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Your faith in me de Jessica Simpson


Sweet kisses

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Your faith in me

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La canción "Your faith in me" interpretada por Jessica Simpson y perteneciente al álbum "Sweet Kisses", es una composición que transmite un profundo sentimiento de gratitud y admiración hacia la persona amada. A través de sus letras, la artista expresa lo afortunada que se siente al tener a alguien en su vida que confíe tanto en ella, a pesar de sentir que no merece ese nivel de confianza. La canción destaca la importancia del apoyo, la fe y la conexión emocional en una relación.

La artista reflexiona sobre lo asombroso que resulta para ella el hecho de ser objeto de esa confianza inquebrantable, señalando cómo le da fuerzas para superar las dificultades y enfrentar los desafíos que se presentan en su camino. La letra resalta cómo la fe depositada en ella por parte de su ser amado se convierte en su principal motor para seguir adelante, brindándole la seguridad y el apoyo necesarios para sobrellevar los momentos difíciles.

La canción también aborda el tema de estar separados físicamente, mostrando cómo el amor real perdura más allá de la distancia. Se describe como un sentimiento tan poderoso que actúa como salvación para el alma, proporcionando consuelo y esperanza incluso en ausencia física. Jessica Simpson enfatiza la importancia de mantener cerca este amor sagrado, ya que le otorga la fortaleza necesaria para seguir adelante y estar bien mientras se encuentra envuelta en los brazos sanadores de su pareja.

En cuanto a comparaciones con otras obras musicales, esta canción sigue una tendencia común en las letras pop románticas que resaltan el valor del amor verdadero y duradero. El tono melódico y emotivo junto con las letras introspectivas reflejan la sensibilidad artística característica de Jessica Simpson en sus baladas.

En resumen, "Your faith in me" es una oda al poder transformador del amor y la confianza mutua en una relación. Jessica Simpson logra transmitir con sinceridad y emoción cómo la fe depositada por su ser amado en ella actúa como un sostén vital en su vida. La canción invita a reflexionar sobre la importancia de creer en el otro y brindar apoyo incondicionalmente, destacando así la belleza y el significado profundo del amor verdadero.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

When I see you there I'm so aware of how lucky I am, baby
'Cuz I don't deserve, I don't come close to understanding, baby,
the logic of your kind of trust; It amazes me
that someone like you would care enough to just believe

Your faith in me, it pulls me through
when there's nothing 'round to hold on to
When I fall, when I'm weak,
all the strength that I need
is your faith, baby, your faith in me

Even when you're gone, I get along 'cuz our love is real, baby
It's like salvation to my soul 'cuz that's how it feels, baby
It's a sacred thing that I keep close to carry on
And I know that I will be all right in your healing arms


You make me feel I can walk on water (I can reach above the stars)
And nothing comes against me safe within your

Your faith in me. It pulls me through when there s nothing around to hold on to.
When I fall, when I m weak, all the strength that I need is your faith, baby.
Your faith in me.
When I fall, baby, when I m weak, baby. All I need, baby. Is your faith in me.
When I fall, baby, when I m weak, baby. All I need, baby. Is your faith in me.
When I fall, baby, when I m weak, baby. All I need, baby. Is your faith in me.
When I fall, baby, when I m weak, baby. All I need, baby. Is your faith in me.
Your faith in meYour faith in me, it pulls me through
when there's nothing 'round to hold on to
When I fall, when I'm weak,
all the strength that I need
is your faith, baby, your faith in me

Even when you're gone, I get along 'cuz our love is real, baby
It's like salvation to my soul 'cuz that's how it feels, baby
It's a sacred thing that I keep close to carry on
And I know that I will be all right in your healing arms


You make me feel I can walk on water (I can reach above the stars)
And nothing comes against me safe within your

Your faith in me. It pulls me through when there s nothing around to hold on to.
When I fall, when I m weak, all the strength that I need is your faith, baby.
Your faith in me.
When I fall, baby, when I m weak, baby. All I need, baby. Is your faith in me.
When I fall, baby, when I m weak, baby. All I need, baby. Is your faith in me.
When I fall, baby, when I m weak, baby. All I need, baby. Is your faith in me.
When I fall, baby, when I m weak, baby. All I need, baby. Is your faith in me.
Your faith in meEven when you're gone, I get along 'cuz our love is real, baby
It's like salvation to my soul 'cuz that's how it feels, baby
It's a sacred thing that I keep close to carry on
And I know that I will be all right in your healing arms


You make me feel I can walk on water (I can reach above the stars)
And nothing comes against me safe within your

Your faith in me. It pulls me through when there s nothing around to hold on to.
When I fall, when I m weak, all the strength that I need is your faith, baby.
Your faith in me.
When I fall, baby, when I m weak, baby. All I need, baby. Is your faith in me.
When I fall, baby, when I m weak, baby. All I need, baby. Is your faith in me.
When I fall, baby, when I m weak, baby. All I need, baby. Is your faith in me.
When I fall, baby, when I m weak, baby. All I need, baby. Is your faith in me.
Your faith in me-Refrain-

You make me feel I can walk on water (I can reach above the stars)
And nothing comes against me safe within your

Your faith in me. It pulls me through when there s nothing around to hold on to.
When I fall, when I m weak, all the strength that I need is your faith, baby.
Your faith in me.
When I fall, baby, when I m weak, baby. All I need, baby. Is your faith in me.
When I fall, baby, when I m weak, baby. All I need, baby. Is your faith in me.
When I fall, baby, when I m weak, baby. All I need, baby. Is your faith in me.
When I fall, baby, when I m weak, baby. All I need, baby. Is your faith in me.
Your faith in meYou make me feel I can walk on water (I can reach above the stars)
And nothing comes against me safe within your

Your faith in me. It pulls me through when there s nothing around to hold on to.
When I fall, when I m weak, all the strength that I need is your faith, baby.
Your faith in me.
When I fall, baby, when I m weak, baby. All I need, baby. Is your faith in me.
When I fall, baby, when I m weak, baby. All I need, baby. Is your faith in me.
When I fall, baby, when I m weak, baby. All I need, baby. Is your faith in me.
When I fall, baby, when I m weak, baby. All I need, baby. Is your faith in me.
Your faith in meYour faith in me. It pulls me through when there s nothing around to hold on to.
When I fall, when I m weak, all the strength that I need is your faith, baby.
Your faith in me.
When I fall, baby, when I m weak, baby. All I need, baby. Is your faith in me.
When I fall, baby, when I m weak, baby. All I need, baby. Is your faith in me.
When I fall, baby, when I m weak, baby. All I need, baby. Is your faith in me.
When I fall, baby, when I m weak, baby. All I need, baby. Is your faith in me.
Your faith in me

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.