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Woman in me de Jessica Simpson


Woman in me (Single)

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Woman in me

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La canción "Woman in Me" interpretada por Jessica Simpson es un himno de empoderamiento femenino que celebra la fuerza interior y la belleza de cada mujer. A través de la letra, Jessica Simpson transmite un mensaje positivo sobre el amor propio y la autoaceptación. La canción destaca cómo cada mujer tiene la capacidad de ser fuerte, valiente y segura de sí misma, independientemente de las circunstancias externas.

El estribillo repetitivo "The face that I see it's the woman in me, It's the woman that I wanna be" resalta la importancia de reconocer y aceptar nuestra verdadera identidad. Simpson anima a verse a sí misma con compasión y amor para abrazar el crecimiento personal continuo.

A lo largo de la canción, se menciona el proceso personal de fortalecimiento y autodescubrimiento al mirarse en el espejo. Simpson expresa cómo ha evolucionado como mujer, reforzando su autoestima y confianza en sí misma.

En cuanto a comparaciones con otras obras musicales del mismo artista, "Woman in Me" destaca por ser una balada motivadora que enfatiza la importancia del amor propio, algo recurrente en muchas de las canciones interpretadas por Jessica Simpson.

A pesar de que la canción puede parecer simple en su estructura lírica, su mensaje poderoso resuena en quien lo escucha. Considerando el impacto positivo que puede tener en las mujeres que luchan por encontrar su propia voz y fuerza interior, "Woman in Me" se convierte en una melodía inspiradora que promueve la autoaceptación y el empoderamiento personal.

En resumen, "Woman in Me" es mucho más que una simple canción pop; es un recordatorio para todas las mujeres sobre su valía intrínseca y la belleza única que poseen. Es un himno emocionalmente cargado que eleva a cada mujer a abrazar su auténtico yo con amor y orgullo.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da

Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da


The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

As I look in, look in the mirror I see
Life is really here to be with me, oh
I can see myself getting stronger everyday
I'm not the same woman I used to be

So now I tell myself I am thinkin strong
I see the beauty lying within my soul

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

When I love myself I can do whatever I want
Doesn't matter what you do to me, do to me
Honest people, there's a possibility
To tell you my real reality

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (woman in me baby)

Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da

Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da

Can you see the woman in me
Do you really wanna see the woman in me
Hahha, let me show you

Don't underestimate the woman I become
The woman I am
So now I tell myself that I'm thinkin I'm strong
And I see the beauty lying within my soul

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

(laughter)Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da


The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

As I look in, look in the mirror I see
Life is really here to be with me, oh
I can see myself getting stronger everyday
I'm not the same woman I used to be

So now I tell myself I am thinkin strong
I see the beauty lying within my soul

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

When I love myself I can do whatever I want
Doesn't matter what you do to me, do to me
Honest people, there's a possibility
To tell you my real reality

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (woman in me baby)

Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da

Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da

Can you see the woman in me
Do you really wanna see the woman in me
Hahha, let me show you

Don't underestimate the woman I become
The woman I am
So now I tell myself that I'm thinkin I'm strong
And I see the beauty lying within my soul

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)


The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

As I look in, look in the mirror I see
Life is really here to be with me, oh
I can see myself getting stronger everyday
I'm not the same woman I used to be

So now I tell myself I am thinkin strong
I see the beauty lying within my soul

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

When I love myself I can do whatever I want
Doesn't matter what you do to me, do to me
Honest people, there's a possibility
To tell you my real reality

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (woman in me baby)

Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da

Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da

Can you see the woman in me
Do you really wanna see the woman in me
Hahha, let me show you

Don't underestimate the woman I become
The woman I am
So now I tell myself that I'm thinkin I'm strong
And I see the beauty lying within my soul

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

(laughter)The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

As I look in, look in the mirror I see
Life is really here to be with me, oh
I can see myself getting stronger everyday
I'm not the same woman I used to be

So now I tell myself I am thinkin strong
I see the beauty lying within my soul

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

When I love myself I can do whatever I want
Doesn't matter what you do to me, do to me
Honest people, there's a possibility
To tell you my real reality

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (woman in me baby)

Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da

Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da

Can you see the woman in me
Do you really wanna see the woman in me
Hahha, let me show you

Don't underestimate the woman I become
The woman I am
So now I tell myself that I'm thinkin I'm strong
And I see the beauty lying within my soul

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

(laughter)The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

As I look in, look in the mirror I see
Life is really here to be with me, oh
I can see myself getting stronger everyday
I'm not the same woman I used to be

