Dixie flyer de Gene Clark
Letra de Dixie flyer
She's the daughter of the south
honey in her mouth
she got magnolias in her hair
If you take her for granted
she'll take all you love
she's a southern girl
she just don't care
She is looking for someone
someone to love her
somebody, somebody, please care
She went all the way to memphis
on a wing and a prayer
come on fly me away, fly me away
fly me away, dixie flyer won't be back today
fly me away, fly me away
dixie flyer won't be back today
She got the magic in her eyes
honeysuckle thighs
she got magnolias in her hair
Take her for granted
she'll take all you love
she is a southern girl
she just don't care
She is looking for someone
someone to love her
somebody, somebody, please care
She went all the way to memphis
on a wing and a prayer
She went all the way to memphis
she went all the way
Come on fly me away,
fly me away fly me away dixie
flyer won't be back today
Fly me away, fly me away
dixie flyer won't be back today
Coming down
Traducción de Dixie flyer
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