Lullabye (Goodnight My Angel) de Quartet Mèlt
Letra de Lullabye (Goodnight My Angel)
808 Luke & Fúria, 'Diamandra' (💿 16/6)
A Banda Mais Bonita da Cidade, 'Maré Alta, Enfim.' (💿 2/3)
Adriana Calcanhotto, 'Errante' (💿 31/3)
Afreekassia & G.A.B.O, 'SOU + EU' (💿 6/10)
ÀIYÉ, 'TRANSES' (💿 20/4)
Akira Presidente & Barba Negra, 'As Incríveis Histórias de: Underground Superhero vs O Terrível Ladrão de Loops' (💿 7/7)
amagatos, 'Valsa Vertigem (Sessões, Demos & Outtakes)' (💿 28/7)
Amanda Magalhães, 'Maré de Cheiro' (💿 10/5)
Ananda, 'Todas pra você que me fez sofrer' (💿 29/3)
Anna Vis, 'Como Um Bicho Vê' (💿 2/3)
Assucena, 'Lusco-Fusco' (💿 10/8)
ÀTTØØXXÁ, 'Groove' (💿 24/5)
Ava Rocha, 'NEKTAR' (💿 13/7)
Azzy, 'LOVEZY' (💿 10/10)
Bárbara Eugênia, 'Foi Tudo Culpa do Amor (Pérolas Populares, Vol. 1)' (💿 3/3)
Belagio, 'Nuvem 9' (💿 14/4)
Beli Remour, 'Cantigas para Não Dormir no Ponto' (💿 16/6)
Big Bllakk, 'ERREJOTACULTDRILL, Vol. 2 - Esquema Novo' (💿 7/7)
BIKE, 'Arte Bruta' (💿 5/5)
Budah, 'Budah' (💿 10/8)
Caio Luccas, 'Virus Love' (💿 12/6)
CASTELLUCCI, 'Lembranças' (💿 8/2)
Cazuza, 'Exagerados' (💿 30/6)
Clara Lima & Rizzi Get Busy, 'Além' (💿 1/2)
Clarice Falcão, 'Truquе' (💿 10/8)
Class A, 'Notas, Amores & Vícios' (💿 23/6)
COCOA MAMI, 'Arquétipo' (💿 20/5)
Coruja BC1, 'Versão Brasileira, Vol. 1' (💿 15/6)
Cynthia Luz, 'Afеtropia' (💿 8/6)
Davzera & Rei Lacoste, 'Robô de Roleta 50-50' (💿 14/7)
Diego & Victor Hugo, 'Ao Vivo em São Paulo' (💿 19/1)
Djonga, 'Inocente "Demotape"' (💿 13/10)
DK47, 'Senhor das Armas' (💿 11/10)
Do Amor, 'Problemão' (💿 31/3)
Domenico Lancellotti, 'sramba.' (💿 28/4)
DUDA BEAT, 'T3 4M0 L4 F0R4 RMX' (💿 2/2)
Duquesa, 'TAURUS' (💿 30/6)
Ebony, 'Terapia' (💿 18/10)
Ecologyk, 'Never Ghost' (💿 27/10)
Elza Soares, 'No Tempo da Intolerância' (💿 23/6)
Fabiano do Nascimento, Vittor Santos e Orquestra, 'Lendas' (💿 19/1)
Febem, Fleezus & CESRV, 'BRIME! (Deluxe)' (💿 17/11)
Fi Barreto, 'Kéramos' (💿 25/10)
Fleezus, 'OFF MODE' (💿 25/8)
Frederico Heliodoro, 'The Weight of the News' (💿 24/2)
Froid, 'OgEMr' (💿 18/8)
FBC, 'O Amor, o Perdão e a Tecnologia Irão nos Levar para Outro Planeta' (💿 28/7)
FBC & VHOOR, 'Dias Antes do Baile' (💿 24/2)
Gabbre, 'don't rush greatness' (💿 31/3)
