Dice la canción

Tell me de Melanie B.


Tell me (Single)

10 de diciembre de 2011

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La canción "Tell Me" de Melanie B. es una poderosa declaración sobre autoempoderamiento y liberación emocional. En esta canción, la letra detalla el proceso de darse cuenta de que se ha sido engañado y manipulado por alguien que no valoraba genuinamente a la persona herida.

Desde el principio, se percibe una sensación de incredulidad e indignación por haber sido engañado, con frases como "What made you think I would be fooled? I now see through you, and you're the fool." La protagonista de la canción expresa su sorpresa al descubrir las verdaderas intenciones del otro, rechazando la idea de permanecer en una relación basada en mentiras y manipulaciones.

A lo largo de la letra, se exploran sentimientos de traición y decepción al descubrir que se ha estado siendo utilizado emocionalmente. La narradora reconoce su propio valor y rechaza seguir siendo parte de un juego dañino: "Your game was incomplete, cos when I realised the truth, I see your plan, you're not my man so get from under my roof."

Además, se destaca el contraste entre las promesas vacías y las acciones manipuladoras del otro personaje con la realidad revelada por la protagonista. Se hace hincapié en la importancia de mantenerse firme en la propia valía y no permitir que nadie más dicte el valor personal: "You nearly had my everything by running game on me... now I see you didn't have no self-esteem and all you loved was Mel B's money."

En cuanto a la composición musical, la canción presenta un ritmo marcado y una melodía con matices pop y R&B característicos del estilo de Melanie B. La instrumentación refuerza los momentos emotivos del tema, acompañando las letras poderosas con acordes intensos y arreglos dinámicos.

En resumen, "Tell Me" es un himno a la fortaleza emocional y al autodescubrimiento, donde Melanie B. aprovecha su talento vocal para transmitir un mensaje inspirador sobre liberarse del control manipulador y abrazar el empoderamiento personal. Esta canción refleja una historia universal de superación y resistencia ante situaciones dolorosas en las relaciones interpersonales.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.


What made you
Think I would be fooled
I now see through you
And you're the fool
Tell Me

How do you
Feel when you see me
And I disregard you
There's someone new
And they're true

I can't believe
I was so blind I didn't see
That you couldn't be
The type of man to meet my needs

Strangest thing
Is everyone tried to tell me
But I did what they told me not to

You nearly had my everything
By running game on me
You told me all I had to hear
I thought love was finally here

But then one day the truth I'd see
Your game was incomplete
Cos when I realised the truth
I see your plan, you're not my man
so get from under my roof
I don't want you!

What made you (made you)
Think I would be fooled (be fooled)
I now see through you (yes I do)
And you're the fool (tell me)
Tell Me

How do you (how do you)
Feel when you see me (when you see me)
And I disregard you (disregard you)
There's someone new
And they're true

It was the saddest thing
I thought there was no help for me
Cos you made me think
I wasn't worth anything

Now I see
You didn't have no self esteem
And all you loved was Mel B's money

You nearly had my everything
By running game on me
You told me all I had to hear
I thought love was finally here

But then one day the truth I'd see
Your game was incomplete
Cos when I realised the truth
I see your plan, you're not my man
so get from under my roof

What made you (what made you)
Think I would be fooled (think I would be fooled)
I now see through you (I can see through you)
And you're the fool (you're the fool, baby you're the fool)
Tell Me

How do you
Feel when you see me (when you see me)
And I disregard you
There's someone new
And they're true

You nearly had my everything
By running game on me
You lied to me
Why did you lie to me?

But then one day the truth I'd see
Your game was incomplete
I found out the truth
I see your plan, you're not my man
so get from under my roof
I don't want you!

What made you (what made you)
Think I would be fooled (think that way of me)
I now see through you (I'm glad I saw through you)
And you're the fool (tell me, tell me)
Tell Me

How do you (what)
Feel when you see me (do when you see)
And I disregard you (disregard you)
There's someone new (one new)
And they're true (and they're so true)

What made you
Think I would be fooled
I now see through you
And you're the fool
Tell Me

How do you
Feel when you see me
And I disregard you
There's someone new
And they're true

Written by
Fred Jerkins III / LaShawn Daniels / Melanie Brown / Rodney Jerkins

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.