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Aquamen de Sporty Thievz


Street cinema

14 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Aquamen

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La canción "Aquamen" del grupo Sporty Thievz, presente en su álbum "Street Cinema", nos sumerge en un relato lleno de intriga y acción. A través de sus letras, se narra una historia de un robo submarino planeado con precisión y ejecutado con valentía por los protagonistas, quienes se autodenominan los Aquamen.

La letra nos transporta a una conversación en un barco, donde los personajes discuten sobre la posibilidad de estar en la lista negra de la mafia debido a sus actividades ilícitas. A pesar del riesgo involucrado, deciden sumergirse para llevar a cabo el robo, demostrando determinación y audacia.

A lo largo de la canción, se describen detalladamente las acciones llevadas a cabo por los protagonistas durante el atraco submarino. Desde la preparación con equipos especializados hasta el momento crítico de encontrar el objetivo deseado, cada paso está meticulosamente narrado para sumergir al oyente en la trama delictiva.

Las metáforas utilizadas, como referencias a dispositivos de seguimiento y herramientas específicas para la práctica del buceo, contribuyen a crear una atmósfera llena de tensión y misterio. La urgencia y adrenalina presentes en las letras reflejan la intensidad del momento y mantienen al escucha atento e inmerso en la narrativa.

A nivel musical, la canción presenta un ritmo frenético que acompaña perfectamente el desarrollo de la historia. Los beats marcados y las bases rítmicas enfatizan la sensación de movimiento constante y acción trepidante que caracteriza al relato.

En cuanto al contexto cultural en el que fue lanzada la canción, cabe destacar su estreno en 2011, una época marcada por un interés creciente en historias narratives dentro del género hip-hop. El impacto de "Aquamen" radica en su capacidad para cautivar al público mediante una combinación única de letras ingeniosas y ritmos envolventes.

En conclusión, "Aquamen" es mucho más que una simple canción, es una experiencia auditiva que transporta al oyente a un mundo subacuático lleno de suspense y emoción. Con sus letras bien trabajadas y su energía contagiosa, Sporty Thievz logra crear una pieza musical inolvidable que ha dejado huella en el panorama musical.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

(conversation on boat)

(king kirk)
We might be on the mob's hitlist y'all really with this?
Well we got five minutes so dive in it and get it with the quickness
Dont get ridiculous bring what you can swim with that's the end of it
At 10:40 digit i want y'all back with the shit
Terrific we can sit sippin' crystal christmas
Bricks split it into triplets and distrubute like cigarettes
More chips than picnics hitting chicks and stuff
Marl and dubez keep in touch, you brothas, good luck

You got the flashlights?
Tracking device?
All we got is what, five? man it's time to dive
Me and marlon took it under, said it's best that we split up
Take what we can at 10:35, get up

(marlon brando)
Twenty degrees five minutes, me and dubez under siege
With ten minutes tops, it's up to us to run the ki's
Yo we fully prepared, scuba gear with the flares
Shark spears, dubez, wait for this school of fish to clear

We dove deeper, i tapped marlon, ayo, what's that i see there?
Could it be that we there? man them bricks better be there
Tracking device blinking nigga, oh shit that's it
Got four and a half minutes, if we blow this, that's it

(marlon brando)
Swam and dipped to a sunken abandoned ship
Sands quicker, one cought up and landed his
Tampered with the compass to make sure we on track
With bags, throw the ki's on that then we can mosey on back

(king kirk)
Sitting fronting like i'm fishing, so far no coast guard
Nervous but calm, heard my watch alarm, checked my arm
Time: two minutes, three left, sweat and nose running
In case let me load the gun shit a boat's coming

All this coke i'm getting greedy but i gotta fight the urge
With the ki's to the city in front of me submerged
Time's ticking, quick, we started the brick picking
Telling marl after this no more of the brick sticking
I see us pulling it off with no prob.
What a job, aquamen underwater robbin the mob
Took a look up, seen two boats and got shook up
Brando, what if that's the mob and them fucking the crook up?

(king kirk)
Grabbed the binocs, looked like cops, stashed the glock
They sailed up and stopped besides me and just watched
Finally one smiled at me then spoke finally
Nah, still trying to alright me and left silently

Yo i think my bag is worthy enough to hold thirty
Heard me? fuck these last three minutes, let' go early
Dude snap out of it yo he's trying to pack alot of it
Yo we gotta split or we get ourselves in hotter shit
Just grab what you can, you know we on a timed schedule
We can't go out greedy and do twenty-nine federal
We served out purpose, but now purpous in the worstess
Situation, gotta hurry back to the surface

(king kirk)
Loading ammo, 10:40, where they at? goddamn, yo
Oh no no, aw man yo here come italiano
Stashed the toast, but kept my hand close if they approach
Hope dubez and marlon scope before they come through floatin
>from italians boat heard words loud and clear
'hey paizano, tell that muly the get the fuck outtahea'
If it wasn't nine of 'em, i would've put one inside of him
But this predicament i'm in i ain't got no time to win

(marlon brando)
Yo we swam up, all i seen was kirk shoot the man up
Damn that fucked the plan up, more men in suits ran up
Kirk put his hands up, he acting like he surrendered
Yo he seen us intending to help that why he preteding

Climbed up on they boat while they bought kirk faking
Gat in each hand, fully armed like troy aikman
Took two out, bullets ricocheing and i ain't playin'
Tossed one gun to kirk and continued to keep spraying

(marlon brando)
Yo he saw me reaching, i went behind the boat creeping
Now i'm thinking 'i hope he's sleeping' we both peeped him like
Fuck the others, he saw me, i seen him
So i ran in they boat and shot him when he leaned in

Semi-auto glazed blazed, i'm thinking my arm grazed
Peeled back the last guiro, blood leaking through my speedo
Let's bail, blew up they boat, covered the trail
Send a kite to the block perrico is on sale

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.



Sporty thievz

Más canciones de Sporty Thievz