4
Love was so bangin' had me open from the door
Tell me have you seen her
She had a smile that I couldn't forget
Shining by the thunder floss pieces around her neck
The girl was so fine
I just gotta make her mine
Tell me have you seen her
Have you seen her?

I've gotta find her
Where did you go, babe?
Girl, you seem to think you've got away from me
You got me looking me looking for you in all these busy streets
I must admit I got it bad for you
It's just a little taste of all the things I'll do for you

Tell me which way did she go
Pretty young thing in a GS4
Love was so bangin' had me open from the door
Tell me have you seen her
She had a smile that I couldn't forget
Shining by the thunder floss pieces around her neck
The girl was so fine
I just gotta make her mine
Tell me have you seen her
Have you seen her?

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.