Gabriel Campos, '12 Meses' (💿 7/4)
Gabriel O Pensador, 'Antídoto Pra Todo Tipo de Veneno' (💿 15/9)
Gloria Groove, 'FUTURO FLUXO' (💿 9/11)
Guxta, 'Primeiro Salário' (💿 26/5)
Holger, 'Más Línguas' (💿 14/7)
Humberto Gessinger, 'Power Trio' (💿 12/9)
Iara Rennó, 'Orí Okàn' (💿 26/5)
IZA, 'AFRODHIT' (💿 3/8)
Iza Sabino, 'Amar Dói' (💿 31/3)
Jaloo, 'MAU' (💿 25/10)
Jambu, 'tudo é mt distante' (💿 17/3)
Jão, 'SUPER' (💿 15/8)
Jards Macalé, 'Coração Bifurcado' (💿 28/4)
Jé Santiago, 'O Bagulho É Trap II' (💿 8/12)
Jenni Mosello, 'FEMMINA' (💿 26/5)
Jonathan Ferr, 'Liberdade' (💿 27/1)
Jovem MK, 'Da Viela Pro Mundo' (💿 21/4)
Jovem MK, 'Jovem Cara' (💿 29/9)
Julia Mestre, 'ARREPIADA' (💿 12/4)
Juliano Gauche, 'Tenho acordado dentro dos sonhos' (💿 24/3)
Juyè, 'Bem Pra Frente (Lado B)' (💿 27/1)
Kaê Guajajara, 'Zahytata' (💿 21/4)
Kayblack, 'Contradições' (💿 31/3)
Kurt Sutil, 'Me Pergunta Como Foi Meu Dia' (💿 8/3)
Kyan & MU540, 'UM quebrada inteligente!' (💿 13/7)
Ladrilho, 'Uma Coisa de Cada Vez' (💿 31/3)
Letícia Fialho, Murica & Beatdomk, 'O que restou da Maravilha' (💿 4/10)
Letrux, 'Letrux como Mulher Girafa' (💿 30/6)
Lheo Zotto, 'Nossa Senhora do Boom Bap Sagrado' (💿 23/1)
Lheo Zotto & Eibe Lapaz, 'Efeito Eskambo, Vol. III' (💿 5/4)
Lirinha, 'MÊIKE RÁS FÂN' (💿 28/4)
Lô Borges, 'Não Me Espere Na Estação' (💿 20/1)
Luan Santana, 'LUAN CITY 2.0 - FASE 1' (💿 8/6)
Lucas Santtana, 'O Paraíso' (💿 13/1)
Luccas Carlos, 'Dois' (💿 7/11)
LUDMILLA, 'VILÃ' (💿 24/3)
Luiz Lins, 'Plástico' (💿 27/7)
Luiza Lian, '7 Estrelas | quem arrancou o céu?' (💿 28/7)
Lurdez da Luz, 'Devastada' (💿 10/3)
Mahmundi, 'Amor Fati' (💿 5/5)
Major RD, 'Ascensão do Cisne Negro' (💿 27/9)
Majur, 'ARRISCA' (💿 4/5)
Marcão Baixada, 'REPERTÓRIO.' (💿 13/4)
Marcellin, 'O Que Aprendi Com Dona Daria' (💿 12/12)
Marcelo D2, 'IBORU' (💿 14/6)
Marcelo Jeneci, 'Caravana Sairé' (💿 14/7)
Marcelo Tofani, 'fantasia de um amor perfeito' (💿 9/5)
Marina Sena, 'Vício Inerente' (💿 27/4)
Martinho da Vila, 'Negra Ópera' (💿 12/5)
Maru2D, 'CTB' (💿 8/5)
Mateus Fazeno Rock, 'Jesus Ñ Voltará' (💿 28/4)
Matheus Mota, 'Tribufu' (💿 2/2)
MC Cabelinho, 'LITTLE LOVE (DELUXE)' (💿 4/5)
MD Chefe, 'Baby Chefe' (💿 2/2)
Modern Cosmology, 'What Will You Grow Now?' (💿 5/5)
