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I'd do anything for love de Meatloaf


I'd do anything for love (Single)

10 de diciembre de 2011

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La canción "I'd Do Anything for Love" interpretada por Meatloaf es una poderosa balada que explora el tema del amor incondicional y los límites que uno estaría dispuesto a traspasar por el ser amado. La letra refleja la disposición del cantante de enfrentar cualquier desafío o sacrificio con tal de mantener viva esa pasión y devoción.

Desde el comienzo, la canción establece un tono intenso y dramático al expresar que haría cualquier cosa por amor, excepto una acción específica mencionada en repetidas ocasiones: "I won't do that." Este repetitivo rechazo de una cierta acción abre espacio a la interpretación y lleva al oyente a reflexionar sobre qué límite es ese que el cantante no está dispuesto a cruzar.

A lo largo de la canción, se exploran diferentes escenarios emocionales, como los días fáciles y difíciles en una relación, las noches llenas de pasión o melancolía, así como la sensación de locura y soledad que puede acompañar al amor profundo. Se describe al ser amado como alguien capaz de salvar al cantante en un mundo caótico, siendo su única promesa y fuente de consuelo.

El diálogo entre la voz masculina (Boy) y femenina (Girl) añade profundidad a la narrativa, mostrando las expectativas y esperanzas de ambos personajes en una posible relación. La Girl plantea diversas situaciones hipotéticas para demostrar la profundidad y alcance del amor verdadero, mientras que el Boy responde con compromiso e implicación emocional.

En cuanto a aspectos adicionales sobre la canción, cabe destacar su origen en Australia nostalgia y su etiqueta dentro del género musical como una balada rock llena de intensidad emocional. La colaboración entre Meatloaf y otros artistas o productores podría haber jugado un papel importante en el proceso creativo detrás de esta pieza.

"I'd Do Anything for Love" presenta una estructura musical apasionada con elementos clásicos del rock combinados con letras emotivas que abordan temas universales como el amor incondicional, los sacrificios personales y las contradicciones internas. El impacto cultural de esta canción radica en su capacidad para resonar con audiencias diversas que han experimentado la complejidad emocional del amor.

En resumen, la canción "I'd Do Anything for Love" es un himno apasionado al amor incondicional que destaca las complejidades emocionales involucradas en las relaciones humanas. A través de metáforas poderosas y diálogos evocadores, Meatloaf logra capturar la esencia misma del compromiso absoluto en busca de un vínculo genuino e indestructible.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

And I would do anything for love
I'd run right into hell and back
I would do anything for love
I'd never lie to you and that's a fact
But I'll never forget the way you feel right now,
Oh no, no way
And I would do anything for love, but I won't do that
No, I won't do that

Anything for love
Oh, I would do anything for love
I would do anything for love, but I won't do that
No, I won't do that

Some days it don't come easy
Some days it don't come hard
Some days it don't come at all, and these are the days that never end
Some nights you're breathing fire
Some nights you're carved in ice
Some nights you're like nothing I've ever seen before or will again

Maybe I'm crazy, but it's crazy and it's true
I know you can save me, no-one else can save me now but you

As long as the planets are turning
As long as the stars are burning
As long dreams are coming true
You'd better believe it, that I would do

Anything for love
And I'l be there until the final act
I would do anything for love, and I'll take a vow and seal a pact
But I'll never forgive myself if we don't go all the way, tonight
I would do anything for love
Oh, I would do anything for love
Oh, I would do anything for love, but I won't do that
No, I won't do that

I would do anything for love
Anything you've been dreaming of, but I just won't do that
I would do anything for love
Anything you've been dreaming of, but I just won't do that
I would do anything for love
Anything you've been dreaming of, but I just won't do that
I would do anything for love
Anything you've been dreaming of, but I just won't do that

Some days I pray for silence
Some days I pray for soul
Some days I just pray to the god of sex and drums and rock 'n' roll
Some nights I lose the feeling
Some nights I lose control
Some nights I just lose it all when I watch you dance and the thunder rolls

Maybe I'm lonely, that's all I'm qualified to be
That's just one and only, the one and only promise I can keep

As long as the wheels are turning
As long as the fires are burning
As long as your prayers are coming true
You'd better believe it, that I would do

Anything for love
And you know it's true and that's a fact
I would do anything for love, and there'll never be no turning back
But I'll never do it better than I do it with you. So long, so long
I would do anything for love
Oh, I would do anything for love
Oh, I would do anything for love, but I won't do that
No, I won't do that
No, no, no, I won't

I would do anything for love
Anything you've been dreaming of, but I just won't do that
I would do anything for love
Anything you've been dreaming of, but I just won't do that
I would do anything for love
Anything you've been dreaming of, but I just won't do that
I would do anything for love
Anything you've been dreaming of, but I just won't do that
I would do anything for love
Anything you've been dreaming of, but I just won't do that
I would do anything for love
Anything you've been dreaming of, but I just won't do that
I would do anything for love
Anything you've been dreaming of, but I just won't

But I'll never stop dreaming of you ev'ry night of my life, no way
I would do anything for love
Oh, I would do anything for love
I would do anything for love, but I won't do that
No, I won't do that


Will you raise me up? will you help me down?
Will you get me right out of this godforsaken town?
Will you make it all a little less cold?


I can do that
I can do that


Will you hold me sacred? Will you hold me tight?
Can you colourise my life, I'm so sick of black and white?
Can you make it all a little less old?


I can do that
Oh no, I can do that


Will you make me some magic with your own two hands?
Will you build and emerald city with these grains of sand?
Can you give me something I can take home?


I can do that
I can do that


Will you cater to every fantasy I got?
Will you hose me down with holy water, if I get too hot?
Will you take me places I've never known?


I can do that
Oh no, I can do that


After a while you'll forget everything
It was a brief interlude and a midsummer night's fling
And you'll see that it's time to move on


I won't do that
I won't do that


I know the territory, I've been around
It'll all turn to dust and we'll all fall down
Sooner or later you'll be screwing around


I won't do that
No, I won't do that

Anything for love
Oh, I would do anything for love
I would do anything for love, but I won't do that
No, I won't do that

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.