Dice la canción

Heavenly de Mariah Carey


Me. I Am Mariah...The Elusive Chanteuse

1 de mayo de 2014

Significado de Heavenly

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La canción "Heavenly" de Mariah Carey es un poderoso himno que aborda temas de lucha, fe y perseverancia a través de momentos difíciles. En la letra de la canción, se transmiten mensajes sobre enfrentar desafíos y superar obstáculos con la ayuda divina. Desde el comienzo, se menciona cómo algunas personas pueden aprovecharse de ti si creen que eres débil para defenderte, pero invita a confiar en Dios para luchar tus batallas.

El sentido de lucha y determinación se resalta al mencionar las montañas por escalar y las batallas por librar. A pesar de que la victoria o derrota depende de uno mismo, se enfatiza la importancia de intentarlo para obtener éxito. La letra también reflexiona sobre los obstáculos inesperados en el camino, indicando que todo no será fácil y puede haber caídas; sin embargo, al levantar la mirada al cielo en momentos difíciles, se pide fortaleza para seguir adelante.

La repetición del coro "I just can't give up now" refuerza el mensaje de resistencia ante la adversidad. Se ilustra una conexión íntima con lo divino al reconocer que Dios no te ha llevado tan lejos como para abandonarte en medio del camino. Se expresa gratitud por la presencia divina incluso en los momentos más oscuros y confusos.

La canción transmite una sensación reconfortante y motivadora a través de su letra inspiradora, recordándonos que siempre hay una luz al final del túnel incluso cuando las cosas parecen difíciles. Mariah Carey logra combinar sus habilidades vocales con letras profundas e impactantes en esta pieza musical.

En cuanto al contexto cultural en el que fue lanzada "Heavenly", podemos destacar su mensaje universal de esperanza y fuerza interior que resuena con audiencias diversas. La mezcla de géneros R&B y pop agrega un toque contemporáneo a una melodía potente cargada de emotividad.

En resumen, "Heavenly" es una canción que invita a reflexionar sobre la importancia de mantener la fe y el coraje en medio de las dificultades, recordando siempre que nunca estamos solos en nuestro viaje por la vida. Con su poderosa interpretación vocal y letras conmovedoras, Mariah Carey nos brinda una obra musical que trasciende fronteras culturales e emocionales.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Folks will taking advantage of you because they believe you’re too weak to speak up for yourself
You don’t have to speak up for yourself
Be still and let God fight your battles
Somebody come and go with me, Father...

There will be mountains that I will have to climb
And there will be battles that I will have to fight
But victory or defeat, it's up to me to decide
But how can I expect to win if I never try?

I just can't give up now
Come too far from where I started from
Nobody told me the road would be easy
And I don't believe He's brought me this far to leave me

Never said there wouldn't be trials
Never said I wouldn't fall
Never said that everything would go
The way I want it to go
But when my back is against the wall
And I feel all hope is gone
I'll just lift my head up to the sky
And say "help me to be strong"

I just can't give up now
Come too far from where I started from
Nobody told me the road would be easy
I don't believe He's brought me this far to leave me

No you didn't bring me
Out here to leave me lonely
Even when I can't see clearly
I know that you are with me
So I can't...

(I just can't)
I just can't give up now
('Cause I've come too far from where I started from)
Come too far from where I started from
(Nobody told me, told me that the road would be easy)
Nobody told me the road would be easy
(But hey I don't believe, don't believe)
And I don't believe He's brought me this far to leave me
(To leave me, no)

(Said I can't give up now)
I just can't give up now
(I just can't oh, can't give up now)
(Said I've come too far, too far from where I started from)
Come too far from where I started from
(Nobody told me that the road, not gonna be)
Nobody told me the road would be easy
(But hey I don't believe, don't believe)
And I don't believe He's brought me this far to leave me
(No no no no no no, to leave me)

(Sweet Lord carried me through desperation)
I just can't give up now
Come too far from where I started from
(See the Bible says "the Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit")
Nobody told me the road would be easy
(Ay! It's been a little rough but I don't believe, don't believe)
And I don't believe He's brought me this far to leave me
(Oh, no, no, no, no)

(I can't give up now)
I just can't give up now
(Said I've come too far)
Come too far from where I started from
(From where I started, no one said it would be easy)
Nobody told me the road would be easy
(I said nobody, nobody, told me that the road would be)
And I don't believe He's brought me this far to leave me
(Ay I don't believe, to leave me)

I don't feel no ways tired
I don't believe He's brought me this far
I don't believe He's brought me this far
I don't believe He's brought me this far
(I don't believe He's brought)
I don't believe He's brought me this far
(He, he's brought me)
I don't believe He's brought me this far
(I don't believe, no)
(Be still) I don't believe He's brought me this far
(Hallelujah, no no)
I don't believe He's brought me this far
(I don't, I don't believe)
I don't believe He's brought me this far

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.