Nic Dias, 'Bad Bitch (Relikia)' (💿 24/11)
niLL, 'O Resgate do Maestro' (💿 29/6)
Nuven, 'Zero' (💿 27/4)
ogoin & Linguini, 'Ogoin & Linguini: TV Show' (💿 8/12)
Orochi, 'Vida Cara' (💿 9/1)
Os Tincoãs, 'Canto Coral Afrobrasileiro' (💿 20/4)
Pabllo Vittar, 'Noitada' (💿 8/2)
Pabllo Vittar, 'AFTER' (💿 27/7)
PAIGE, 'Pretchuka' (💿 6/10)
Papatinho, 'Baile do Papato' (💿 21/7)
Pato Fu, '30' (💿 31/3)
Pineapple, Derxan & Big Bllakk, 'Músicas Para Fumar Balão' (💿 20/4)
P.L.K & CESRV, 'O Mundo é Seu Neguin' (💿 3/7)
pumapjl & SonoTWS, 'Autodomínio' (💿 28/7)
Puro Suco, 'Cacau' (💿 18/7)
R0DD, 'Trinta' (💿 12/1)
Raffa Moreira, 'Beleza Exótica' (💿 10/3)
Raquel Martins, 'Empty Flower' (💿 17/2)
Renan Inquérito, 'ABRAKBÇA' (💿 24/1)
Rock Danger, 'Mixtape Rock Danger de Verão' (💿 6/2)
Rodrigo Campos, 'Pagode Novo' (💿 1/3)
Rodrigo Ogi, 'Aleatoriamente' (💿 27/9)
Romulo Fróes & Tiago Rosas, 'Na Goela' (💿 28/2)
Rubel, 'AS PALAVRAS, VOL. 1 & 2' (💿 3/3)
Ryu, the Runner, 'Essa é a Vida de um Corredor' (💿 3/3)
Ryu, the Runner, 'EVDC DELUXE' (💿 28/7)
Sain, 'KTT ZOO' (💿 7/7)
Sant, 'de: para:' (💿 11/8)
Sara Não Tem Nome, 'A Situação' (💿 13/1)
Saulo, 'Dançando com o Tempo' (💿 16/6)
Silva & Liniker, 'Silva & Liniker (Ao Vivo)' (💿 22/9)
slipmami, 'Malvatrem' (💿 25/1)
Sueth, 'SUETHSEASON' (💿 10/8)
Tagua Tagua, 'Tanto' (💿 3/3)
Tasha, Tracie, Kyan & Gregory, 'Yin Yang' (💿 8/6)
Terno Rei, 'b_sides gēmeos' (💿 11/7)
terraplana, 'olhar pra trás' (💿 1/3)
Tícia, 'Sagrada e Profana' (💿 2/2)
Tori, 'Descese (Lado B)' (💿 26/1)
Tunico, 'Tunico' (💿 24/2)
Tuyo, 'Tuyo Acústico' (💿 26/10)
Urias, 'HER MIND' (💿 8/6)
Veigh, 'Dos Prédios Deluxe' (💿 19/5)
VHOOR, 'Expirado' (💿 28/4)
Victor Xamã, 'GARCIA' (💿 31/3)
VOVO & Janluska, 'DEBUT' (💿 4/4)
Vulgo FK, 'Perdas & Ganhos' (💿 14/7)
Xamã & Vulgo FK, 'O Último Romântico Online' (💿 25/5)
Xande de Pilares, 'Xande Canta Caetano' (💿 4/8)
YMA & Jadsa, 'Zelena' (💿 26/5)
YOÙN, 'Unicórnio' (💿 26/10)
Zé Ibarra, 'Marquês, 256.' (💿 25/5)
Zimbra, 'Recortes' (💿 29/6)
Zudzilla, 'Zulu: Quarta Parede, Vol. 3' (💿 7/7)
✝✝✝, 'Goodnight, God Bless, I Love U, Delete.' (💿 13/10 | 🇺🇸)
Labrinth, 'Ends & Begins' (💿 28/4 | 🏴)
...and Oceans, 'As in Gardens, So in Tombs' (💿 27/1 | 🇫🇮)
