Crónica de un baile de Vanesa Martín
Letra de Crónica de un baile
808 Luke & Fúria, 'Diamandra' (💿 16/6)
A Banda Mais Bonita da Cidade, 'Maré Alta, Enfim.' (💿 2/3)
Adriana Calcanhotto, 'Errante' (💿 31/3)
Afreekassia & G.A.B.O, 'SOU + EU' (💿 6/10)
ÀIYÉ, 'TRANSES' (💿 20/4)
Akira Presidente & Barba Negra, 'As Incríveis Histórias de: Underground Superhero vs O Terrível Ladrão de Loops' (💿 7/7)
amagatos, 'Valsa Vertigem (Sessões, Demos & Outtakes)' (💿 28/7)
Amanda Magalhães, 'Maré de Cheiro' (💿 10/5)
Ananda, 'Todas pra você que me fez sofrer' (💿 29/3)
Anna Vis, 'Como Um Bicho Vê' (💿 2/3)
Assucena, 'Lusco-Fusco' (💿 10/8)
ÀTTØØXXÁ, 'Groove' (💿 24/5)
Ava Rocha, 'NEKTAR' (💿 13/7)
Azzy, 'LOVEZY' (💿 10/10)
Bárbara Eugênia, 'Foi Tudo Culpa do Amor (Pérolas Populares, Vol. 1)' (💿 3/3)
Belagio, 'Nuvem 9' (💿 14/4)
Beli Remour, 'Cantigas para Não Dormir no Ponto' (💿 16/6)
Big Bllakk, 'ERREJOTACULTDRILL, Vol. 2 - Esquema Novo' (💿 7/7)
BIKE, 'Arte Bruta' (💿 5/5)
Budah, 'Budah' (💿 10/8)
Caio Luccas, 'Virus Love' (💿 12/6)
CASTELLUCCI, 'Lembranças' (💿 8/2)
Cazuza, 'Exagerados' (💿 30/6)
Clara Lima & Rizzi Get Busy, 'Além' (💿 1/2)
Clarice Falcão, 'Truquе' (💿 10/8)
Class A, 'Notas, Amores & Vícios' (💿 23/6)
COCOA MAMI, 'Arquétipo' (💿 20/5)
Coruja BC1, 'Versão Brasileira, Vol. 1' (💿 15/6)
Cynthia Luz, 'Afеtropia' (💿 8/6)
Davzera & Rei Lacoste, 'Robô de Roleta 50-50' (💿 14/7)
Diego & Victor Hugo, 'Ao Vivo em São Paulo' (💿 19/1)
Djonga, 'Inocente "Demotape"' (💿 13/10)
DK47, 'Senhor das Armas' (💿 11/10)
Do Amor, 'Problemão' (💿 31/3)
Domenico Lancellotti, 'sramba.' (💿 28/4)
DUDA BEAT, 'T3 4M0 L4 F0R4 RMX' (💿 2/2)
Duquesa, 'TAURUS' (💿 30/6)
Ebony, 'Terapia' (💿 18/10)
Ecologyk, 'Never Ghost' (💿 27/10)
Elza Soares, 'No Tempo da Intolerância' (💿 23/6)
Fabiano do Nascimento, Vittor Santos e Orquestra, 'Lendas' (💿 19/1)
Febem, Fleezus & CESRV, 'BRIME! (Deluxe)' (💿 17/11)
Fi Barreto, 'Kéramos' (💿 25/10)
Fleezus, 'OFF MODE' (💿 25/8)
Frederico Heliodoro, 'The Weight of the News' (💿 24/2)
Froid, 'OgEMr' (💿 18/8)
FBC, 'O Amor, o Perdão e a Tecnologia Irão nos Levar para Outro Planeta' (💿 28/7)
FBC & VHOOR, 'Dias Antes do Baile' (💿 24/2)
Gabbre, 'don't rush greatness' (💿 31/3)
