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Conjuring of the 14th de Elvenking



14 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Conjuring of the 14th

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La canción "Conjuring of the 14th" interpretada por Elvenking y parte de su álbum "Heathenreel" pertenece al género musical de metal, específicamente power folk metal. La letra de esta canción nos sumerge en una historia oscura y misteriosa que gira en torno a un pequeño pueblo donde suceden eventos sobrenaturales y escalofriantes.

El narrador nos lleva por un sendero que conduce a un círculo de casas, habitado por extranjeros mal vistos y donde los forasteros no son bienvenidos. Los lugareños realizan rituales paganos en secreto, creando una atmósfera de temor y misterio. Se menciona la presencia del número 14 como algo ominoso e inexplicable, asociado con un ser nunca nacido que siempre ha estado presente, evocando un aura demoníaca.

Se describe con detalle la aparente desaparición de los habitantes del pueblo, cuyas muertes se suceden en extrañas circunstancias relacionadas con el número 14: desde ahogamientos hasta accidentes fatales. La canción crea una sensación de paranoia y sinsitralidad a medida que los eventos sobrenaturales se van develando, mostrando cómo el número 14 tiene un poder maléfico sobre aquellos que lo rodean.

La letra juega con imágenes sombrías y sugiere que las almas de las víctimas son sacrificadas para alimentar la presencia maligna del llamado "14", lo cual genera una sensación inquietante en el oyente. La estructura narrativa es compleja y envolvente, atrapando la atención del público a medida que la historia avanza hacia un desenlace oscuro y macabro.

En comparación con otras canciones de Elvenking, "Conjuring of the 14th" destaca por su temática siniestra y sus elementos folclóricos que añaden un toque místico a su propuesta musical. La banda logra crear una atmósfera única que combina elementos del folklore con la potencia del metal, resultando en una experiencia auditiva emocionante y escalofriante.

En resumen, la canción "Conjuring of the 14th" de Elvenking es una pieza musical envolvente que te sumerge en un mundo sobrenatural lleno de misterio y oscuridad. A través de sus letras elaboradas e inquietantes, la banda logra transportar al oyente a un lugar donde lo fantástico se mezcla con lo terrorífico, creando así una experiencia musical memorable e impactante.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Follow down the path
it leads to a circle of houses,
where foreigners are not well thought,
and strangers unwelcome to their affairs
the villagers (so they said) do heathen rituals
"just for a while
look through the chimney stack
through the mist, aren't you afeared?
Ajar are the doors
a smell of rotten wood
in the mud, aren't you afraid?"
Hidden by the clouds
a pallid sun on a november day
an expedition organised
to go and see what's going on
the villagers (none of them) weren't seen in town for weeks
to get provisions as they used to
"just for a while
look through the chimney stack
through the mist, aren't you afeared?
Ajar are the doors
a smell of rotten wood
in the mud, aren't you afraid?"
Hearsay called him the 14th, was never born, he's always been
the sins to expiate in front of him, will be the worst part of your dreams
(someone said it is a magic place)
Through the hazy heights, two leagues from avhon
among the heart of brushwood, aloof from the glances
lies a village, built on a clearing
thirteen houses, aligned maliciously, and a mansion on a hill
that mournful light in the floor window is always lit
As they reached the hamlet on the hill
they found nobody at all
- was anybody there?
faint light in the house
- where have they gone?
would they dare to go inside?
- to go inside?
when they all returned back home, they told
- they told
of uncanny things
when they all returned back home, inside
- knock, knock
their souls something's hopelessly gone
Jesp van cleave, the first found dead, drowned in the stream
while we was having a bath: "a terrible misfortune,
was (an) incredible and fatal accident"
ichabold de le fournier, son of the major, was the second one,
his horse fell on top of him, the wounds were too serious to be cured
one by one the thirteen died;
all those who had been to that village faced the unknown one
One was hanged, the other choked
little by little all the townsmen understood
the conjuring of the 14th was gliding in the mazes of their lives
thirteen souls to replace the old;
the evil lifeblood will flow in the shadows of their bodies
Hearsay called him the 14th, was never born, he's always been
the sins to expiate in front of him, will be the worst part of your dreams
(someone said it is a magic place)
Through the hazy heights, two leagues from avhon
among the heart of brushwood, aloof from the glances
lies a village, built on a clearing
when they went back to the village then, thirteen houses occupied
thirteen new inhabitants, whom does he look like?
Thirteen houses, aligned maliciously, and a mansion on a hill
that mournful light in the floor window will be always lit

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.




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