Dice la canción

Impossible Is Nothing de Iggy Azalea


The New Classic

10 de marzo de 2014

La canción "Impossible Is Nothing" interpretada por Iggy Azalea es una inspiradora pieza de rap que fue lanzada como parte de su álbum "The New Classic". En esta canción, Iggy Azalea motiva a sus oyentes a seguir adelante, nunca rendirse y creer en ellos mismos.

A través de versos llenos de determinación y optimismo, la letra de la canción anima a perseverar incluso cuando las adversidades parecen insuperables. Iggy Azalea destaca la importancia de luchar por tus sueños, resistir las críticas y trabajar arduamente para alcanzar el éxito. Con frases como "Success will separate you from the have nots" o "No Impossible is nothing", la artista transmite un mensaje poderoso sobre la importancia de mantenerse firme en busca de tus metas.

En cuanto a la estructura de la canción, se puede apreciar un estribillo pegajoso que refuerza esa idea central de superación personal. La repetición del mensaje principal subraya su importancia y enfatiza la necesidad de creer en uno mismo, incluso cuando nadie más lo haga.

Un dato curioso sobre esta canción es que recibió elogios tanto de críticos musicales como de los seguidores de Iggy Azalea. Su mensaje positivo y motivador resonó con muchos oyentes, convirtiéndola en una favorita dentro del género del rap.

En resumen, "Impossible Is Nothing" es una poderosa declaración de confianza en uno mismo y perseverancia ante las dificultades. A través de su letra reflexiva y esperanzadora, Iggy Azalea logra transmitir un mensaje inspirador que resuena con quienes buscan superarse y alcanzar sus metas personales.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Never quit until the clock stops
Never die out until your heart drops
Success will separate you from the have nots
And have all these haters at your neck like an ascot
You could do it too young world
I remember bring exactly like you young girl
But wait, you could do it too young man
See you'll be fine as long as on your own two you stand

Keep on living, keep on breathing
Even when you don't believe it
Keep on climbing, keep on reaching
Even when this world can't see it
No Impossible is nothing
Even when you don't believe it
Impossible is nothing
Even when this world can't see it
Impossible is nothing

Got to hate not have a morning you'd love to obtain it
Your future is round the corner so close you can almost taste it
It get worse before its better, that storm you gone have to weather
Either be a busted pipe or a diamond due to this pressure
25 hours 8 days out the week
Focus, keep eyes open victory never sleeps
My prayers for you is that you hit all them goals you trynna reach
I even hope at one point you take it farther then me

Keep on living, keep on breathing
Even when you don't believe it
Keep on climbing, keep on reaching
Even when this world can't see it
No Impossible is nothing
Even when you don't believe it
Impossible is nothing
Even when this world can't see it
Impossible is nothing

I shall never let them see me sweat
Promise to want for more till my very last breath
Promise to blaze a path and leave a trail for the next
And never sell out my soul for a number on a cheque

I shall never let them see me sweat
Promise to want for more till my very last breath
Promise to blaze a path and leave a trail for the next
Just promise me when I'm gone you won't forget

Keep on living, keep on breathing
Even when you don't believe it
Keep on climbing, keep on reaching
Even when this world can't see it
No Impossible is nothing
Even when you don't believe it
Impossible is nothing
Even when this world can't see it
Impossible is nothing