So now I tell myself I am thinkin strong
I see the beauty lying within my soul

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

When I love myself I can do whatever I want
Doesn't matter what you do to me, do to me
Honest people, there's a possibility
To tell you my real reality

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (woman in me baby)

Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da

Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da

Can you see the woman in me
Do you really wanna see the woman in me
Hahha, let me show you

Don't underestimate the woman I become
The woman I am
So now I tell myself that I'm thinkin I'm strong
And I see the beauty lying within my soul

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

(laughter)As I look in, look in the mirror I see
Life is really here to be with me, oh
I can see myself getting stronger everyday
I'm not the same woman I used to be

So now I tell myself I am thinkin strong
I see the beauty lying within my soul

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

When I love myself I can do whatever I want
Doesn't matter what you do to me, do to me
Honest people, there's a possibility
To tell you my real reality

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (woman in me baby)

Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da

Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da

Can you see the woman in me
Do you really wanna see the woman in me
Hahha, let me show you

Don't underestimate the woman I become
The woman I am
So now I tell myself that I'm thinkin I'm strong
And I see the beauty lying within my soul

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

(laughter)So now I tell myself I am thinkin strong
I see the beauty lying within my soul

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

When I love myself I can do whatever I want
Doesn't matter what you do to me, do to me
Honest people, there's a possibility
To tell you my real reality

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (woman in me baby)

Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da

Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da

Can you see the woman in me
Do you really wanna see the woman in me
Hahha, let me show you

Don't underestimate the woman I become
The woman I am
So now I tell myself that I'm thinkin I'm strong
And I see the beauty lying within my soul

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

(laughter)The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

When I love myself I can do whatever I want
Doesn't matter what you do to me, do to me
Honest people, there's a possibility
To tell you my real reality

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (woman in me baby)

Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da

Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da

Can you see the woman in me
Do you really wanna see the woman in me
Hahha, let me show you

Don't underestimate the woman I become
The woman I am
So now I tell myself that I'm thinkin I'm strong
And I see the beauty lying within my soul

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

(laughter)The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

When I love myself I can do whatever I want
Doesn't matter what you do to me, do to me
Honest people, there's a possibility
To tell you my real reality

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (woman in me baby)

Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da

Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da

Can you see the woman in me
Do you really wanna see the woman in me
Hahha, let me show you

Don't underestimate the woman I become
The woman I am
So now I tell myself that I'm thinkin I'm strong
And I see the beauty lying within my soul

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

(laughter)When I love myself I can do whatever I want
Doesn't matter what you do to me, do to me
Honest people, there's a possibility
To tell you my real reality

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (woman in me baby)

Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da

Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da

Can you see the woman in me
Do you really wanna see the woman in me
Hahha, let me show you

Don't underestimate the woman I become
The woman I am
So now I tell myself that I'm thinkin I'm strong
And I see the beauty lying within my soul

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

(laughter)The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (woman in me baby)

Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da

Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da

Can you see the woman in me
Do you really wanna see the woman in me
Hahha, let me show you

Don't underestimate the woman I become
The woman I am
So now I tell myself that I'm thinkin I'm strong
And I see the beauty lying within my soul

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

(laughter)The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (woman in me baby)

Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da

Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da

Can you see the woman in me
Do you really wanna see the woman in me
Hahha, let me show you

Don't underestimate the woman I become
The woman I am
So now I tell myself that I'm thinkin I'm strong
And I see the beauty lying within my soul

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

(laughter)Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da

Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da

Can you see the woman in me
Do you really wanna see the woman in me
Hahha, let me show you

Don't underestimate the woman I become
The woman I am
So now I tell myself that I'm thinkin I'm strong
And I see the beauty lying within my soul

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

(laughter)Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da
Doo doo da da da da da

Can you see the woman in me
Do you really wanna see the woman in me
Hahha, let me show you

Don't underestimate the woman I become
The woman I am
So now I tell myself that I'm thinkin I'm strong
And I see the beauty lying within my soul

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

(laughter)Can you see the woman in me
Do you really wanna see the woman in me
Hahha, let me show you

Don't underestimate the woman I become
The woman I am
So now I tell myself that I'm thinkin I'm strong
And I see the beauty lying within my soul

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

(laughter)Don't underestimate the woman I become
The woman I am
So now I tell myself that I'm thinkin I'm strong
And I see the beauty lying within my soul

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

(laughter)The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

(laughter)The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

(laughter)The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

(laughter)The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

(laughter)The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

(laughter)The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

(laughter)The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

(laughter)The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

(laughter)The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

(laughter)The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

(laughter)The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman that I wanna be (I wanna be)

The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)

(laughter)The face that I see it's the woman in me
It's the woman in me I see (I see)


Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.