Dice la canción

Control de Poe



14 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Control

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La canción "Control", interpretada por Poe y perteneciente al álbum Haunted, es una poderosa expresión de empoderamiento y autonomía. A través de la letra, la cantante desafía a aquellos que intentan controlarla, mostrando su fuerza y determinación para liberarse de las ataduras impuestas por otros.

En la canción, Poe describe cómo se niega a ser dominada por el poder de otra persona. Expresa su resolución ante los intentos de manipulación y opresión, mostrando una actitud desafiante y segura de sí misma. La letra sugiere que, a pesar de los obstáculos y las adversidades, ella ha tomado el control de su vida y no permitirá que nadie más dicte su destino.

A lo largo de la canción, se destacan metáforas poderosas que simbolizan el proceso de liberación personal. La afirmación "Now I have taken control" refuerza la idea del empoderamiento logrado por Poe, mientras que las referencias a piezas ajedrezadas en su mano representan su habilidad para manejar la situación con destreza.

Además, se vislumbra un diálogo entre un padre y una hija hacia el final de la canción. Este fragmento añade una capa adicional al significado general, insinuando una dinámica familiar complicada que podría haber contribuido al mensaje de autonomía presente en la letra.

En cuanto a inspiraciones o curiosidades sobre la canción, se puede mencionar el tono introspectivo y reflexivo que Poe utiliza en muchas de sus letras. Su estilo único e innovador le ha valido reconocimiento en la escena musical alternativa.

En comparación con otras obras de Poe o artistas similares en el género del rock alternativo con voz femenina, "Control" destaca por su mensaje contundente y su enfoque en la fortaleza interior. Temas como el autocontrol, la resistencia frente a la opresión y la búsqueda de independencia emocional son recurrentes en sus composiciones.

En resumen, "Control" es una canción potente que encarna el espíritu rebelde e independiente de Poe. A través de metáforas audaces y una actitud desafiante, logra transmitir un mensaje inspirador sobre el empoderamiento personal y la lucha contra las fuerzas externas que buscan ejercer dominio sobre nuestra vida.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Don't you mess with a little girl's dream
'cause she's liable to grow up mean
Surprised you to find that i'm laughing?
you thought that you'd find me in tears
you thought i'd be crawling the walls
like a tiny mosquito and trembling in fear
Well you may be king for the moment
but i am a queen understand
and i've got your pawns and your bishops
and castles
all inside the palm of my hand
While you were looking the other way
while you had your eyes closed
while you were licking your lips
'cause i was miserable
while you were selling your soul
while you were tearing a hole in me
I was taking control
Now i have taken control
now i have taken
This is beginning to feel good
watching you squirm in your shoes
a small bead of sweat on your brow
and a growl in your belly your scared to let through
You thought you could keep me from loving
you thought you could feed on my soul
but while you were busy destroying my life
what was half in me has become whole
While you were looking the other way
while you had your eyes closed
while you were licking your lips
'cause i was miserable
while you were selling your soul
while you were tearing a hole in me
I was taking control
Now i have taken control
now i have taken
So this is how it feels
to breath in the summer air
the feel the sand between my toes
and love inside my ear
all those things that you taught me to fear
i've got them in my garden now
and your not welcome here
Come a little bit closer
let me look at you
i gave you the benefit
of the doubt it's true
but keep in mind my darling
not every saint is a fool
While you were looking the other way
while you had your eyes closed
while you were licking your lips
'cause i was miserable
while you were selling your soul
while you were tearing a hole in me
I was taking control
Now i have taken control
now i have taken
Don't you mess with me
Father: there has to be more to life than this, because in our
confrontation with a cold cold universe, there is something comical
to the idea that we can really impose our will on humanity-- power corrupts
Daughter :
this is scaring me
Father and daughter 2:
Daughter : ...i live at the end of a 5 and 1/2 minute hallway
and at the end of it all lies of course the final
phenomenon of deterioration entropy, which is a predictable
disintegrations which the creative life ceases: everything has to fall apart.
why are you always so serious?

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.