Gabriel Campos, '12 Meses' (💿 7/4)
Gabriel O Pensador, 'Antídoto Pra Todo Tipo de Veneno' (💿 15/9)
Gloria Groove, 'FUTURO FLUXO' (💿 9/11)
Guxta, 'Primeiro Salário' (💿 26/5)
Holger, 'Más Línguas' (💿 14/7)
Humberto Gessinger, 'Power Trio' (💿 12/9)
Iara Rennó, 'Orí Okàn' (💿 26/5)
IZA, 'AFRODHIT' (💿 3/8)
Iza Sabino, 'Amar Dói' (💿 31/3)
Jaloo, 'MAU' (💿 25/10)
Jambu, 'tudo é mt distante' (💿 17/3)
Jão, 'SUPER' (💿 15/8)
Jards Macalé, 'Coração Bifurcado' (💿 28/4)
Jé Santiago, 'O Bagulho É Trap II' (💿 8/12)
Jenni Mosello, 'FEMMINA' (💿 26/5)
Jonathan Ferr, 'Liberdade' (💿 27/1)
Jovem MK, 'Da Viela Pro Mundo' (💿 21/4)
Jovem MK, 'Jovem Cara' (💿 29/9)
Julia Mestre, 'ARREPIADA' (💿 12/4)
Juliano Gauche, 'Tenho acordado dentro dos sonhos' (💿 24/3)
Juyè, 'Bem Pra Frente (Lado B)' (💿 27/1)
Kaê Guajajara, 'Zahytata' (💿 21/4)
Kayblack, 'Contradições' (💿 31/3)
Kurt Sutil, 'Me Pergunta Como Foi Meu Dia' (💿 8/3)
Kyan & MU540, 'UM quebrada inteligente!' (💿 13/7)
Ladrilho, 'Uma Coisa de Cada Vez' (💿 31/3)
Letícia Fialho, Murica & Beatdomk, 'O que restou da Maravilha' (💿 4/10)
Letrux, 'Letrux como Mulher Girafa' (💿 30/6)
Lheo Zotto, 'Nossa Senhora do Boom Bap Sagrado' (💿 23/1)
Lheo Zotto & Eibe Lapaz, 'Efeito Eskambo, Vol. III' (💿 5/4)
Lirinha, 'MÊIKE RÁS FÂN' (💿 28/4)
Lô Borges, 'Não Me Espere Na Estação' (💿 20/1)
Luan Santana, 'LUAN CITY 2.0 - FASE 1' (💿 8/6)
Lucas Santtana, 'O Paraíso' (💿 13/1)
Luccas Carlos, 'Dois' (💿 7/11)
LUDMILLA, 'VILÃ' (💿 24/3)
Luiz Lins, 'Plástico' (💿 27/7)
Luiza Lian, '7 Estrelas | quem arrancou o céu?' (💿 28/7)
Lurdez da Luz, 'Devastada' (💿 10/3)
Mahmundi, 'Amor Fati' (💿 5/5)
Major RD, 'Ascensão do Cisne Negro' (💿 27/9)
Majur, 'ARRISCA' (💿 4/5)
Marcão Baixada, 'REPERTÓRIO.' (💿 13/4)
Marcellin, 'O Que Aprendi Com Dona Daria' (💿 12/12)
Marcelo D2, 'IBORU' (💿 14/6)
Marcelo Jeneci, 'Caravana Sairé' (💿 14/7)
Marcelo Tofani, 'fantasia de um amor perfeito' (💿 9/5)
Marina Sena, 'Vício Inerente' (💿 27/4)
Martinho da Vila, 'Negra Ópera' (💿 12/5)
Maru2D, 'CTB' (💿 8/5)
Mateus Fazeno Rock, 'Jesus Ñ Voltará' (💿 28/4)
Matheus Mota, 'Tribufu' (💿 2/2)
MC Cabelinho, 'LITTLE LOVE (DELUXE)' (💿 4/5)
MD Chefe, 'Baby Chefe' (💿 2/2)