Adanowsky, 'The Fool' (💿 21/4 | 🇫🇷🇲🇽)
Alison Goldfrapp, 'The Love Invention' (💿 12/5 | 🏴)
Altin Gün, 'Aşk' (💿 31/3 | 🇳🇱🇹🇷)
Aluna, 'MYCELiUM' (💿 7/7 | 🏴)
Andrew Bird, 'Outside Problems' (💿 21/7 | 🇺🇸)
Angel Olsen, 'Forever Means' (💿 14/4 | 🇺🇸)
ANOHNI & The Johnsons, 'My Back Was A Bridge For You To Cross' (💿 6/7 | 🏴)
Arlo Parks, 'My Soft Machine' (💿 26/5 | 🏴)
Ava Max, 'Diamonds & Dancefloors' (💿 27/1 | 🇺🇸)
Avenged Sevenfold, 'Life Is But a Dream...' (💿 2/6 | 🇺🇸)
Aya Nakamura, 'DNK' (💿 27/1 | 🇲🇱🇫🇷)
Beach Fossils, 'Bunny' (💿 2/6 | 🇺🇸)
Belle and Sebastian, 'Late Developers' (💿 21/10 | 🏴)
Ben Harper, 'Wide Open Light' (💿 2/6 | 🇺🇸)
Besta, 'Terra Em Desapego' (💿 4/8 | 🇵🇹)
Billie Marten, 'Drop Cherries' (💿 7/4 | 🏴)
blink-182, 'ONE MORE TIME...' (💿 20/10 | 🇺🇸)
Bloc Party, 'The High Life EP' (💿 21/7 | 🏴)
Blur, 'The Ballad of Darren' (💿 21/7 | 🏴)
Bo Milli, 'Making Friends EP' (💿 19/10 | 🇳🇴)
Bob Dylan, 'Shadow Kingdom' (💿 2/6 | 🇺🇸)
Bombino, 'Sahel' (💿 15/9 | 🇳🇪)
Bonnie "Prince" Billy, 'Keeping Secrets Will Destroy You' (💿 11/8 | 🇺🇸)
boygenius, 'the record' (💿 31/3 | 🇺🇸)
boygenius, 'the rest' (💿 13/10 | 🇺🇸)
Carly Rae Jepsen, 'The Loveliest Time' (💿 28/7 | 🇺🇸)
Caroline Polachek, 'Desire, I Want To Turn Into You' (💿 14/2 | 🇺🇸)
Cat Power, 'Cat Power Sings Dylan: The 1966 Royal Albert Hall Concert' (💿 10/11 | 🇺🇸)
Chlöe, 'In Pieces' (💿 31/3 | 🇺🇸)
City and Colour, 'The Love Still Held Me Near' (💿 31/3 | 🇨🇦)
Corinne Bailey Rae, 'Black Rainbows' (💿 15/9 | 🏴)
Courtney Barnett, 'End Of The Day' (💿 14/4 | 🇺🇸)
Crystal Fighters, 'LIGHT+' (💿 3/11 | 🏴🇪🇸)
Daft Punk, 'Random Access Memories (10th Anniversary Edition)' (💿 12/5 | 🇫🇷)
Daniil, '600' (💿 24/3 | 🇮🇸)
Daughter, 'Stereo Mind Game' (💿 7/4 | 🏴)
Death Cab for Cutie, 'Asphalt Meadows (Acoustic)' (💿 10/3 | 🇺🇸)
Deer Tick, 'Emotional Contracts' (💿 16/6 | 🇺🇸)
Depeche Mode, 'Memento Mori' (💿 24/3 | 🏴)
Devendra Banhart, 'Flying Wig' (💿 22/9 | 🇺🇸🇻🇪)
Django Django, 'Off Planet' (💿 16/6 | 🏴)
Doja Cat, 'Scarlet' (💿 22/9 | 🇺🇸)
Ed Sheeran, ' - (Deluxe)' (💿 5/5 | 🏴)
El Mató a un Policía Motorizado, 'Súper Terror' (💿 7/7 | 🇦🇷)
Elle King, 'Come Get Your Wife' (💿 27/1 | 🇺🇸)
Ellie Goulding, 'Higher Than Heaven' (💿 7/4 | 🏴)
