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Ashley ft. Miguel de Big Sean


Hall Of Fame

25 de enero de 2014

Significado de Ashley ft. Miguel

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La canción "Ashley" interpretada por Big Sean en colaboración con Miguel, es una expresión profunda de amor y gratitud hacia la pareja. La letra narra las vivencias de una relación a lo largo del tiempo, desde momentos difíciles hasta los más gratificantes. Se destaca el valor de la pareja, reconociendo tanto los momentos felices como los desafíos superados juntos.

La canción comienza con Big Sean expresando la suerte que siente al tener a su chica a su lado, destacando incluso materialmente todo lo que ha adquirido pero resaltando que nada se compara con tenerla a ella. Luego, recuerda momentos de escasez económica en los cuales valoraban las pequeñas cosas y las experiencias compartidas, demostrando que la riqueza no siempre se relaciona con lo material.

En el transcurso de la letra, Big Sean también hace referencia a sus errores y arrepentimientos en la relación. Reconoce haber fallado en ser fiel y le pide perdón por no haber estado a la altura de lo que ella merecía. Describe las consecuencias de sus acciones y cómo afectaron a su pareja, mostrando vulnerabilidad y remordimiento genuino.

El verso donde menciona sentir miedo de perderla y encontrar alguien más que la valore como se merece revela el temor a perder un amor verdadero por sus errores. A pesar de ello, reconoce su valía y su importancia en su vida, comprometiéndose a mantenerse firme a su lado.

La canción es una mezcla única entre confesión personal e historia de amor, mostrando tanto momentos felices como difíciles en una relación auténtica. A través de letras emocionales y sinceridad en los sentimientos expresados, Big Sean logra transmitir un profundo mensaje sobre el significado del amor verdadero y el compromiso inquebrantable hacia esa persona especial.

En cuanto al contexto artístico de Big Sean, esta canción se distingue por su honestidad emocional y vulnerabilidad, elementos recurrentes en muchas de sus composiciones. La colaboración con Miguel añade una capa adicional de sensibilidad vocal y musical que complementa perfectamente la narrativa lírica.

En definitiva, "Ashley" es mucho más que una simple canción sobre relaciones sentimentales: es un tributo apasionado al compañerismo amoroso, con todos sus altibajos incluidos. Su contenido emotivo resuena profundamente en quienes han experimentado el complejo viaje del amor verdadero.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

And I, I wouldn't trade it for the world, world, world
And I, Just so fucking lucky you're my girl, girl, girl
And I, I wouldn't trade it for anything
No, no, no not anything
And you

Yeah, I got a brand new Benz
Crazy right, brand new Benz
Got less miles on it than I do friends
Remember when we laid at you and Paige’s crib
Was there so long I coulda paid rent
Remember when we couldn’t get shit?
Best thing bout being broke is you don’t spend shit
Remember that Christmas? We had a wish list
We couldn’t afford nothin' but we still get shit
Ironically those were the times I felt the richest
All those times that we spent by the pool girl
Was too broke to even take you to the zoo girl
Maybe its because I had you girl
Was thinking about when we went to London and Paris
And gave each other times that we cherished
Remember when you saw the Eiffel Tower
And you got so drunk threw up? Yup you were so embarrassed
See those are times I can’t let go, I can’t let go
Man I hate to see you single
in the club looking for kisses and hugs
So you Sipping on XO til I snatch you up like “let’s go”

And I, I wouldn't trade it for the world, world, world
And I, Just so fucking lucky you're my girl, girl, girl
And I, I wouldn't trade it for anything
No, no, no not anything
And you

My bad for those long long nights,
long nights when I left you in the sheets
Sorry for when you had to cry yourself to sleep
Tried to count on me and I made you count sheep
Sorry when you put your faith in me I was unfaithful,
disgraceful, distasteful
Yeah I know you’re not supposed to hate cake and eat too
Crazy how these hoes always kept my plate full
What about the emails you hacked in?
I know we hate to live in the past-tense
It’s been weird since I went out west
and did an album with No I.D
And ain’t came back since
Now we the best in the city, I rep for the city
That’s about the time that you left for the city
You and all your girls moved to NY
I shoulda’ known now how you watch Sex And The City
I know we ain’t close but, I gotta focus on blowing up
I know I promised that I’d be there,
and really did I ever show up?
I know I wasn’t honest to ya girl
Almost broke every promise to ya girl
Brought problems to your world
And you said “how could you just lie to me?
I thought you’d die for me?”
I was scared you’d find somebody
who would treat you like you supposed to
You the type niggas get close to,
get close to, and then propose to
And when Thanksgiving come around
I ain't tryna bring hoes through to momma
So it’s back to the drama
“No I don’t know that number”
“Why the hell you text it?”
Heartbreak hotel man, with no exit just checked in
Young and living reckless

And I, I wouldn't trade it for the world, world, world
And I, Just so fucking lucky you're my girl, girl, girl
And I, I wouldn't trade it for anything
No, no, no not anything
And you

Can't nobody do it like you do it,
like you do it, like you do it, like you
I can't imagine myself without you
I need a whole lot of help without you
Me and my granny both agreed
Damn you're such a G I’ll hold you down forever, B

And I, I wouldn't trade it for the world, world, world
And I, Just so fucking lucky you're my girl, girl, girl
And I, I wouldn't trade it for anything
No, no, no not anything
And you

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.