Modern Cosmology, 'What Will You Grow Now?' (💿 5/5)
Nic Dias, 'Bad Bitch (Relikia)' (💿 24/11)
niLL, 'O Resgate do Maestro' (💿 29/6)
Nuven, 'Zero' (💿 27/4)
ogoin & Linguini, 'Ogoin & Linguini: TV Show' (💿 8/12)
Orochi, 'Vida Cara' (💿 9/1)
Os Tincoãs, 'Canto Coral Afrobrasileiro' (💿 20/4)
Pabllo Vittar, 'Noitada' (💿 8/2)
Pabllo Vittar, 'AFTER' (💿 27/7)
PAIGE, 'Pretchuka' (💿 6/10)
Papatinho, 'Baile do Papato' (💿 21/7)
Pato Fu, '30' (💿 31/3)
Pineapple, Derxan & Big Bllakk, 'Músicas Para Fumar Balão' (💿 20/4)
P.L.K & CESRV, 'O Mundo é Seu Neguin' (💿 3/7)
pumapjl & SonoTWS, 'Autodomínio' (💿 28/7)
Puro Suco, 'Cacau' (💿 18/7)
R0DD, 'Trinta' (💿 12/1)
Raffa Moreira, 'Beleza Exótica' (💿 10/3)
Raquel Martins, 'Empty Flower' (💿 17/2)
Renan Inquérito, 'ABRAKBÇA' (💿 24/1)
Rock Danger, 'Mixtape Rock Danger de Verão' (💿 6/2)
Rodrigo Campos, 'Pagode Novo' (💿 1/3)
Rodrigo Ogi, 'Aleatoriamente' (💿 27/9)
Romulo Fróes & Tiago Rosas, 'Na Goela' (💿 28/2)
Rubel, 'AS PALAVRAS, VOL. 1 & 2' (💿 3/3)
Ryu, the Runner, 'Essa é a Vida de um Corredor' (💿 3/3)
Ryu, the Runner, 'EVDC DELUXE' (💿 28/7)
Sain, 'KTT ZOO' (💿 7/7)
Sant, 'de: para:' (💿 11/8)
Sara Não Tem Nome, 'A Situação' (💿 13/1)
Saulo, 'Dançando com o Tempo' (💿 16/6)
Silva & Liniker, 'Silva & Liniker (Ao Vivo)' (💿 22/9)
slipmami, 'Malvatrem' (💿 25/1)
Sueth, 'SUETHSEASON' (💿 10/8)
Tagua Tagua, 'Tanto' (💿 3/3)
Tasha, Tracie, Kyan & Gregory, 'Yin Yang' (💿 8/6)
Terno Rei, 'b_sides gēmeos' (💿 11/7)
terraplana, 'olhar pra trás' (💿 1/3)
Tícia, 'Sagrada e Profana' (💿 2/2)
Tori, 'Descese (Lado B)' (💿 26/1)
Tunico, 'Tunico' (💿 24/2)
Tuyo, 'Tuyo Acústico' (💿 26/10)
Urias, 'HER MIND' (💿 8/6)
Veigh, 'Dos Prédios Deluxe' (💿 19/5)
VHOOR, 'Expirado' (💿 28/4)
Victor Xamã, 'GARCIA' (💿 31/3)
VOVO & Janluska, 'DEBUT' (💿 4/4)
Vulgo FK, 'Perdas & Ganhos' (💿 14/7)
Xamã & Vulgo FK, 'O Último Romântico Online' (💿 25/5)
Xande de Pilares, 'Xande Canta Caetano' (💿 4/8)
YMA & Jadsa, 'Zelena' (💿 26/5)
YOÙN, 'Unicórnio' (💿 26/10)
Zé Ibarra, 'Marquês, 256.' (💿 25/5)
Zimbra, 'Recortes' (💿 29/6)
Zudzilla, 'Zulu: Quarta Parede, Vol. 3' (💿 7/7)
✝✝✝, 'Goodnight, God Bless, I Love U, Delete.' (💿 13/10 | 🇺🇸)
Labrinth, 'Ends & Begins' (💿 28/4 | 🏴)