Emilíana Torrini & The Colorist Orchestra, 'Racing The Storm' (💿 17/3 | 🇮🇸)
Ethan P. Flynn, 'Abandon All Hope' (💿 6/10 | 🏴)
feeble little horse, 'Girl with Fish' (💿 9/6 | 🇺🇸)
Feist, 'Multitudes' (💿 14/4 | 🇨🇦)
Fenne Lily, 'Big Picture' (💿 14/4 | 🏴)
Fever Ray, 'Radical Romantics' (💿 10/3 | 🇸🇪)
Flyte, 'Flyte' (💿 27/10 | 🏴)
Foo Fighters, 'But Here We Are' (💿 2/6 | 🇺🇸)
Fruit Bats, 'A River Running to Your Heart' (💿 14/5 | 🇺🇸)
Gabrielle Aplin, 'Phosphorescent' (💿 6/1 | 🏴)
Ghost, 'Phantomime' (💿 19/5 | 🇸🇪)
Great Gable, 'Read The Room' (💿 19/5 | 🇦🇺)
Greta Van Fleet, 'Starcatcher' (💿 21/7 | 🇺🇸)
Grian Chatten, 'Chaos For The Fly' (💿 30/6 | 🏴)
Grouplove, 'I Want It All Right Now' (💿 7/7 | 🇺🇸)
Gorillaz, 'Crack Island' (💿 25/2 | 🏴)
Hafdís Huld, 'Lullabies' (💿 5/5 | 🇮🇸)
Iggy Pop, 'EVERY LOSER' (💿 6/1 | 🇺🇸)
Iguana Death Cult, 'Echo Palace' (💿 12/5 | 🇦🇺)
ISSI, 'RAUÐ VIÐVÖRUN' (💿 7/4 | 🇮🇸)
James Blake, 'Playing Robots Into Heaven' (💿 8/9 | 🏴)
Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit, 'Weathervanes' (💿 9/6 | 🇺🇸)
Jastin Martin, 'Miss Me Yet?' (💿 11/8 | 🇺🇸)
Jenny Lewis, 'Joy'All' (💿 9/6 | 🇺🇸)
Jessie Ware, 'That! Feels Good!' (💿 28/4 | 🏴)
JFDR, 'Museum' (💿 28/4 | 🇮🇸)
Joanna Sternberg, 'I've Got Me' (💿 30/6 | 🇺🇸)
Júníus Meyvant, 'Live at Hljóðriti' (💿 20/1 | 🇮🇸)
Kali Uchis, 'Red Moon In Venus' (💿 3/3 | 🇨🇴)
Kaneko Ayano, 'タオルケットは穏やかな (A towel blanket is peaceful Hitorideni)' (💿 25/1 | 🇯🇵)
Kara Jackson, 'Why Does the Earth Give Us People to Love?' (💿 14/4 | 🇺🇸)
Keaton Henson, 'House Party' (💿 9/6 | 🏴)
Keaton Henson, 'House Party Acoustics' (💿 22/11 | 🏴)
Keke Palmer, 'Big Boss' (💿 12/5 | 🇺🇸)
Kele, 'The Flames pt. 2' (💿 24/3 | 🏴)
Kelela, 'Raven' (💿 10/2 | 🇺🇸)
Kelly Clarkson, 'chemistry' (💿 23/6 | 🇺🇸)
Killer Mike, 'MICHAEL' (💿 16/6 | 🇺🇸)
Kimbra, 'A Reckoning' (💿 27/1 | 🇳🇿)
King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard, 'PetroDragonic Apocalypse; or Dawn of Eternal Night: An Annihilation of Planet Earth and the Beginning of Merciless Damnation' (💿 16/6 | 🇦🇺)
King Krule, 'Space Heavy' (💿 9/6 | 🏴)
Lana Del Rey, 'Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd' (💿 24/3 | 🇺🇸)
Local Natives, 'Time Will Wait For No One' (💿 7/7 | 🇺🇸)
Logic, 'College Park' (💿 24/2 | 🇺🇸)
