Dice la canción

City hall de Tenacious D


Tenacious d

14 de diciembre de 2011

La canción "City Hall" interpretada por Tenacious D es una pieza musical que destaca por su estilo enérgico y satírico, típico de este dúo de rock cómico. En esta canción, el protagonista critica ferozmente a los políticos y burócratas que ocupan City Hall, identificándolos como responsables del malestar de las personas en las calles. La letra expresa un llamado a la rebelión y a la protesta popular, instando a la gente común a levantarse contra un sistema corrupto y opresivo representado por aquellos en posiciones de poder.

A lo largo de la canción, se describe la idea de iniciar un levantamiento social para desafiar la autoridad establecida. Se menciona claramente la posibilidad de comenzar un motín, volcar objetos e incluso provocar incendios como formas de protesta contra la opresión oficial. Este mensaje subversivo se presenta con un tono humorístico y exagerado característico de Tenacious D, lo que añade una capa adicional de crítica social mediante el uso del absurdo y lo inesperado.

Además, el tema central de la canción gira en torno al concepto de liderazgo tras derrocar al gobierno corrupto. Se plantea la necesidad de reconstruir desde cero una nueva sociedad liderada por figuras capaces y comprometidas con el bienestar colectivo. Se sugiere una especie de utopía donde se legalice la marihuana, se elimine la contaminación ambiental y se busque una igualdad entre todas las personas sin distinciones económicas.

En cuanto al contexto cultural en el que fue lanzada la canción, Tenacious D es conocido por su estilo único que combina rock pesado con letras humorísticas e irreverentes. La crítica hacia las instituciones gubernamentales y el llamado a la acción directa muestran una postura contracultural característica del rock alternativo y del punk rock.

En términos musicales, "City Hall" cuenta con una estructura típica del hard rock combinada con elementos cómicos propios del estilo del grupo. Los instrumentos utilizados reflejan esa fusión entre lo pesado y lo gracioso, creando un ambiente festivo pero subversivo que acompaña perfectamente el mensaje provocador de la letra.

En resumen, "City Hall" es una canción cargada de crítica social envuelta en un tono humorístico propio de Tenacious D. A través de su música, el dúo logra transmitir un mensaje contundente sobre corrupción política, desigualdad social y resistencia popular. Es un tema que invita a reflexionar sobre el poder del individuo para generar cambios dentro de una sociedad injusta e inequitativa.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

All you people up there in city hall,
you're fuckin' it up for the people that's in the streets.
this is a song for the people in the streets,
not the people city hall.
all you motherfuckers in the streets it's time to rise up,
come along children and fuckin' rise
Lots of times when me and kg are watchin'
all the fuckin' shit that goes down at city hall,
we get the feeling we should fuck shit up,
yeah we should fuckin' start a riot.
a riot
We have 'em screaming in the streets,
we have 'em tippin' over shit and breakin' fuckin' windows of small businesses,
and settin' fuckin' fires
and settin' fuckin' fires
and settin' fuckin' fires

and then after the smoke is cleared,
and the rubble has been swept away,
me and kg will peek out our heads.
we've been watching the riots on a monitor twenty floors below sea level,
from a bunker.
We did it rage-kage, we beat the bastards of city hall
but now what will we do?
we must rebuild. but who will lead us in the rebuilding process?
man, it's got to be someone with the know-how
and the elbow grease to lead us to a new land.
no, not me and kg, we don't have the cognitive capacity to
alright, we'll do it

we'll lead as two kings,
we'll lead as two kings.
ahhhaaa (two kings, we'll lead as two kings)
ah-ha ah-how,
we'll lead as two kings.

the first decree is to legalize marijuana.
the tyranny and the bullshit's gone on too long.
you old fuckin' shrivs who blocked it's legalization,
you're banished from the land

we'll lead as two kings,
we'll lead as two kings.
ahhhaaa (two kings, we'll lead as two kings)
ah-ha ah-how,
lead as two kings.

the second decree: no more pollution, no more car exhaust,
or ocean dumpage. from now on, we will travel in tubes

we'll lead as two kings, oh, yeah,
we'll fuckin' lead as two kings.

get the scientists working on the tube technology, immediately.
(tube technology.) chop, chop, let's go.

third decree: no rich people: and poor people.
from now on, we will all be the ummm, i dunno,
i gotta think about

we'll lead as two kings
ah yeah, ah yeahhhahahaha.
ha-ha-ho-hee, ha-ha-ho-hee-ha-ha-ho-ho-ho-ho.

oh my god.
dude, the red phone is flashing.
oh, yeah.
let me scoop that up. hello? two kings.
who is it?
what? no no fucking way
rage, there's a potato famine in idaho, you gotta go down there
oh my what?
dude, i gotta stay here
why do i have to go?
please please
oh, god, okay.
is he gone? alright, emergency meeting of parliament.
all right parliament, i know this is fucked up,
but rage, he can't be king anymore.
dudes, he's encroaching on my decrees
seriously, let's make him "duke," a kick ass ";
or "leader formerly known as king," but-- uh-oh he's comin'

we'll lead as two kings, oh yes
we'll really lead as two kings.

uh, dude?
i went all over
uh, plenty of potatoes everywhere.
what? there was no famine?
yeah, there was no famine, no.
i don't know what's
long live the ";
long live the ";

long live me. i'm sorry, i poisoned your wine.
for the good of the land.
you p-- i poisoned huh heh, as well.

city, city, city, city, city, city, shitty.
shitty, city, shitty, shitty, city, city, shitty.
hall, hall, hall, hall, hall, hall, hall, hall.
People inside me are askin' me to smoke up city hall,
'cause no one here is talkin'.
people inside me are askin' me to blow up city hall,
'cause no one here is rockin'.
People inside me are askin' me to blow up city hall,
'cause everyone is rock-'em sock-'em robots.
everyone is rock-'em sock-'em robots.
everyone is rock-'em sock-'em go oh

don't, cut that part out.
we've got it.
um, do you believe in god?
i believe, i believe.
you do?
i believe in god. i believe in god.
i believe in god.
do you?
i believe in god.
Malibu nights

yeah, but you didn't fuckin' come out with this (one)--

i got some lyrics.

malibu nights, tangerine dreams,
malibu neighs, malibu dreams,
malibu, makin' a poo.
stinky poo, lookin'd view.
because it's time for my breakfast,
it's time for some cheese.
it's time for the stink,
time for the breeze,
time for hah-or-eeee