...and Oceans, 'As in Gardens, So in Tombs' (💿 27/1 | 🇫🇮)
Adanowsky, 'The Fool' (💿 21/4 | 🇫🇷🇲🇽)
Alison Goldfrapp, 'The Love Invention' (💿 12/5 | 🏴)
Altin Gün, 'Aşk' (💿 31/3 | 🇳🇱🇹🇷)
Aluna, 'MYCELiUM' (💿 7/7 | 🏴)
Andrew Bird, 'Outside Problems' (💿 21/7 | 🇺🇸)
Angel Olsen, 'Forever Means' (💿 14/4 | 🇺🇸)
ANOHNI & The Johnsons, 'My Back Was A Bridge For You To Cross' (💿 6/7 | 🏴)
Arlo Parks, 'My Soft Machine' (💿 26/5 | 🏴)
Ava Max, 'Diamonds & Dancefloors' (💿 27/1 | 🇺🇸)
Avenged Sevenfold, 'Life Is But a Dream...' (💿 2/6 | 🇺🇸)
Aya Nakamura, 'DNK' (💿 27/1 | 🇲🇱🇫🇷)
Beach Fossils, 'Bunny' (💿 2/6 | 🇺🇸)
Belle and Sebastian, 'Late Developers' (💿 21/10 | 🏴)
Ben Harper, 'Wide Open Light' (💿 2/6 | 🇺🇸)
Besta, 'Terra Em Desapego' (💿 4/8 | 🇵🇹)
Billie Marten, 'Drop Cherries' (💿 7/4 | 🏴)
blink-182, 'ONE MORE TIME...' (💿 20/10 | 🇺🇸)
Bloc Party, 'The High Life EP' (💿 21/7 | 🏴)
Blur, 'The Ballad of Darren' (💿 21/7 | 🏴)
Bo Milli, 'Making Friends EP' (💿 19/10 | 🇳🇴)
Bob Dylan, 'Shadow Kingdom' (💿 2/6 | 🇺🇸)
Bombino, 'Sahel' (💿 15/9 | 🇳🇪)
Bonnie "Prince" Billy, 'Keeping Secrets Will Destroy You' (💿 11/8 | 🇺🇸)
boygenius, 'the record' (💿 31/3 | 🇺🇸)
boygenius, 'the rest' (💿 13/10 | 🇺🇸)
Carly Rae Jepsen, 'The Loveliest Time' (💿 28/7 | 🇺🇸)
Caroline Polachek, 'Desire, I Want To Turn Into You' (💿 14/2 | 🇺🇸)
Cat Power, 'Cat Power Sings Dylan: The 1966 Royal Albert Hall Concert' (💿 10/11 | 🇺🇸)
Chlöe, 'In Pieces' (💿 31/3 | 🇺🇸)
City and Colour, 'The Love Still Held Me Near' (💿 31/3 | 🇨🇦)
Corinne Bailey Rae, 'Black Rainbows' (💿 15/9 | 🏴)
Courtney Barnett, 'End Of The Day' (💿 14/4 | 🇺🇸)
Crystal Fighters, 'LIGHT+' (💿 3/11 | 🏴🇪🇸)
Daft Punk, 'Random Access Memories (10th Anniversary Edition)' (💿 12/5 | 🇫🇷)
Daniil, '600' (💿 24/3 | 🇮🇸)
Daughter, 'Stereo Mind Game' (💿 7/4 | 🏴)
Death Cab for Cutie, 'Asphalt Meadows (Acoustic)' (💿 10/3 | 🇺🇸)
Deer Tick, 'Emotional Contracts' (💿 16/6 | 🇺🇸)
Depeche Mode, 'Memento Mori' (💿 24/3 | 🏴)
Devendra Banhart, 'Flying Wig' (💿 22/9 | 🇺🇸🇻🇪)
Django Django, 'Off Planet' (💿 16/6 | 🏴)
Doja Cat, 'Scarlet' (💿 22/9 | 🇺🇸)
Ed Sheeran, ' - (Deluxe)' (💿 5/5 | 🏴)
El Mató a un Policía Motorizado, 'Súper Terror' (💿 7/7 | 🇦🇷)
Elle King, 'Come Get Your Wife' (💿 27/1 | 🇺🇸)
