Dice la canción

Cotton candy de Insane Clown Posse


Mutilation mix

14 de diciembre de 2011

La canción "Cotton Candy" interpretada por Insane Clown Posse es una pieza musical que pertenece al álbum "Mutilation Mix". El género musical de esta canción se enmarca dentro del juggalo, horrorcore y psychopathic, con un ritmo apretado y enfermizo. Fue publicada el 14 de diciembre de 2011.

Al analizar la letra de la canción, nos adentramos en un tema provocativo y explícito que gira en torno a las aventuras sexuales del protagonista. Las letras desenfadadas y gráficas hablan sobre encuentros íntimos con diferentes mujeres, haciendo referencias ambiguas a la camaradería entre amigos durante estas experiencias. A lo largo de la canción, se hace uso de metáforas relacionadas con el algodón de azúcar (cotton candy) para representar el deseo sexual y los placeres carnales.

Insane Clown Posse introduce personajes como Shaggy y J, cada uno con su propia perspectiva sobre las experiencias con el 'cotton candy'. Mientras Shaggy parece disfrutar intensamente de estos encuentros sin inhibiciones, J muestra cierta aprensión debido a una experiencia previa desagradable. La ambigüedad entre lo placentero y lo grotesco resuena a lo largo de la canción, creando una sensación discordante para el oyente.

En términos musicales, "Cotton Candy" presenta un ritmo pegajoso y rapero que acompaña perfectamente las letras explícitas y provocativas. Los sonidos crudos y atrevidos contribuyen a la atmósfera general que Insane Clown Posse busca crear con su estilo único e inquietante.

Es importante destacar que esta canción puede resultar polémica para algunos oyentes debido a su contenido explícito y provocador. Sin embargo, en el contexto del género horrorcore y jugalo al que pertenece Insane Clown Posse, este tipo de narrativas extravagantes forman parte de la estética artística del grupo.

En conclusión, "Cotton Candy" es una pieza musical controvertida que juega con los límites entre lo erótico y lo macabro, utilizando metáforas visuales impactantes para transmitir sus mensajes. Insane Clown Posse desafía las convenciones tradicionales con su música audaz e inusual, atrayendo a seguidores que buscan experiencias artísticas fuera de lo común dentro del mundo del rap alternativo.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

"one pussy licking coming up"
"what's your name handsome?"
"well claude miss virginia. a pleasure to see. oh my you're all
naked to. like miss marge. are you going to suck the poison out too?"
"do you know what's under my dress?"
"well no ma'am i ain't never looked. well a cock like i got
i ;
"no claude it's a nice big ;
My name is shaggy but some call me shaggy balls
cuz you can my ball sac hanging out my drawers
i wear short shorts, bitches stop and stare
later on you see me parting through the cotton hair
i meet a bitch, i always gotta check and ask
how many corn dogs been to the cotton patch
and when i fuck bitches ass what i'm trying to do
my nuts is people, so i'm trying to stuff em in there too
cotton candy, it wasn't made for the mouth
you don't believe me, then take a look and then south
rotten candy, is what you'll find without a doubt
i stick my wang in the cotton hole and then i'm out
jump steady, rude boy, and nate the mack
they huntin cotton and shaggy shagg know where it's at
so don't be stingy, there's more than one wicked clown
and, bitch, you got enough cotton here to go around
now some bitches wanna go and shave the cotton off
straight to the candy, i'm with it, i won't get lost
that's why i bring the clippers with me, they coming in handy
when you fuck around with the cotton candy
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey, cotton candy, yeah, hey hey
cotton candy don't get wet until it's in your mouth, she told me
My name is j, the kiddies call me genie pants
cuz i can play the flute and make my dick start to dance
like a snake, i make it shake, rattle and roll
and this year, my ball's made it to the cotton bowl
unlike shaggy, he's scared of the cotton pie
i ate so much cotton candy i got pink eye
i can remember the first time i had a taste
she pulled her panties down and stuffed her cotton in my face
i said, "your daddy's home", she said "so fucking what?"
i tried to take my dingaling and stick it in her butt
i tried to push it in, i couldn't turn it out
she said "cotton candy don't get wet until it's in your mouth"
oh shit, so what was i to do
run like a bitch, or have the cotton stew
i thought for a second, then i said what the fuck
i ate so much cotton that my tongue came out her butt
eewwww, bitch, i'll have another bowl
my boys had to come and get me cuz i lost control
on the way home, i had a new attitude
i'm like "hey, let's go eat some more pussy, dude"
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey, cotton candy, yeah, hey hey
cotton candy don't get wet until it's in your mouth, she told me
"marge, you know where the money is. you get it and hold it for
miss vicki while i kiss her ;
"sure, claude, ;
"okay claude, now before you kiss my pussy. lick the insides of
my thighs. here and here. yes, it helps get pussy ;
"yes, ma'am"
"that's it, claude, nice and slow. oh, that's nice, claude ;
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey, cotton candy, yeah, hey hey
cotton candy don't get wet until it's in your mouth, she told me
"nice and slow. oh, that's nice, claude baby. oh god. oh. lick the
hairs of my pussy. ohh-oh that's nice clause. keep licking. huh uh
keep licking. oh my pussy, come on, ;
"go ahead and suck you bastard.
oh lick it, oh fuck lick more
suck it, suck it, suck motherfucker, suck"