M83, 'Fantasy' (💿 17/3 | 🇫🇷)
Mac DeMarco, 'Five Easy Hot Dogs' (💿 20/1 | 🇨🇦)
Manchester Orchestra, 'The Valley Of Vision' (💿 10/3 | 🇺🇸)
Måneskin, 'RUSH!' (💿 20/1 | 🇮🇹)
Matt Elliott, 'The End of Days' (💿 7/4 | 🏴)
mehro, 'Dark Corners and Alchemy' (💿 23/3 | 🇺🇸)
Melanie Martinez, 'PORTALS' (💿 31/3 | 🇺🇸)
Metallica, '72 Seasons' (💿 14/4 | 🇺🇸)
Metric, 'Formentera II' (💿 13/10 | 🇨🇦)
Miles Kane, 'One Man Band' (💿 4/8 | 🏴)
Mitski, 'The Land Is Inhospitable and So Are We' (💿 15/9 | 🇺🇸)
Miya Folick, 'ROACH' (💿 26/5 | 🇺🇸)
Molotov, 'Sólo D'Lira' (💿 25/4 | 🇲🇽)
Nanna, 'How To Start A Garden' (💿 5/5 | 🇮🇸)
Neil Gaiman & FourPlay String Quartet, 'Signs of Life' (💿 28/4 | 🇺🇸)
Neil Young, 'Chrome Dreams' (💿 11/8 | 🇺🇸)
Neutral Milk Hotel, 'Ferris Wheel on Fire' (💿 24/2 | 🇺🇸)
Niall Horan, 'The Show' (💿 9/6 | 🇮🇪)
Nick Drake, 'The Endless Coloured Ways: The Songs of Nick Drake' (💿 7/7 | 🏴)
Nicole Dollanganger, 'Married in Mount Airy' (💿 6/1 | 🇨🇦)
Nicole Sabouné, 'Kismet' (💿 6/10 | 🇸🇪)
Ni'jah, 'Swarm' (💿 17/3 | 🇺🇸)
Niki & The Dove, 'This Is The Music' (💿 30/6 | 🇸🇪)
Noel Gallagher, 'Council Skies' (💿 2/6 | 🏴)
Olivia Rodrigo, 'GUTS' (💿 8/9 | 🇺🇸)
Palehound, 'Eye On The Bat' (💿 14/7 | 🇺🇸)
Paramore, 'This Is Why' (💿 10/2 | 🇺🇸)
PATRi!K, 'PBT' (💿 5/5 | 🇮🇸)
Pet Shop Boys, 'Lost' (💿 14/4 | 🏴)
Philip Selway, 'Strange Dance' (💿 24/2 | 🏴)
Pierce the Veil, 'The Jaws of Life' (💿 10/2 | 🇺🇸)
PJ Harvey, 'I Inside the Old Year Dying' (💿 7/7 | 🏴)
Rachel Sermanni, 'Dreamer Awake' (💿 15/9 | 🏴)
Rauw Alejandro, 'PLAYA SATURNO' (💿 7/7 |🇵🇷)
RHODES, 'Friends Like These' (💿 27/1 | 🏴)
Romy, 'Mid Air' (💿 8/9 | 🏴)
Rufus Wainwright, 'Folkocracy' (💿 2/6 | 🇺🇸🇨🇦)
RÚN, 'Gleym mér ei' (💿 20/10 | 🇮🇸)
Sam Smith, 'Gloria' (💿 27/1 | 🏴)
Selah Sue, 'Persona (Deluxe)' (💿 21/4 | 🇧🇪)
Shame, 'Food for Worms' (💿 24/2 | 🏴)
Sigur Rós, 'ÁTTA' (💿 16/6 | 🇮🇸)
Sin Fang, 'Sikadene (Original Score)' (💿 17/3 | 🇮🇸)
Sól án varma, 'Sól án varma' (💿 7/4 | 🇮🇸)
Son Lux, 'Alternate Forms' (💿 11/8 | 🇺🇸)
Song Hee-ran, 'I Heal You, Another Healing' (💿 18/7 |🇰🇷)
Sonic Youth, 'Live in Brooklyn, NY.' (💿 18/8 | 🇺🇸)
Spoon, 'Memory Dust' (💿 13/6 | 🇺🇸)
Soccer Mommy, 'Karaoke Night' (💿 22/9 | 🇨🇭🇺🇸)
Squid, 'O Monolith' (💿 9/6 | 🏴)