Ellie Goulding, 'Higher Than Heaven' (💿 7/4 | 🏴)
Emilíana Torrini & The Colorist Orchestra, 'Racing The Storm' (💿 17/3 | 🇮🇸)
Ethan P. Flynn, 'Abandon All Hope' (💿 6/10 | 🏴)
feeble little horse, 'Girl with Fish' (💿 9/6 | 🇺🇸)
Feist, 'Multitudes' (💿 14/4 | 🇨🇦)
Fenne Lily, 'Big Picture' (💿 14/4 | 🏴)
Fever Ray, 'Radical Romantics' (💿 10/3 | 🇸🇪)
Flyte, 'Flyte' (💿 27/10 | 🏴)
Foo Fighters, 'But Here We Are' (💿 2/6 | 🇺🇸)
Fruit Bats, 'A River Running to Your Heart' (💿 14/5 | 🇺🇸)
Gabrielle Aplin, 'Phosphorescent' (💿 6/1 | 🏴)
Ghost, 'Phantomime' (💿 19/5 | 🇸🇪)
Great Gable, 'Read The Room' (💿 19/5 | 🇦🇺)
Greta Van Fleet, 'Starcatcher' (💿 21/7 | 🇺🇸)
Grian Chatten, 'Chaos For The Fly' (💿 30/6 | 🏴)
Grouplove, 'I Want It All Right Now' (💿 7/7 | 🇺🇸)
Gorillaz, 'Crack Island' (💿 25/2 | 🏴)
Hafdís Huld, 'Lullabies' (💿 5/5 | 🇮🇸)
Iggy Pop, 'EVERY LOSER' (💿 6/1 | 🇺🇸)
Iguana Death Cult, 'Echo Palace' (💿 12/5 | 🇦🇺)
ISSI, 'RAUÐ VIÐVÖRUN' (💿 7/4 | 🇮🇸)
James Blake, 'Playing Robots Into Heaven' (💿 8/9 | 🏴)
Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit, 'Weathervanes' (💿 9/6 | 🇺🇸)
Jastin Martin, 'Miss Me Yet?' (💿 11/8 | 🇺🇸)
Jenny Lewis, 'Joy'All' (💿 9/6 | 🇺🇸)
Jessie Ware, 'That! Feels Good!' (💿 28/4 | 🏴)
JFDR, 'Museum' (💿 28/4 | 🇮🇸)
Joanna Sternberg, 'I've Got Me' (💿 30/6 | 🇺🇸)
Júníus Meyvant, 'Live at Hljóðriti' (💿 20/1 | 🇮🇸)
Kali Uchis, 'Red Moon In Venus' (💿 3/3 | 🇨🇴)
Kaneko Ayano, 'タオルケットは穏やかな (A towel blanket is peaceful Hitorideni)' (💿 25/1 | 🇯🇵)
Kara Jackson, 'Why Does the Earth Give Us People to Love?' (💿 14/4 | 🇺🇸)
Keaton Henson, 'House Party' (💿 9/6 | 🏴)
Keaton Henson, 'House Party Acoustics' (💿 22/11 | 🏴)
Keke Palmer, 'Big Boss' (💿 12/5 | 🇺🇸)
Kele, 'The Flames pt. 2' (💿 24/3 | 🏴)
Kelela, 'Raven' (💿 10/2 | 🇺🇸)
Kelly Clarkson, 'chemistry' (💿 23/6 | 🇺🇸)
Killer Mike, 'MICHAEL' (💿 16/6 | 🇺🇸)
Kimbra, 'A Reckoning' (💿 27/1 | 🇳🇿)
King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard, 'PetroDragonic Apocalypse; or Dawn of Eternal Night: An Annihilation of Planet Earth and the Beginning of Merciless Damnation' (💿 16/6 | 🇦🇺)
King Krule, 'Space Heavy' (💿 9/6 | 🏴)
Lana Del Rey, 'Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd' (💿 24/3 | 🇺🇸)
