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All of the above de Transatlantic


Stolt morse portnoy trewavas

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de All of the above

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"All of the Above" de Transatlantic es una composición poética que abraza la belleza y el misterio de la naturaleza, personificando a la luna como un ser sonriente y enigmático que llega para llevarnos en un viaje emocional. A lo largo de la canción, se exploran diferentes estados de ánimo y sensaciones, desde la melancolía y la nostalgia hasta la esperanza y el amor inquebrantable.

La letra comienza con una descripción evocadora de la luna ascendiendo en todo su esplendor, simbolizando el renacimiento y la renovación constante. Las metáforas utilizadas transmiten una sensación de asombro y maravilla hacia lo celestial, destacando cómo incluso en los momentos de oscuridad, siempre hay luz disponible si estamos dispuestos a verla.

En la segunda parte de la canción, se nos lleva a través de las nostálgicas brisas del viento de octubre, recordando tiempos pasados ​​y lugares queridos que han sido bañados por el cambio estacional. Estos versos evocan sentimientos de pérdida y transformación inevitable, pero también resaltan la belleza efímera del presente.

El tercer segmento introduce una figura enigmática camuflada en azul, revelando capas ocultas detrás de una apariencia aparentemente trivial. La dualidad entre lo visible y lo invisible se entrelaza con un mensaje poderoso sobre la verdadera identidad que reside más allá de las apariencias superficiales.

En "Half Alive", se exploran las luchas internas y las decisiones difíciles que pueden llevar a sentirse incompleto o desconectado del propósito real. La búsqueda constante del significado y el lugar correcto en el mundo se refleja magistralmente en estos versos introspectivos.

Finalmente, "Undying Love" cierra la canción con una nota esperanzadora sobre el poder redentor del amor puro e inocente. A través de imágenes poéticas como Venus de Milo enmarcada contra paredes ferroviarias o caminatas solitarias bajo un cielo oscurecido, se explora la idea eterna del amor incondicional que trasciende las barreras del tiempo y espacio.

En resumen, "All of the Above" es una obra maestra lírica que invita al oyente a sumergirse en un mundo de emociones complejas y reflexiones profundas sobre la vida, el amor y la búsqueda constante de significado. Con su estilo progresivo rock épico e instrumentación majestuosa, Transatlantic logra crear una experiencia musical envolvente que perdura mucho después de que la canción haya terminado.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

I: full moon rising
In a state of fallen grace
with a smile upon it's face, it came !
full moon rising today
Like a child but fully grown
like a star but not so far away !
it came here to take me away
This has never been before
while the sun burns bright as day
light the sky - hold back no more
let the full moon rise today
full moon rising today
So there i was with my complaints
in the comfort of my restraints i stayed
i stayed and had nothing to say
but there it was returning for my eyes
like a fire that's been burning up the sky
full moon rising today

ii: october winds
There's a town i used to know
there's a place i used ti go to play
laughin' all the way
never thought of where i'd been
autumn wind came creepin' in one day
now summer's gone away
summer's gone away ........... hey
When october winds lay down
when the heat can't melt the ground
and nothing matters anyway
when october winds take hold
when you're down that dank dark road
maybe nothing matters anyway

iii: camouflaged in blue
Dead on your feet you walk like no one's home
out on the street you make your way alone
soldier of fortune camouflaged in blue
Dawn turns to dusk you sail away in doubt
love turns to lust you've turned it inside out
soldier of fortuen camouflaged in blue (but i know you)
All that you are is not the things you do
you know it's true
all that you are is camouflaged in blue
you know it's true
Dead on your feet you walk like no one's home
out on the street you make your way alone
soldier of fortune camouflaged in blue
but i know you now

iv: half alive
Don't just sit there wasting your time on the phone
don't be with that skank 'cause it hurts to be alone
and you swarm around like bees to the hive
and you look a man in full but you're half alive
One flew south, one to the east; one went to the west
you became the enemy just to be the best
waiting for your dream to arrive
you're whole and you're complete but you're half alive
Waiting for your dream to arrive
you're whole and you're complete but you're half alive

v: undying love
Pressed to the wall of the rail station hall is the venus de milo
you walk through the park 'til the clouds seem to darken the sky
and you wish you could soften your mind
but you feel like they've lockd you in time
and you think you'll be perfectly fine once you get to the water
Suddenly you stop 'cause your feet just won't walk
like there's someone awaiting
the moon seems alive and looks down on your life just to say
it's alright
Innocence and undying love will reign
innocence and undying love will reign
Hearing the call with your back to the wall in a wordless conundrum
half of your life 'tween a rose and a knife ain't it time ?
you're sure to find
Innocence and undying love will reign
innocence and undying love will reign
the world will soon be right again
innocence and undying love will reign
the world will soon be right again
innocence and undying love will reign

vi: full moon rising (reprise)
In a state of fallen grace, with a smile upon it's face, it came !
... full moon rising today
while the clock is turning fast, soak it up before it's passed away
let it become what it may
This has never been before
while the sun burns bright as day
light the sku - hold back no more
let the full moon rise today, full moon rising today
full moon rising today, full moon rising today

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.




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