Sufjan Steves, 'Javelin' (💿 6/10 | 🇺🇸)
Summer Walker, 'CLEAR 2: SOFT LIFE EP' (💿 19/5 | 🇺🇸)
Susanne Sundfør, 'blómi' (💿 28/4 | 🇳🇴)
Taylor Swift, 'Speak Now (Taylor's Version)' (💿 7/7 | 🇺🇸)
Taylor Swift, '1989 (Taylor's Version)' (💿 27/10 | 🇺🇸)
T E M P O, 'Duet of Dualities' (💿 31/3 | 🇧🇯)
TeaMarrr, 'You Should Prolly Sit Down For This' (💿 17/11 | 🇺🇸)
Teenage Fanclub, 'Nothing Lasts Forever' (💿 22/9 | 🏴)
Tennis, 'Pollen' (💿 10/2 | 🇺🇸)
The Arcs, 'Electrophonic Chronic' (💿 27/1 | 🇺🇸)
The Joy, 'Hammarsdale' (💿 4/8 | 🇿🇦)
The National, 'First Two Pages of Frankenstein' (💿 28/4 | 🇺🇸)
The National, 'Laugh Track' (💿 18/9 | 🇺🇸)
The Smashing Pumpkins, 'ATUM' (💿 5/5 | 🇺🇸)
The Strokes, 'The Singles - Volume 01' (💿 24/2 | 🇺🇸)
The Tallest Man On Earth, 'Henry St.' (💿 14/4 | 🇸🇪)
Troye Sivan, 'Pop The Culture, Iconography' (💿 6/7 | 🇿🇦🇦🇺)
Troye Sivan, 'So Much To Miss In You' (💿 6/7 | 🇿🇦🇦🇺)
Troye Sivan, 'Something To Give Each Other' (💿 13/10 | 🇿🇦🇦🇺)
U.S. Girls, 'Bless This Mess' (💿 6/1 | 🇨🇦)
Usted Señalemelo, 'Tripolar' (💿 29/5 | 🇦🇷)
Vagabon, 'Sorry I Haven't Called' (💿 15/9 | 🇺🇸)
Wednesday, 'Rat Saw God' (💿 7/4 | 🇺🇸)
Will Butler + Sister Squares, 'Will Butler + Sister Squares' (💿 22/9 | 🇨🇦)
Yaya Bey, 'Exodus the North Star' (💿 24/3 | 🇺🇸)
Yo La Tengo, 'This Stupid World' (💿 10/2 | 🇺🇸)
Yo La Tengo, 'The Bunker Sessions' (💿 7/11 | 🇺🇸)
Young Thug, 'BUSINESS IS BUSINESS' (💿 23/6 | 🇺🇸)
Youth Lagoon, 'Heaven Is a Junkyard' (💿 9/6 | 🇺🇸)
Yusuf / Cat Stevens, 'King of a Land' (💿 9/6 | 🏴)
Yves Tumor, 'Praise a Lord Who Chews but Which Does Not Consume; (Or Simply, Hot Between Worlds)' (💿 17/3 | 🇺🇸)
Traducción de Lullabye (Goodnight My Angel)
Letra traducida a Español
Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.0
Tendencias de esta semana

Neton Vega

Kendrick Lamar - luther ft. SZA (Traducción al Español)
Kendrick Lamar

Bad Bunny

Die With A Smile ft. Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga

Tito Double P

Rearrange My World
Daniel Caesar

Tu Boda ft. Fuerza Regida
Óscar Maydon

Bend the Clock
Dream Theater

Ella y Yo (Remix)

ROSONES ft. Jorsshh
Fuerza Regida

Te Vas

Tito Double P

La Verdad

There’s a Field (That’s Only Yours)
Daniel Caesar

Not Like Us
Kendrick Lamar