Local Natives, 'Time Will Wait For No One' (💿 7/7 | 🇺🇸)
Logic, 'College Park' (💿 24/2 | 🇺🇸)
M83, 'Fantasy' (💿 17/3 | 🇫🇷)
Mac DeMarco, 'Five Easy Hot Dogs' (💿 20/1 | 🇨🇦)
Manchester Orchestra, 'The Valley Of Vision' (💿 10/3 | 🇺🇸)
Måneskin, 'RUSH!' (💿 20/1 | 🇮🇹)
Matt Elliott, 'The End of Days' (💿 7/4 | 🏴)
mehro, 'Dark Corners and Alchemy' (💿 23/3 | 🇺🇸)
Melanie Martinez, 'PORTALS' (💿 31/3 | 🇺🇸)
Metallica, '72 Seasons' (💿 14/4 | 🇺🇸)
Metric, 'Formentera II' (💿 13/10 | 🇨🇦)
Miles Kane, 'One Man Band' (💿 4/8 | 🏴)
Mitski, 'The Land Is Inhospitable and So Are We' (💿 15/9 | 🇺🇸)
Miya Folick, 'ROACH' (💿 26/5 | 🇺🇸)
Molotov, 'Sólo D'Lira' (💿 25/4 | 🇲🇽)
Nanna, 'How To Start A Garden' (💿 5/5 | 🇮🇸)
Neil Gaiman & FourPlay String Quartet, 'Signs of Life' (💿 28/4 | 🇺🇸)
Neil Young, 'Chrome Dreams' (💿 11/8 | 🇺🇸)
Neutral Milk Hotel, 'Ferris Wheel on Fire' (💿 24/2 | 🇺🇸)
Niall Horan, 'The Show' (💿 9/6 | 🇮🇪)
Nick Drake, 'The Endless Coloured Ways: The Songs of Nick Drake' (💿 7/7 | 🏴)
Nicole Dollanganger, 'Married in Mount Airy' (💿 6/1 | 🇨🇦)
Nicole Sabouné, 'Kismet' (💿 6/10 | 🇸🇪)
Ni'jah, 'Swarm' (💿 17/3 | 🇺🇸)
Niki & The Dove, 'This Is The Music' (💿 30/6 | 🇸🇪)
Noel Gallagher, 'Council Skies' (💿 2/6 | 🏴)
Olivia Rodrigo, 'GUTS' (💿 8/9 | 🇺🇸)
Palehound, 'Eye On The Bat' (💿 14/7 | 🇺🇸)
Paramore, 'This Is Why' (💿 10/2 | 🇺🇸)
PATRi!K, 'PBT' (💿 5/5 | 🇮🇸)
Pet Shop Boys, 'Lost' (💿 14/4 | 🏴)
Philip Selway, 'Strange Dance' (💿 24/2 | 🏴)
Pierce the Veil, 'The Jaws of Life' (💿 10/2 | 🇺🇸)
PJ Harvey, 'I Inside the Old Year Dying' (💿 7/7 | 🏴)
Rachel Sermanni, 'Dreamer Awake' (💿 15/9 | 🏴)
Rauw Alejandro, 'PLAYA SATURNO' (💿 7/7 |🇵🇷)
RHODES, 'Friends Like These' (💿 27/1 | 🏴)
Romy, 'Mid Air' (💿 8/9 | 🏴)
Rufus Wainwright, 'Folkocracy' (💿 2/6 | 🇺🇸🇨🇦)
RÚN, 'Gleym mér ei' (💿 20/10 | 🇮🇸)
Sam Smith, 'Gloria' (💿 27/1 | 🏴)
Selah Sue, 'Persona (Deluxe)' (💿 21/4 | 🇧🇪)
Shame, 'Food for Worms' (💿 24/2 | 🏴)
Sigur Rós, 'ÁTTA' (💿 16/6 | 🇮🇸)
Sin Fang, 'Sikadene (Original Score)' (💿 17/3 | 🇮🇸)
Sól án varma, 'Sól án varma' (💿 7/4 | 🇮🇸)
Son Lux, 'Alternate Forms' (💿 11/8 | 🇺🇸)
Song Hee-ran, 'I Heal You, Another Healing' (💿 18/7 |🇰🇷)
Sonic Youth, 'Live in Brooklyn, NY.' (💿 18/8 | 🇺🇸)
Spoon, 'Memory Dust' (💿 13/6 | 🇺🇸)
