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We tru$t de Maestro Fresh Wes


We tru$t (Single)

16 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de We tru$t

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La canción "We tru$t" del artista Maestro Fresh Wes es una poderosa narrativa que sumerge al oyente en la cruda realidad de quienes se ven envueltos en el mundo del crimen y la codicia. A través de versos desgarradores, la letra explora las historias de tres personajes: G, O y D, cada uno representando diferentes facetas de la vida criminal y los peligros que conlleva.

El protagonista G es retratado como un narcotraficante exitoso, cuya ganancia y ambición lo llevan a alienar a aquellos que alguna vez fueron parte de su círculo íntimo. Su voracidad por el dinero lo convierte en blanco de traiciones y conspiraciones entre sus propios allegados, culminando en un fatal desenlace que pone en evidencia la violencia inherente al mundo del crimen organizado.

Por otro lado, O emerge como un proxeneta despiadado cuya manipulación y crueldad hacia las mujeres que caen bajo su influencia revela una oscuridad aún más profunda en su carácter. Su incapacidad para empatizar con el sufrimiento ajeno lo lleva a un destino trágico marcado por la venganza de una de sus víctimas.

Finalmente, D representa el arquetipo del gánster arrogante y despiadado, cuyo constante afán por acumular riquezas lo sumerge en un espiral destructivo del cual no puede escapar. A medida que se enfrenta a las consecuencias letales de sus acciones pasadas, D experimenta un profundo remordimiento por la violencia desencadenada por su ambición desmedida, buscando redención en vano antes de encontrarse con un destino inevitable.

En cuanto a la estructura musical de la canción, se destaca una base rítmica potente acompañada por letras intensas y llenas de angustia. El uso de metáforas impactantes y descripciones detalladas permite al oyente adentrarse en las historias presentadas, despertando una mezcla única de emociones que van desde el horror hasta la compasión.

"We tru$t" se erige entonces como una reflexión cruda sobre las consecuencias devastadoras del egoísmo humano y la sed insaciable de poder y riqueza. A través de sus personajes complejos y sus narraciones emotivas, Maestro Fresh Wes logra transmitir un mensaje contundente sobre la fragilidad moral del ser humano cuando se ve tentado por los placeres efímeros del materialismo desenfrenado.

Con esta obra maestra musical, el artista nos invita a reflexionar sobre nuestras propias elecciones y prioridades en la vida, recordándonos que incluso los sueños más ambiciosos pueden convertirse rápidamente en pesadillas mortales si no tenemos cuidado con nuestras acciones. La canción "We tru$t" es mucho más que una simple melodía; es un testimonio vibrante sobre las complejidades del alma humana y los peligros latentes que acechan detrás de cada decisión equivocada.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

(yo yo yo yo)
Here's some food for thought
(you love to hear the story again and again)

This is the shit that niggas die for
The shit they breath for
Sweat and cry for
Sacrafice their life for
Civlized turned to savages
Mainly out for lavish gifts
Check the story check the story
This is the shit that niggas pray for every night
And take bullets ricochet
Some would even slay for
Civilized turned to savages
Mainly out for lavish gifts
Check the story, check the story

Yo, i knew a brother named g
G was heavy weight
Niggas tried to emulate
Sellin' weight's how he did it
Out to make another g
Never finger-printed
Neighborhood drug lord, he'd make you say
(g) how'd he do it?
Had the blocked locked down
Pullin' levers out for treasures
Like black ceaser with the ledges
G smoked benson off his hedges
Crack conisour, ghetto godfather
Got you checkin' out the saga
I remember when he made a few bucks
They called him poo, but
That was way before he blew up
He grew up
But still he wasn't easy
G was movin' speedy
His team started to say
(this mother fucker's gettin' greedy)
Already had a lex, man dan was vexed
Didn't like the way he started to flex
(what the fuck's he gettin' vexed?)
Club hoppin', takin' his whip shoppin'
G'd forgotten his team, now his teams plottin'
To stop him
Making mad dough like pablo
>from sellin' mad blow
But he didn't wanna share the cash flow
So the same old niggas that rode and strolled wit' him
(what'd they do, man?)
Put a fuckin' hole in 'em

I knew a brother named o
A super pimp nigga
Had hookers on the stroll
He'd make you wanna say (oh oh)
Making pesos
Every single time an h-o would give felecio
(to who?)
Every tom, dick or pedro
Wit' a sentence
I seen him turn a seven day eventess into an apprentince
Many wifes into wenches
Met a freak on a sunday, buy her a chocolate sundae
Have a fun day, by monday, she's on the runway
Then he met a chick named candace by the church of st. agnus
Planned his attack, now little candace sports spandex
Crazy pompous, he never had a concious
When candace fucked his money up, candace was unconcious
The nigga flipped on a dime
(what'd he do, son?)
He gave the girl more lumps than thelma's outmeal from good times
When she came to, that was it, she was fed
(what'd she do?)
Pull out a twenty two and shot him in the head

I knew a brother named d
Livin' on the edge
Knew how to make papes, but he didn't know the ledge
Made a pledge to be the top baller
(and) street baller
Made cash in large portions
A fortune of extortion
And embezelment
D was never hesitant to stage a heist
He'd raise the price to take a life
Jewelry always glazin' nice
Leavin' folks in broken arms
D was always totin' johns
(did he ever read the bible?)
Nah, d was never po' in songs
Strictly out for makin' cabbage
He'd break and damage
His estate was lavish
Coke up his nasal passage
One day, he sat and realized the lives that he took
For the first time in his life, even d got shook
He went on hands and knees
And asked forgivness from johova
But it was too late
He'd mixed the coke-stra with the nose-stra
He tried to leave the city

Tried to run from his job
He tried to turn his life around
He couldn't run from the mob
They found him, tied him up, 'bout to fill him with led
But before they took his life, check the words that they said


Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.