Soccer Mommy, 'Karaoke Night' (💿 22/9 | 🇨🇭🇺🇸)
Squid, 'O Monolith' (💿 9/6 | 🏴)
Sufjan Steves, 'Javelin' (💿 6/10 | 🇺🇸)
Summer Walker, 'CLEAR 2: SOFT LIFE EP' (💿 19/5 | 🇺🇸)
Susanne Sundfør, 'blómi' (💿 28/4 | 🇳🇴)
Taylor Swift, 'Speak Now (Taylor's Version)' (💿 7/7 | 🇺🇸)
Taylor Swift, '1989 (Taylor's Version)' (💿 27/10 | 🇺🇸)
T E M P O, 'Duet of Dualities' (💿 31/3 | 🇧🇯)
TeaMarrr, 'You Should Prolly Sit Down For This' (💿 17/11 | 🇺🇸)
Teenage Fanclub, 'Nothing Lasts Forever' (💿 22/9 | 🏴)
Tennis, 'Pollen' (💿 10/2 | 🇺🇸)
The Arcs, 'Electrophonic Chronic' (💿 27/1 | 🇺🇸)
The Joy, 'Hammarsdale' (💿 4/8 | 🇿🇦)
The National, 'First Two Pages of Frankenstein' (💿 28/4 | 🇺🇸)
The National, 'Laugh Track' (💿 18/9 | 🇺🇸)
The Smashing Pumpkins, 'ATUM' (💿 5/5 | 🇺🇸)
The Strokes, 'The Singles - Volume 01' (💿 24/2 | 🇺🇸)
The Tallest Man On Earth, 'Henry St.' (💿 14/4 | 🇸🇪)
Troye Sivan, 'Pop The Culture, Iconography' (💿 6/7 | 🇿🇦🇦🇺)
Troye Sivan, 'So Much To Miss In You' (💿 6/7 | 🇿🇦🇦🇺)
Troye Sivan, 'Something To Give Each Other' (💿 13/10 | 🇿🇦🇦🇺)
U.S. Girls, 'Bless This Mess' (💿 6/1 | 🇨🇦)
Usted Señalemelo, 'Tripolar' (💿 29/5 | 🇦🇷)
Vagabon, 'Sorry I Haven't Called' (💿 15/9 | 🇺🇸)
Wednesday, 'Rat Saw God' (💿 7/4 | 🇺🇸)
Will Butler + Sister Squares, 'Will Butler + Sister Squares' (💿 22/9 | 🇨🇦)
Yaya Bey, 'Exodus the North Star' (💿 24/3 | 🇺🇸)
Yo La Tengo, 'This Stupid World' (💿 10/2 | 🇺🇸)
Yo La Tengo, 'The Bunker Sessions' (💿 7/11 | 🇺🇸)
Young Thug, 'BUSINESS IS BUSINESS' (💿 23/6 | 🇺🇸)
Youth Lagoon, 'Heaven Is a Junkyard' (💿 9/6 | 🇺🇸)
Yusuf / Cat Stevens, 'King of a Land' (💿 9/6 | 🏴)
Yves Tumor, 'Praise a Lord Who Chews but Which Does Not Consume; (Or Simply, Hot Between Worlds)' (💿 17/3 | 🇺🇸)
Traducción de Crónica de un baile
Letra traducida a Español
Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.0
Tendencias de esta semana
Ella y Yo (Remix)
ROSONES ft. Jorsshh
Fuerza Regida
La Verdad
Beny Jr
Khé? ft. Romeo Santos
Rauw Alejandro
Ya Lo Sé Que Tú Te Vas ft. Franco de Vita
Juan Gabriel
Procuro Olvidarte
Alejandro Fernandez
Perreo Sucio
Juanka El Problematik
carin leon
Elle t’a tué
Te Vas
0 Sentimientos (Remix)
Jon Z
Ya No Te Creo
Karol G
Hymne (original)